View Full Version : A few thoughts about why my log home is just fantastic.

06-30-2013, 08:37 PM
Today it was just plane hot in Washington. Way over 80 degrees in most places. In my basement it was about 65. In fact I had to keep the doors closed to keep the heat out. We kept the windows open up stairs to keep it below 75.

During normal times the lows are in the 50's and the up stairs never gets below 70. There is about an 8 degree separation in the floors. So if your too cold, get higher. If your too hot go lower.

The home is very tight. With the 900 pieces of steel I must go to back poach to get three bars on my cell phone. My home warms with the sun. It some times groans when one side heats and then groans when it cools.

Some thing is very right about the roundness of logs and the squareness of my home 31 by 31 by 34 feet high.

I have an on demand shower, well water that is getting cleaner and soon I will be installing a walk in tub in the master bath if I can figure out how to plumb the d@mn thing. It has a bubbler and some kind of heater with water jets. It's tough getting old.

My basement seem to be an ideal root cellar and I just bought a 250 gallon propane tank. The gas was $1.59 a gallon.

My wood shed is about 1/3 full with much more to split. Best tool was a Frisker maul Amazon.

Just picked and made Tayberrie jan that is fantastic. Along with the Strawberry jam we are in tall cotton.

Best of all, my wife and daughter in law are happy.

I could go on and on about living in a log home. Life is good in a log home.

06-30-2013, 08:48 PM
This is exactly the reasons why I'm looking forward to our log home. It's always nice to hear of the progress others are making towards their dreams but, it is really sweet to hear of someone who is living them. Congrats and I'm green with envy.

07-03-2013, 11:12 AM
I like ours because we have a 7 year old. He can run around the house all day long on the porches, or he can run around inside. We don't worry about him scarring the walls or damaging anything, because other than windows nothing he does will even make a dent. Hell, he rides his bike in our living room now, and has a duck that can fly around the room until he shoots it down with a laser gun. With 25 foot ceiling in a 36X36 room, it's a real challenge.

07-19-2013, 08:52 PM
I am back from the land of 7 million smelly people and I am glad. The temp. in my basement this morning was 66. Fantastic. The temp. in New York was about 91 with 95% humidity. Need I say more.
We went to the Adirondack Museum which was well worth the trip. I like wilderness that is used by people.
Saw many sights, had a great steak and beer. But life is good in a log home.

One more thing, I brought a Mother of Vinegar from a Trappist Monk and I now making berry cider vinegar which will knock your sox off. One More reason to have a basement- root cellar.

08-12-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm still trying to understand exactly how a log home reacts to different climates. Your log home sounds like the bunkers here at shindand air base. The are a giant mass and they soak up the sun during the day. So they give off heat all night and during the day they are the coolest part of the base because they cooled all night. Does your home groan because the logs are shrinking and expanding? Or is it the rebar?

08-12-2013, 06:28 AM
the only part of my home that makes any noise is the roof as it cools after the sun has beaten on it all day. The logs don't move.

08-12-2013, 09:25 AM
To clarify, I believe that should read 'metal roof.'

08-12-2013, 04:42 PM
It is my theory that because everything is tied together and very tight the sun does not heat all parts of the home at the same time. Hence there is some expansion and contraction. I have no idea where the groans occur I just know that they are now less frequent and not so noisy. There, I just heard one.

It really not a groan but a noise that occurs when not one is causing it. Something like the stairs noise.