View Full Version : Can I Just Say, 'Holy Cow!'

John W
12-02-2013, 06:43 AM
I had the privilege to visit Fireman9's (Steve) log home over the weekend. This is the first LHBA log house I've been in, and the first with whole logs. I was babbling all the way home. Steve's (great guy, by the way) house is what I consider large on the LHBA scale, it looks huge, so massive, solid. Of course, Steve needs a big house, he must be 6'5" or so. Must look funny next to me and my wife and friends, all of whom are shorter than me at 5'8". He didn't say, "Hey Lollipop Guild, come look at this," but he could have.

The house is so impressive, and Steve and his wife were excellent hosts, we took up a good chunk of his work time Sunday afternoon answering questions.

I've been lurking for a couple years, but talk about hook, line, and sinker. I am so ready for this. My wife, who has been humoring me for the two years since I found this site/organization/family, was absolutely blown away. She's ready to do what work she can and was talking about buying land on the way home and asked when I was taking the class. :)

12-02-2013, 07:17 AM
:). Welcome. Glad to have you onboard.

12-02-2013, 09:19 AM
oh, yes! It takes just a few minutes to become addicted.

WELCOME JOHN! We all have the same addiction. lolololol We are here to help each other..................

OOOOooooooops sounds like an A-A meeting.


12-02-2013, 10:00 AM
<huge smile>.......another "epiphany". Welcome aboard to you and your wife!

12-02-2013, 04:43 PM
next class is in March?
welcome home

Tom Featherstone
12-02-2013, 05:49 PM
Take the wife... you both won't regret it.

John W
12-03-2013, 01:56 PM
Thanks, all. Wife would come except for finances. She's on board though.

12-03-2013, 05:33 PM
Thanks, all. Wife would come except for finances. She's on board though.

Does the Wife know what goes on after hours in Vegas?

Just joshin' around. I'll let you folks run your own divorce.


12-03-2013, 07:37 PM
Betcha it'll cost you more to leave her home.
Somehow having someone else {expert} give the reasons to do this or that seem to make more sense to man or woman than when the spouse says do this or that.

12-03-2013, 08:55 PM
Betcha it'll cost you more to leave her home.
Somehow having someone else {expert} give the reasons to do this or that seem to make more sense to man or woman than when the spouse says do this or that.

That's the Gal talking.

John W
12-04-2013, 06:04 AM
What goes on for me after hours in Vegas is POKER! Except not the nights before the class, need to be rested. And she won't have a problem with the 'do this, do that' in the construction realm. Just as long as I don't say 'do this, do that' in her areas of expertise. That's one of the good things about being married for 30 years. We know what each is good at, and how we each get things done. It would be nice for her to come for her memory, which is MUUUUUUCH better than mine.

12-04-2013, 06:43 AM
If I was pizzing away $$ at the tables I could afford to bring the bride. And even an extra guest. ;)

John W
12-04-2013, 10:00 AM
Gomer, I play low limit and win more than I lose. However, being at the low limit tables, a win doesn't pay for another ticket either.

12-04-2013, 09:39 PM
Thank you John for the nice compliments! It was a pleasure to have you, wife and pals out for a look see. I will gladly take time out of my work day for someone who can appreciate what we have done. I can honestly say that besides the wife and kiddos, this is one of my greatest accomplishments!!! That comes from a guy who has been in the fire service for almost 20 yrs. We (my work crew) have saved a few folks from certain death and tragedies, but when I think of accomplishments I put this home right there at the top. I owe a lot to lhba and the great folks here on the forum. Some who I have become good friends with. John, you are welcome at our place any time. I will even get Gretchen to cook you a gourmet meal!! Butt and pass log home living, it's not just a home, it's a way of life!!!!!!Thank you!!!
Log home lover extraordinaire

12-04-2013, 09:40 PM
Oh yeah, take the class!