View Full Version : North Carolina Newbie
07-01-2013, 01:26 PM
Greeting to all of you log home pioneers!!! I'm 26, single, and currently in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor. Discharged from the Marine Corps last October. I am looking for information about building in North Carolina. I am in Gaston County. Will be purchasing the land in the next few months from my mother, and when I return home, I can stay with her while building my log home. I have come close to pulling the trigger with a kit builder but really love the idea of building one with my own two hands and any other hands willing to help of course. Could I go ahead and prepare the site work? ie driveway, well, septic, home site grading. I plan to sign up for the first class available next year and drag my uncle with me, though he does not know it yet. He has been in home construction his whole life and also has built many high end cabinets. I figured he would be a great addition to my super team. For you NC builders, how do you go about licensing and permits? I have 100's of questions that I know the class will answer and look forward to learning as much as possible. I am just trying to figure out where I can start for now. Also, is there a time period for falling trees to when they are capable of being used? Drying and treating. I sit at my computer for 12 hours a day every day, so I am always up for talking about these things. Thanks for any future help and I look forward to talking with you guys and gals.
07-01-2013, 01:41 PM
Hi gmeadows and welcome to yet another east coaster. We are gaining on those west coasters by the minute
So Ill go ahead and say it and get it out of the way...take the class!! With that being said, you can build with green logs for this style of home but your codes will vary by the county you are in. Not familiar with Gaston County but that would be a good start for you to make contact with the building inspector. My county doesnt require logs dried to a specific moisture content, but talking to another fellow member this weekend, the county next to him did require it. Its why he is building in the county next to that one. As for the rest of the thing you mentioned, well I would suggest you wait till after class because almost all of your thinking will change and it might save you from doing double work
07-01-2013, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the Zetmandu. I definitely would like to take the class, and plan to as soon as I return home this December. Hopefully, they offer at the beginning of the year. I will contact a building inspector and ask those questions. If there are requirements to dry logs to a specific moisture content, what is a time frame for that? Days, months, years?
07-01-2013, 02:37 PM
Before ever considering purchasing a kit "log" home, TAKE THE CLASS. I can't stress that enough. Even if you find that you wouldn't want to do all the labor, we got a great guy on here that builds LHBA style homes for a living, and I imagine he could come close to matching costs to a kit, while providing an immensely superior home.
Your uncle *might* be a hinderance. Relearning different ways from what he knows may or may not be an issue. I know one member here who hired a timberframe builder, and wasn't able to get him to accept and build by this different construction method. (things are less "precise" building by LHBA methods, so you can imagine how a guy use to precision mortise and tennon construction may respond)
07-01-2013, 04:52 PM
Just a guess, but also depends on your log thickness of course but I would suspect at least a year and maybe longer
07-01-2013, 06:08 PM
Rod, good point about my uncle. I can always use him for interior walls and cabinet work. And keep him away from the shell build. I prefer not to use a kit home. I like the idea that I could possibly build something myself and not refer to a production company.
Zetmandu, thanks for the information.
07-01-2013, 06:13 PM
Your not to far from me, we have a little 10,000 sq. ft. 4 story build going on in the western part of nc as well. I disagree with Rod though, unless your uncle is a know it all jerk I would bring him along to a class with you. He will probably pick up a lot you wouldn't since his head won'tbe ttrying to comprehend basics like yours will be. Just my thoughts
07-01-2013, 06:47 PM
You Will Find Several Builds Currently In Some Stage In Nc . Lots Of Info To Be Had. Most Have Had Good Experience With The Permits And All.
07-01-2013, 07:25 PM
I'm going to try and get a hold of a building inspector this week but it may have to wait til next week. They might be on vacation. It would be nice to be home and visit some of these home going up in the area. Have most people been harvesting their own wood or purchasing timber from a supplier? Thanks again for the responses.
07-01-2013, 07:42 PM
Disclaimer - I have not attended class. I have not built a BnP log home. Okay now ..... lol
There are many whom have built kits homes in MN. And there are mucho in way of copes that span decades and generations,__ and I mean mucho.
