View Full Version : General discussion about log homes and log cabins

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  1. Old log place on market - pretty sweet
  2. Veterans Day...
  3. "I built this place!" with a pride that not many will ever match.... You can too!!
  4. Hello everyone
  5. January 2012 Log Home Class
  6. DIY home security systems
  7. Talking About Log Houses Homes Too Much?
  8. Is this possible ?
  9. Looking to buy logs close to Western Kentucky
  10. Happy Turkey, Everyone!
  11. Labor Trading in the Association (Ohio)
  12. Im new and need advice ...
  13. Signed up for January Class. Ya Hoo
  14. " build as small as you can afford"
  15. Recent Successes and/or Current Projects?
  16. Log house on Stilts?
  17. What led you to LHBA?
  18. Question - Build or Purchase
  19. curing logs
  20. Does LHBA teach chinkless construction?
  21. Administrivia: Regular+ user
  22. LHBA Membership Beyond the 'Net
  23. gambrel roof
  24. March 2012 Log Home Class!!
  25. building your own IP's, SIP's?
  26. Put Some New Pictures in the Student Gallery
  27. Does anyone build to sell?
  28. Old Log Cabin by the lake
  29. Any of these log home books from Amazon worth buying?
  30. Rustic Furniture
  31. Things too look for & questions to ask when buying a prebuilt log home?
  32. Minimum lot size?
  33. Stone/River Rock Fireplace
  34. **Stihl chainsaw recall**
  35. New York Potential Affordable Stuffs
  36. why do we saddle our corner notches??
  37. Questions...
  38. Concave Butt End Against a Round Log
  39. Ozark Area Mo.
  40. Models ?
  41. Member of LHBA foryears but still no clear answer....
  42. Log Cabin Addition
  43. May 2012 Log Home Class--Last of Season
  44. Board and Batten
  45. Saddle notches
  46. Vertical posts in an exterior log wall
  47. Peavey info
  48. basement
  49. Good news/bad news
  50. Keep Your Dream Alive
  51. question about stacked milled timbers need for chinking gap?
  52. Why are all the student homes built 5 years ago?... and a few other questions.
  53. Lions Club Log Cabin
  54. Storing syp logs for air drying.
  55. Website upgrade this evening
  56. building codes and expenses
  57. Little House, Big House
  58. Air compressors?
  59. May 26/27 Class - Anyone From New Egland attending?
  60. How to prepare for taking the class and other questions
  61. The Rest of LHBA Student Homes from Previous Website
  62. Land for Log home zoned for "agriculture". Can you still build ?
  63. Financing land
  64. Building regulations and planning permission requirements for log cabin
  65. Insulation for wilderness cabin
  66. how to determione the Size of loft?
  67. Morphing....
  68. How soon after the class can a person start building ???
  69. Budget - Time - May Class - Here is the deal
  70. Skip's Log Home in Washington
  71. Log home insurance in 2012?
  72. Newbie-can it be done with outsourcing?
  73. could u pass the koolaid please?
