View Full Version : excited about class but have log question

10-13-2012, 09:10 PM
Hi all! My wife and I are really excited about me very possibly going to the next available class. I work as a fireman in San Antonio, Tx and have lots of time off to build. We live in the country 30 miles southeast of SA and also own a 75 y.o. cabin in the mountains of New Mexico We have always loved log homes and love doing our own construction. Whether it is the home we live in now or the 1875 house we dismantled and rebuilt on our land. We are currently at our cabin in N.M. and are surrounded by log cabins but mostly kit ones. We love the idea of log home living but kits are just way too expensive and from everything I have read here not worth the money.

My big concern, and I know, take the class, but I am curious about the logs. It seems that a majority of the members here buy land and cut their own timber. My problem is that in Texas, and where we own property we are surrounded by post oaks and hickory trees. The nearest pine forest is about 5 hrs. to the east. I am getting worried about all of the comments about buying land and cutting your own timber. Are there any that buy timber from a mill or logger and have it shipped 300-400 miles???? That is my biggest concern. I don't fret over climbing up on 40 ft. ridgepoles or handling heavy timber. I know the class will teach me all the tricks of the trade. Any advice on logs and where others have gotten theirs would ease my mind a lot. I leave next week for colorado to hunt elk and I am sure between glassing for bulls and scaling mountains to steep for this 42 yo frame I will be looking at trees and thinking....gee that would be a nice log or maybe even a ridgepole!!

Anyone have comments that will ease my mind??

One other thing. Our biggest reason for doing this is to fire our mortgage company!!!! I will have cash and plenty of it to build pretty much what ever we want. We truly are blessed!!! I love this site and very excited about class. Thanks!!!

10-13-2012, 09:34 PM
I don't know the numbers but I would guess that considerably more members buy their logs and have them shipped in sometimes from large distances than those that do their own logging. The LHBA highly discourages becoming loggers. There are many resorces for logs and at the class they will give you ideas and other members will give you the contacts they have developed ect.

10-13-2012, 09:46 PM

"The Class" has tons of ideas how to logs to your property, how to approach a logger and get his attention. Heck, I live in Utah where trees just don't grow on trees. Most of my friends have imported logs from more than 400 miles away. AND if you have cash....need I say more?


10-13-2012, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the quick replies. I feel good about it now and cant wait to get into class and learn all I can. Looking forward to being part of the family!!!

10-13-2012, 10:02 PM
Fireman, I would have to agree with Blondie and Mosseyme. Not sure exactly what percentage you can see of the ones actually in the process of building right now on this side of things but I think by far most buy and have their logs shipped in. Of course now that i say this, me and Mosseyme are one of the ones that I know of that are harvesting their own but you should not let it affect you on whether to take the class based on that. it all depends on your situation and if you have the cash, you WILL find the logs

10-13-2012, 10:04 PM
Even those of us who log our own logs can get in some highway time. My Boy and I logged ours and then hired a guy to haul them 3-1/2 hours to our build site.

Think about it. You are surrounded by kit homes built entirely from material that is trucked in. That's the easy part.

Tom Featherstone
10-14-2012, 04:35 AM
Getting the logs to your site maybe the easier part. Getting your wife to take the class should take higher priority. I'll let those that had to convince their spouses to attend attest to it that it was money well spent in the overall picture of building. Having two people absorb the information in class is invaluable as it was when my wife & I took the class together in 08'. It gave us the opportunity to collect the information in different ways. I'm more of the visual person, my wife takes great notes (shorthand) and we both caught stuff the other may have missed. Being on the same "page" during a building project is hugh for keeping the "peace" and a time saver not having to explain everything to the significant other on what you're doing. You Both will Own it from the start!

Another group to respond should be those that didn't have their spouses attend the class and the wrangling that occurred. Building a home by any method is a large undertaking and the numbers of those that don't survive together the build, I believe are from Not being on the same page from the beginning.

The LHBA money back guarantee applies to all that take the class. I believe in it enough that I may pay to have my #1 helper take the class so we get up & running when it comes time for our build. My wife has the regular full time job and would not be able to be there daily.

10-14-2012, 04:58 AM
Agreed. Had I brought my wife, I would not be in the situation I am... Home 90% done and selling.

10-14-2012, 08:44 AM
There are only 5 spots left in the Nov class so don't wait to long.

10-14-2012, 09:40 AM
Agreed. Had I brought my wife, I would not be in the situation I am... Home 90% done and selling.

Say what ????
I haven't been around that much and must have missed something here??? You are serious my man ?????

10-14-2012, 04:57 PM
Indeed. Members know of my heath issues. The wife hates not having infinite power and water on demand. So selling my dream off-grid cabin.

10-15-2012, 06:17 AM
Aaahhhhhhhh man I am so sorry. I understand the situation but admit to not knowing it was becoming a reality. :(
Deeply sorry Peter ..... truly am.

John W
10-15-2012, 12:20 PM
I'm sure you've thought of this Stressman, but what about keeping it and renting it to vacationers who want to get away and live off grid for awhile? Might not be an immediate chunk of change right now, but the good side is you'll be able to live in it when it's not rented. That's just one of the saddest thing's I've read on this site.

10-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Nearly had a divorce over our home. she "got it" just in time, but it still took about two years before the marriage tremors ended. Have her take the class. Period. We nearly had to sell everything right after I got it dried in and was putting drywall up.

10-15-2012, 05:11 PM
glad she saw the light, basil.

10-16-2012, 05:39 AM
so am I. She is, too, everything's wonderful now, and she loves our home.

10-16-2012, 09:05 AM
My Wife and her ex built a kit home.

They sold it when they split after 15 years of marriage.

She discovered me and we became siamese twins.

I used every trick of the trade to pressure Her into going to class with me.

She said yes.

I proposed the night before we took the class.


That was in 1987.

I know She shoulda had this log home years ago, but I also know that it would not have worked any other way.

Had She not learned to love Skip's way of building, She would have given it all up for another kit house long ago.

We are both happy.

It's simple... The spouse that does not want to remain in the marriage is the spouse that should not take the class. You won't realize just how important this is until you are both tired, sweaty and hungry and about to miss date night in order to set just one more rafter. It's worth the time, money and sacrifice but it's not worth the marriage.

Class X 2 = A great shot at success.


10-16-2012, 01:51 PM
I sent my wife and two "hired" hands to it. Class = Inexpensive. Trying to teach someone to do and build how you want them to = expensive.

Back to the question:

Have your logs shipped to you. I got a load from Colorado and a load from my home state in Utah. Its not that expensive. Be persistent and make hundreds of phone calls. Eventually something will work....

Steve Wolfe
10-19-2012, 08:28 AM
Peter, it stinks to hear about your place being up for sale. But with only so much time I for one, and for what it’s worth think you are doing the right thing. My wife didn’t go to the class and maybe it would have helped. She has never bought into building the log home. We have had a fair number of heated discussions about the build and even last week she said she wished we had never bought the property. I’ll let our place go as well before I let it screw up what we have built together over the past 30+ years. Take care.

10-19-2012, 11:02 AM
sounds like I'm not alone... Well, yet-to-be members, let this be a lesson to you. BRING YOUR WIVES!

10-19-2012, 11:03 AM
sounds like I'm not alone... Well, yet-to-be members, let this be a lesson to you. BRING YOUR WIVES!

No you are not...