I would bet a boatload of nickels that a well built cope, with a properly done roof system (KEY) will last as long as any home, be it a BnP or otherwise created kit style home. They out there and been out there wayyyyyy longer than Skips builds or students anyway, up near Leech Lake area. And looking mighty fine after weathering a hundred plus years.
I have seen many newer builds that had cheeety roofing systems and they have issues. That also would be the case with a BnP if you screwed up the roof. Water simply rots things and there is no way it won't. Build a good roof system - PERIOD
To me the beauty here is the simplicity of the BnP build. The fact you can fit in what you have or can get rather than fit to an opening they created for you via a kit. So that's gotta = savings.
Appearance is factor for many I bet. A BnP just looks bad....that's a compliment as in tough and sturdy. A cope looks kinda purty and refined. Most kits use logs to small and cost to much for what they get ya. Just my .02
I love a cope and I love a BnP. Money isn't the deciding factor for me. And guess what?! So far I haven't built either but am finishing a small cabin from country plans and some day likely will do the log home. I love where I am at right now in size and cost and all so maybe I'll just stand pat too. Intend to kick back a year before even thinking of any new ideas.
Guess all I am saying is I hate the blanket condemnations of the alternate builds. Some are just incredible - as many here are also.
Luck at ya!
07-01-2013, 07:53 PM
Most people find a logger and buy logs from him. Some harvest at the site themselves and/or with help. Others do a combo, some logs at the site and others from logger. I cut all my trees
07-01-2013, 10:28 PM
Gmeadows... Welcome aboard. If you want to build your own log home with your own hands, you're at the right place. It won't be the easiest, or the hardest, thing you'll ever do. We logged our own trees but most hire it done. Works either way. Your Uncle can either be a help or a hindrance, but if he were my Uncle and if he wanted to be a part of it, I'd bring him in a heartbeat.
I know you think life is passing you by, and I know you think there's a big hurry. I say smell the roses and enjoy every minute of it. It's not a race... It's the rest of your life.
Here's the brains of my operation when He was 19 years old. (
07-02-2013, 05:58 AM
a Hearty welcome and a Semper Fi also.
You've found a home here.
I spent 3 tours in Iraq in support of my Marines and am a class of 1981-MCRD Marine.
This is the place. I understand the desire to "Jump" on this project,right now -- especially with the money coming in.
Personally, I see NO problem with the site work you mention -- driveway, well, septic, etc..... IF
You own the land
You know where you want the house
You have someone you REALLY REALLY trust to do the work
when I built my house, I had to have the well-head within 100 feet of the house and the septic 200 ft from the well-head.
THAT might be tricky not knowing how big you are going to build, square building, angle's etc.
I do think you could make it work on your 'leave time off', but it will be hard to get it set up and completed during the time.
Iraq Biometrics "Batman"
07-02-2013, 06:02 AM
You will have some LHBA members near you. My wife and I will be building in Lake Lure and LogHomeFeverDan is also going to build in Rutherford county. I was able to go and help Blane last weekend in Clyde. He has a beautiful build nearing completion! There are also several other LHBA'ers in WNC so you will be in good company!
07-02-2013, 06:49 AM
TAKE THE CLASS and Take Your Uncle (like RckClmbr said, he'll gain and retain things that you may have missed), and you'll both be on the Same Page, if you attend together. Two heads are better than one.
You're 26 yo. No need to get in a big heated rush to landscape, clear, etc. Read LOTs here. Most questions you'll have, have been asked/answered even here on the non-members side. Use the search tool to search simple phrases that addresses your question and odds are, you'll find copious feedback on the topic.
There are Many LHBA Members in NC! I'll be passing through later this week/weekend and hope to visit a couple. Suggest you form some contacts here, sign up for an Email Alert for when classes are offered (it's a heads-up, before announced publicly), because there are only a couple per year and they ALWAYS Fill Up FAST!
Once you are all "know'd-up" from class, Offer to help a fellow neighbor LHBA'er in your area. Mutually beneficial when a Member helps a Member (you learn more and they gain like-minded help). Then when it's your turn to build, you'll likely have those extra hands, materials, equipment, to help on yours.
