View Full Version : Happy Memorial Day!

05-25-2013, 04:33 PM
Hope and pray everyone has a wonderful, blessed and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

I'd also like to say THANK YOU, to all our men and women and their families who've served or are serving, and remember those who gave all so that we might be free. The words are never enough to pay the unpayable debt I feel we owe to our military personnel! This Monday we'll pause to remember.

05-25-2013, 09:56 PM
Yes, that is what this weekend is about. Remembering those who served and gave their lives for the freedom of all Americans. As a member of Vietnam Veterans of America, I was honored to serve as a guard for the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall in Fort Collins, Colorado on Friday. Over 58,000 names will be read aloud during the 5 days the wall will be in Fort Collins. I observed as hundreds of people paid their respects, and watched as tears rolled down their cheeks as they touched the name of a long lost loved one. I listened as volunteers and police officers slowly read the names of all of these heroes. They never got through reading the last names beginning with the letter "G" for the duration of my time on guard. For those who lost a husband, son and yes, even a wife or daughter, healing may never come. Please fly your American flags proudly this holiday weekend and remember all those who served throughout American history and those who are serving today. May everyone have a wonderful holiday.


05-26-2013, 11:02 AM
Our eternal gratitude for their gift that we cannot repay. God bless their memory to us all, now and forever.

May we be ever better stewards of this great gift.

05-26-2013, 02:08 PM
good thread. thanks for starting it, Dan

05-26-2013, 05:50 PM
Thank you to all the vets and those currently serving. You make us proud!