  74. gotta ask before i go
  75. May 26/27 Class - Where is everyone staying - Other plans while your in Vegas?
  76. Can logs replace old siding?
  77. foundation question
  78. How often are classes?
  79. Killing tree before cutting it.
  80. Chinking question
  81. logs
  82. Old Cabin Being Dismantled; Thank You Insurance Company
  83. Harder to Find Insurance Carrier for Log Homes?
  84. Jesse Glover RIP
  85. Happy 4th of July
  86. Septic systems
  87. Adding a second story?
  88. Environmental factors etc
  89. Member's Side - Enough Knowledge and Experience?
  90. Sept 1&2 class?
  91. Wiring, painting and all that good stuff!
  92. Gun Safe
  93. Hip Roof
  94. Creative Staircases
  95. Log longevity while building
  96. Norwood mill ?
  97. Hello and Questions!
  98. LHBA Method and Cedar Logs??
  99. Any members from Maine (or area) or have experience in Maine?
  100. New member
  101. stone veneer
  102. One disadvantage to living in the forest in a wood house
  103. Sawmill, power tools, and other equipment
  104. Do i need to dowel my corners?!
  105. oversized fish tank aquarium in log home
  106. Mobile Home Towing Estimates?
  107. November 10-11 2012 class!
  108. Soundproofing any rooms in a log home
  109. Bad post
  110. Where are threads being moved to?
  111. Bat's ???
  112. What a Woman!
  113. Scotland, UK - Is this method log home construction practical in another country ?
  114. Clueless Newbie
  115. Cabin In Granite Falls Washington
  116. Log Cabin Newbie in need of some help.
  117. Tips to save money for your class flight/hotels.etc.
  118. Piers
  119. Quick Question on "Older Log Home" on student picture page
  120. ICF question
  121. Pictures
  122. Green Sod or Grass Roof Options for Log Homes
  123. excited about class but have log question
  124. I'm in!!!!!!
  125. Log Size clarification for this newbie.
  126. floorplan
  127. Vertical vs horizontal log homes?
  128. Preparing for the storm of a century
  129. Rotating Logs While They're Seasoning/Drying
  130. Logs predict the POTUS ?
  131. Ready for Vegas!
  132. Bought land
  133. Need Help Finding Land
  134. Hey Newb's
  135. Is it possible?
  136. This seems too good to be true.....
  137. Few questions...
  138. Current home
  139. Christmas has arrived alittle early this year :)
  140. Anyone building in Ireland, the UK or Western Europe
  141. Folks from Alaska
  142. Adding a large window - structural question
  143. They're all correct when they say 'Take The Class'
  144. The 2012 LHBA holiday good cheer thread!
  145. Wife's calling in the straight jacket men!!!
  146. Big bear CA
  147. adm
  148. Slow Forum Today - What's on Your Mind?
  149. Out vs Up
  150. Foundation question.
  151. Happy New Year!
  152. Babysitters...?
  153. Mold problem in log home
  154. Help needed: Refinishing log home
  155. Is it possible?
  156. Is our vision realistic?
  157. What's the "oddest" outbuilding you've constructed using LBHA methods......
  158. Log Lifting Methods
  159. Newbee
  160. No shrink log
  161. Legislation on Faucet Flow Capacity? :drip drip drip:
  162. What is it that allows the Butt and Pass method not to settle?
  163. Installing Windows
  164. Second Floor Noise
  165. Congratulations Ron and Ann for an Exceptional LHBA log home
  166. Air Conditioning
  167. Propane heater
  168. Built for $20,000 Sold for $350,000 .. I'm a critic and here is why.
  169. Newbie
  170. New Guy with alot of Questions
  171. Approximate time from start to finish
  172. Winter harvest
  173. People Come and Go
  174. 2 Categories of Log Home of Year Award
  175. Finally making it to a class....
  176. Full Log King Truss Tie Beam notch at full log walls?
  177. Windows
  178. rake windows
  179. Foundations
  180. All's Quiet on the Forum Front
  181. Has anyone built with pine trees?
  182. Taking May class, looking for books or good information about foundations
  183. Plans and engineering
  184. New Here! More North GA Pine Questions
  185. The single best shed ever built! NO JOKE!!!!
  186. Question about building in remote areas
  187. Sanding and Staining...
  188. Two questions..........on logs and concepts....
  189. Peeling logs, a new concept, very easy.
  190. New and learning
  191. A new comer
  192. Construction Equipment
  193. Ok all you welding metalworks gurus....opinions needed.
  194. A question about "trading" labor
  195. Log Fever!
  196. Drilling/digging a water well
  197. Thoughts on using hickory
  198. Happy Memorial Day!
  199. My basement as a root cellar
  200. Labor Day 2013
  201. Fathers Day
  202. Stepping stones
  203. Homesteading thoughts on genetic diversity and good things to do about it
  204. question on logs
  205. A few thoughts about why my log home is just fantastic.
  206. North Carolina Newbie
  207. Need a new well house
  208. New Member
  209. how much to have a log home chinked
  210. Lightning rods
  211. types of wood
  212. A possible change of direction
  213. See you Labor Day!!!
  214. insulation and radiant heat barrier
  215. Maybe a stupid question but..........
  216. $12 DIY Log Lamps!
  217. Winterizing a log cabin
  218. Wood stove location
  219. Wall Insulation Codes
  220. Finally! See you in a week!
  221. Looking for Log Cabin Expert near Dallas
  222. Just found out NW Iowa sucks for building a log home!
  223. Prior building experience
  224. Hi there
  225. Scared of heights?
  226. Wood stove/ efficiency of my log home
  227. Sorry to vent but here's more reinforcement for escaping to build............
  228. Rough sawn timbers for a barn
  229. Shed Question
  230. Log Home Footprint Advice Butt & Pass
  231. Building Codes
  232. We're IN. Vegas here we come!
  233. Classes in 2014 ?
  234. happy happy happy
  235. Next Class
  236. Other syles than chinking?
  237. LHN "The Conductor"
  238. Howdy from VA
  239. Seasoning logs and the outdoors
  240. when is next seeminar
  241. Inside a bird house
  242. Houseal non-settling system using steel rods and coped corners.
  243. Happy Thanksgiving all!
  244. March Class
  245. Can I Just Say, 'Holy Cow!'
  246. New to the discussion...and super psyched!
  247. Freedom. Are YOU really Free?
  248. Looking for examples of small B&P cabins
  249. Chickens
  250. Merry Christmas!!