I swear, as many members as there are in a relatively small-ish area, I'm surprised they haven't formed a kind of co-op to share cost of a big ticket item like a TeleHandler, etc! Mind you, GM, you don't NEED big-ticket items to build this way. The beauty of this system is,,,,there's lot's of ways to go about it. Hence the suggestion to lend a hand for the extra post-class exposure.
I have numerous Buddies where you are. Maybe we'll need to 'compare notes' via Private Msg sometime. Stay Safe -- Enjoy the Journey!
07-02-2013, 06:59 AM
I should probably clarify. I don't think you shouldn't take you uncle. Just that I suspect there might be some head-butting during the build. As you mention though, he'll be a valuable asset when you get to the finishing stage.
Yea, WNC seems to be the hot spot for LHBA builds these days. Wish I was included. I love the area.
07-02-2013, 07:54 AM
....Yea, WNC seems to be the hot spot for LHBA builds these days. Wish I was included. I love the area.
I Second that one, Rod! :)
I'm gearing up to pass through the "NC LHBA Territories" later this week and really looking forward to the scenery, etc. Even though I'm kinda leaning heavy toward WV for land, I'll be keeping my eyes (and mind), open for alternatives, down that way.
07-02-2013, 09:59 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I spoke with my uncle last night and he is on board for going. I am signed up for the email update and can't wait to see when the next class is. The land will be purchased and owned before I return to the States. I know where I will be building the home. I know pretty much what I want as far as layout goes, and a square shaped is perfectly fine by me. I care more about open layout and a big front porch. Plan to add a garage to the side with a breezway/porch connecting later on. I also should mention that I work commercial plumbing for 6 years in Charlotte and my father is a licensed plumber. I have contacts I can call if some things can not be handled by me. I do not think the land will provide the timber needed so purchasing will most likely be the way I go. I also would be willing to come lend a hand to anyone in the area once I am home. My father is from the Asheville area and we still have quite a few family friends up there. I love riding motorcycles to Lake Lure. Also, what is the typical method for heating and cooling these homes? I know that varies upon the use and location. I know the wood stove would heat the main room and a loft area, but what about bedrooms and bathrooms?
@jrdavis Semper Fi
07-02-2013, 11:05 AM
Welcome aboard,
So many of us tar heals around here you want have any problems getting questions answered.
Just up the road in Haywood County. You are welcome to browse through our blog for a peak into what you are about to be getting yourself into.
07-02-2013, 01:02 PM
welcome GMeadows. thanks for your service! keep your head down
07-02-2013, 02:12 PM
Greeting to all of you log home pioneers!!! I'm 26, single, and currently in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor. Discharged from the Marine Corps last October. I am looking for information about building in North Carolina. I am in Gaston County. Will be purchasing the land in the next few months from my mother, and when I return home, I can stay with her while building my log home. I have come close to pulling the trigger with a kit builder but really love the idea of building one with my own two hands and any other hands willing to help of course. Could I go ahead and prepare the site work? ie driveway, well, septic, home site grading. I plan to sign up for the first class available next year and drag my uncle with me, though he does not know it yet. He has been in home construction his whole life and also has built many high end cabinets. I figured he would be a great addition to my super team. For you NC builders, how do you go about licensing and permits? I have 100's of questions that I know the class will answer and look forward to learning as much as possible. I am just trying to figure out where I can start for now. Also, is there a time period for falling trees to when they are capable of being used? Drying and treating. I sit at my computer for 12 hours a day every day, so I am always up for talking about these things. Thanks for any future help and I look forward to talking with you guys and gals.
You're going to fit right in. Oo-rah.
07-02-2013, 02:50 PM
blane...I just read through you're blog and that is amazing to see! How much easier/faster would it have been to use a machine for lifting the logs? The block and tackle technique seems to offer much more of a manly (I did it old school) feel, but I'm sure your body would have preferred not doing it that way.
BoFuller...thank you. I hope I can fit in and learn this process. I'm more excited to get home and work on making this happen than I am to see family and friends, with the exception of my dog. She and I will be the ones occupying this beautiful work of art.
Does anyone have an insight or prediction on when the first classes will be available next year?
07-03-2013, 11:06 AM
I just got off the phone with a gentleman from the county building department. I can only use lumber taken from my land that they visually inspect first (probably not an option) or it has to be purchased graded lumber from a lumber yard. Any suggestions on where to look for those? Just trying to get some things lined up before I can take the class. I won't be purchasing anything yet off course. Just trying to go ahead and put together a plan of where to look. He also suggested that I obtain a copy of the North Carolina residential code book and learn the things I will be dealing with. If its my land and I am building, I can be the contractor on the build as well as the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC.
07-03-2013, 11:22 AM
Having the logs visually graded won't be a problem.
07-03-2013, 11:29 AM
I think your guy does not know what he is talking about. You can have your timber graded and stamped by an independent grading company that will give you a report on all your logs. Actually most lumber yards in my area are certified by the same group that inspected my logs. Yes, NC does require graded logs but that does not mean you must buy them from a lumber yard and in fact, even if you cut the logs on your own property you still have to have them graded. It's really no big deal.
07-03-2013, 11:34 AM
He was saying that I can't take lumber from someone else's property. These are the things I need to find out. I have plenty of friends and family in the area with plenty of wood acreage. I understand that cutting off my property means I would still need them graded, but if that is not an option for me, where do I go to purchase logs? I understand that is an added expense, but what can I do?
07-03-2013, 11:36 AM
Yea, I was not going for the manly (I did it old school way) it was all about budget. The b&t was not that bad and I could stack two courses a day when the weather cooperated . Pounding rebar was the hard part and you will have to do that even with the equipment. Now the roof on the otherhand, a lift would have been lovely to have. It all went up a ladder at that point and my knees still hurt a year and a half later. My lack of speed on this build has more to do with my lack of experience and lack of time.
blane...I just read through you're blog and that is amazing to see! How much easier/faster would it have been to use a machine for lifting the logs? The block and tackle technique seems to offer much more of a manly (I did it old school) feel, but I'm sure your body would have preferred not doing it that way.
BoFuller...thank you. I hope I can fit in and learn this process. I'm more excited to get home and work on making this happen than I am to see family and friends, with the exception of my dog. She and I will be the ones occupying this beautiful work of art.
Does anyone have an insight or prediction on when the first classes will be available next year?
07-03-2013, 11:45 AM
Very understandable. I guess I will see which route I take when the time comes. I am still a young buck that works out daily, but I foresee myself being whooped by the mammoth logs over time. Close family, and most likely future employer, owns the town hardware and rental store. Maybe I can swing it to use a lift when the roof comes. Or maybe if I really push my luck, use the lift for the walls as well.
Yea, I was not going for the manly (I did it old school way) it was all about budget. The b&t was not that bad and I could stack two courses a day when the weather cooperated . Pounding rebar was the hard part and you will have to do that even with the equipment. Now the roof on the otherhand, a lift would have been lovely to have. It all went up a ladder at that point and my knees still hurt a year and a half later. My lack of speed on this build has more to do with my lack of experience and lack of time.
07-03-2013, 02:41 PM
He was saying that I can't take lumber from someone else's property.Am I understanding this correctly? If someone offered to sell/give you logs from their property, you aren't allowed to use them?!? Or is the statment more literal (and perhaps ridiculously obvious) that you can't just simply take someone else's trees. (say, without permission)
I'm always on the lookout for double-talk, and don't like to take statements for granted. Either way, it sounds like a nutty statement.
07-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Am I understanding this correctly? If someone offered to sell/give you logs from their property, you aren't allowed to use them?!? Or is the statment more literal (and perhaps ridiculously obvious) that you can't just simply take someone else's trees. (say, without permission)
I'm always on the lookout for double-talk, and don't like to take statements for granted. Either way, it sounds like a nutty statement.
He made it sound like I could not buy or receive logs from another property. I agree that it does not make sense. It is July 3rd and he may not have been the exact person to talk to. I will dig deeper on this matter, because I wouldn't think it would matter as long as the logs are graded.
07-03-2013, 03:35 PM
Indeed! :screwy:
07-05-2013, 11:46 AM
Having built in NC and following all their rules, I think their may be some miscommunication or misunderstanding. I bought my logs from a logger, had them graded and built my house with no problems. However, every county may have their own guidelines. Buncumbe county was way more difficult and even wanted me to have my logs kiln dried so I did not build in Buncombe.
07-05-2013, 01:01 PM
Drag them over and just say they were from your property. Dumbest thing I've heard of. Did someone from my County office transfer there? :)
07-07-2013, 05:19 PM
Haha well my county has the highest taxes in the state out of 100. I will be calling back this week to get some more information.
Blane, where did you get your logs from? My sisters fiance used to have a family logging business and he gave me some contact information to a supplier they dealt with. I will be trying to find multiple sources to see who would be best to deal with.
07-11-2013, 06:17 PM
Haha well my county has the highest taxes in the state out of 100. I will be calling back this week to get some more information.
Blane, where did you get your logs from? My sisters fiance used to have a family logging business and he gave me some contact information to a supplier they dealt with. I will be trying to find multiple sources to see who would be best to deal with.
I have contact info for Blane's logger but I would be open to seeing what other options are available for logs!
07-12-2013, 05:26 PM
I have contact info for Blane's logger but I would be open to seeing what other options are available for logs!
I have a number to a company in Denver, NC. Planned on giving them a call next week to see if they are still in business. My future brother in law said his family business used this company quite often. I can keep you informed.
07-14-2013, 02:58 PM
PLease do!! There are more of us going to build in WNC!!! (-;
07-16-2013, 12:57 PM
Spam... Breakfast of champions.
07-16-2013, 06:37 PM
I believe one of the wildest experiences of my life, was the day my wife came home from shopping for hurricane supplies due to an encroaching storm, and reported she WITNESSED two people fighting over the last can of................... spam!
May have been the stress of having to evacuate in the face of a hurricane, but we laughed so hard I had to change me boxers. (-;
07-22-2013, 01:40 PM
Hey -- don't knock Spam.
In Hawaii its Spam Musobi for lunch.
Hawaii -- the Spam eating CAPITAL of the world.
07-22-2013, 08:33 PM
Brings back memories of my youth.
Not necessarily the highlights though, mind you. :rolleyes:
07-23-2013, 09:33 AM
Actually the spam capital of the world is Guam but not by much.
But of course you main land folks eat your spiced ham from the deli. It's spam.
07-23-2013, 03:51 PM
rock --
not to be one to argue with you...
but wiki says that in 2007 it was still Hawaii
-- oh, but DARN --
Trinity says says that Guam consumes 16 cans per person, Hawaii 12 cans per person...
I yield the floor... yet its still disputable.. Hormel is silent.
07-23-2013, 06:22 PM
Whoever wins this one will lay claim to a rather dubious honor, in my opinion. Rather like laying claiming the title of "nastiest mud". Personally I'd say that mud in western Georgia is the worst, but I've seen some mud in Alabama that is worth writing home about. Most certainly, we out here in the western states have no claim to fame on this one. I think it's the addition of mosquito larvae that makes eastern mud so viscous and putrid.
In any case, I'm inclined to consider the worst of the worst mud as a culinary delicacy as compared to the afore mentioned meat-based food product offered by Hormel. I'd sooner consume duck feather soup with a layer of warm Elmer's glue on top.
07-23-2013, 06:36 PM
I agree totally LHN, nasty
07-23-2013, 08:08 PM
Now they have reduced salt spam, BBQ spam and my personal fav. Bacon spam.
07-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Why the need for bacon flavored Spam when they make such good bacon flavored bacon. While we're at it, BBQ'ed bacon ain't such a bad thing neither.
Somehow I can't figure out where this thread was going before Bo hijacked it.
07-23-2013, 08:55 PM
I don't know either, but you're welcome. :)
07-23-2013, 10:04 PM
Somehow I can't figure out where this thread was going before Bo hijacked it.Bo? Checking post #38 seems to suggest another person was the true derailer. :p
07-24-2013, 06:49 AM
Bo? Checking post #38 seems to suggest another person was the true derailer. :p
Yeah, I knew that, but it's so seldom he gives me credit for anything, I thought I'd take when I had the chance. :)
06-29-2014, 08:46 PM
Hey Blane just read this post of yours about Buncombe county now I am worried that is where my land is and where I was going to build any info would be helpful
Thanks Richard
06-30-2014, 08:54 AM
Before I decided where to buy land I talked to 4 different surrounding counties and buncombe was the absolute worse. They told me I would have to kiln dry all my logs before they would allow me to build. Plus, I could not do my own electrical without passing a test " that most electricians could not pass ". If you can get an engineer to stamp your plans you might be able to do it in buncombe but the BI in the county are notorious for being difficult. Call the BD and tell them what you want to do and see if things have changed.
06-30-2014, 10:18 AM
Not sure if it helps, but there was a local BI in one town that was "notorious for being difficult" as well around here.
After housing significantly slowed for a number of years, they fired the lot and put in a very nice "We'll work with you. Even if it was previously denied that the grade is too steep, we're very flexible now and we'll find a way to get you built" group of folks.
I got the feeling they were trying to get me to build, any way possible.
06-30-2014, 01:15 PM
Housing never really took the dive here that it did in many other places and from what I understand it's only gotten worse here
06-30-2014, 04:47 PM
Hey Blane and EDuncan911 thankyou both for the info for now I will just keep doing the research and hope things change, E sounds like you were very fortunate with your group. I hope by the time I am ready, my group will be more pliable it would be interesting to know if there is any way to fight this and get these "folks" on board.
06-30-2014, 05:58 PM
Engineer is the key. If an engineer will sign off the county should be ok with it. Sit
Sutton Kennerly reviewed my plans and cunsulted with Richard Rock. So they are familiar with LHBA and should be able to help
07-01-2014, 08:44 AM
Not sure if it helps, but there was a local BI in one town that was "notorious for being difficult" as well around here.
After housing significantly slowed for a number of years, they fired the lot and put in a very nice "We'll work with you. Even if it was previously denied that the grade is too steep, we're very flexible now and we'll find a way to get you built" group of folks.
I got the feeling they were trying to get me to build, any way possible.That's awesome!
07-10-2014, 06:17 AM
Whoever wins this one will lay claim to a rather dubious honor, in my opinion. Rather like laying claiming the title of "nastiest mud". Personally I'd say that mud in western Georgia is the worst, but I've seen some mud in Alabama that is worth writing home about. Most certainly, we out here in the western states have no claim to fame on this one. I think it's the addition of mosquito larvae that makes eastern mud so viscous and putrid.
In any case, I'm inclined to consider the worst of the worst mud as a culinary delicacy as compared to the afore mentioned meat-based food product offered by Hormel. I'd sooner consume duck feather soup with a layer of warm Elmer's glue on top.
We know all about Alabama mud! Have lived here all my life. Moved to our current home and land almost 10 years ago, built a 33 foot diameter above ground swimming pool 9 years ago. Wow! It rained SO much that summer, was hard to get the pool built. All that red clay really stains clothes, but the kids had a blast "slip-sliding" in it between storms. :)
Interestingly enough, we had a to make a perfectly flat 35 foot circle for the pool. Now we're considering building a square home with 35 or 40 foot long walls. Maybe the pool was practice! It actually may not matter so much if we get the house site perfectly flat since it won't be built directly on the ground. Guess we'll be figuring all that out soon.
07-12-2014, 08:08 AM
You could start a side line business to finance you build. Years ago in Hawaii a hurricane or tsunami or something flooded a t-shirt factory and got all the stocked t-shirts red with mud. They named them red dirt shirts and started a whole new business line around them. "
BTW South Central OK will give you a run for your money on the mud prize. Black not red. I have walked 6"-8" taller on that mud. Also when we got lost and could go no further on that grease while exploring, I did the steering and Gary pushed the car sideways 180 degrees to turn it around it was so slick.
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