View Full Version : Log Fever!

05-13-2013, 04:55 AM
Hello to all of my wonderful new friends!

I'm going crazy. I believe I've said this one before but,.. my Husband and I have been reading through this site for about a year and I soo can't wait to get started. I stay up till the wee hours of the morning reading though these posts, trying to learn all I can. My Husband and I spend hours and hours reading all of the different topics, discussing our dreams and so unbelievably thankful that we found this site. I spend hours day dreaming of our children running up and down the stairs, sitting in front of the fireplace on top of a large beautiful bear rug, opening presents on Christmas morning, sitting at our beautiful log dinning table as we say Grace over Sunday supper. I imagine what it will be like for our children to grow up there, our grandchildren and even our great grandchildren!

I want to run off and go purchase the perfect parcel of land in Montana...but I know we need to wait. As once we take the class we will have the knowledge one needs to "Know" what to look for when buying property to build a log home on and which counties you may wish to not build in. I will never again look at another tree the same way as I did before! I can't wait to learn, I can't wait to be able to pass on yet another family tradition, I can't wait to live the dream!

Thank you all for welcoming my family and I and for sharing this amazing journey with us..and thank for allowing me to rant!

05-13-2013, 07:58 AM
I spend hours day dreaming of our children running up and down the stairs, sitting in front of the fireplace on top of a large beautiful bear rug, opening presents on Christmas morning, sitting at our beautiful log dinning table as we say Grace over Sunday supper. I imagine what it will be like for our children to grow up there, our grandchildren and even our great grandchildren!

Ahhhh, and the stories they'll tell about the old days!

05-13-2013, 08:59 AM
You know, it's just as GOOD witnessing other people go through the emotions I went through not that long ago. Thanks for sharing that excitement!! I can tell you it lasts, and even grows. I took the class back in March, just seeing logs and cutting down some small ones for the shed have me GIDDY again!! The dream is real! Just remember to enjoy the journey too!! Sometimes the BEST memories are made during the labor of creating the finished product!

05-13-2013, 09:17 AM
Yeah Dan drove us all NUTS for months and months!

He started out about as newbie as newbie can be with all the "this is some kinda scam" questions, and then he went through the "why not do suchandsuch" stage, and then he was the biggest pest in the world when he went through the "I'm signed up for class but it's like trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve" thing.

Suddenly he's one of the oldtimers and posts some pretty good advice and has a lot of workable ideas on the members side of the forum. It's a fun transformation to watch, the first thousand times, but then it gets kinda old.


I love this place.

05-13-2013, 10:20 AM
I'm going crazy. I believe I've said this one before but,.. my Husband and I have been reading through this site for about a year and I soo can't wait to get started. I stay up till the wee hours of the morning reading though these posts, trying to learn all I can. My Husband and I spend hours and hours reading all of the different topics, discussing our dreams and so unbelievably thankful that we found this site.
Wait until you get onto the "members forums". I'm still staying up until the wee hours reading more and more.

Learn to use the Forums' tools, such as Subscription Folders. They help organize all of the threads you subscribe to. Kind of an internal notebook.

The good news is that the class helps organize/breaks things down for you in an ordered fashion.

05-13-2013, 01:47 PM
Loghousenut- Ohh, and the stories there will be!

LohhomefeverDan- You are exactly right! We can't wait to be falling trees, stacking logs and putting up ridge poles and so many,many other things!

Eduncan_ Oh so the lack of sleep continues, willingly! Good to know. BTW, thank you so much for the Subscription folders tip! That will be very helpful.

05-13-2013, 04:12 PM
Wait until you get onto the "members forums". I'm still staying up until the wee hours reading more and more.

Learn to use the Forums' tools, such as Subscription Folders. They help organize all of the threads you subscribe to. Kind of an internal notebook.

The good news is that the class helps organize/breaks things down for you in an ordered fashion.

WAM!!!!!! Tell me again about these "subscription folders"??????? Always learning.

LOL LHN!! Only you could provide that distorted sense of the "family". Pssssssssst Pioneer, we love him tho!

05-13-2013, 09:20 PM
When you are on a thread you want to be able to find later easily, go to the top of the page and click on thread tools, then subscribe to this thread and save. Especially when you are building it will help you go back and search threads discussing a certain aspect of the build.
Also the new post feature helps you to not keep going back over all the other stuff if you don't have time ect.

05-14-2013, 04:44 AM
Yeah Dan drove us all NUTS for months and months!

He started out about as newbie as newbie can be with all the "this is some kinda scam" questions, and then he went through the "why not do suchandsuch" stage, and then he was the biggest pest in the world when he went through the "I'm signed up for class but it's like trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve" thing.

Suddenly he's one of the oldtimers and posts some pretty good advice and has a lot of workable ideas on the members side of the forum. It's a fun transformation to watch, the first thousand times, but then it gets kinda old.


I love this place.

Not sure if there's a stat count on posts but .... Dan's got to be leading the pack on number of posts in X time period. ;)
Dan- never asked but do you work or retired or independently wealthy or how do you manage so many posts. lol

I recall way back in the early 80s when AOL was the new rage. I had a neighbor who factually posted more than 10,000 posts and emails in a single year. She kept a spiral notebook and logged in the number of posts.
I thought it a bit excessive myself but she was somewhat of a recluse and maybe it was her social thing. Mutual acquaintance said he visited her this spring and to get into the rooms he had to literally clear a walking path. Still online but her new thing is buying and hoarding. He said there were curtains closed with tarps on top of curtains. Mold everywhere from never opening up the home. He stayed a few minutes and fled as he could not breathe.
You hear of this and guess the tube has hoarding shows but to actually know someone ...
I digress. Enjoy the weather and sun everyone

05-15-2013, 06:13 AM
LOL Gomer, ok for those who care, here's my/our partial story. I'm a Chiropractor. I practiced for about 13 years. Sold the practice some time ago, many moons in fact. I thot "managed care" was getting bad then....but I won't get on the "managed care" now soapbox........anywho, my lovely wife is in the energy field and she wanted to resume her career. Due to the nature of her profession she works as a contractor, thus we move often. I have basically been a "stay at home Daddy" for about seven years now. For the last two I've been driving school buses since virtually all school districts have a shortage of bus drivers. So I do a morning route then I have a break of about five hours each day, unless of course there's a field trip. I come home, let the dog and cat out and spend time reading/posting here. Yeah I'm still giddy excited about the journey we're taking with LHBA.

Tons of plans for the future that include getting my wife back home with us. That's another thread tho!

Somehow I think LHN painted a bullseye on me that I can't see. Maybe I'll change my username to pinata. Nahhhhhhhh I have thick skin I enjoy the "grief"!!!

05-15-2013, 08:45 AM
Pinata? Naah, change your name to donkey but, then we can play pin the tail.

Oops, Sorry about the poor comma placement.

I think the target that Dan sees on his back came from backing into a forum where he fit like a glove. From the start it has been a ton of fun for me tugging on Dan's chain as he runs full steam ahead into the LHBA lifestyle. He's a great sport and I hope to shake his hand in person some day.

05-15-2013, 09:13 AM
Shaking hands in person would be an honor for me LHN! We've not seen Oregon yet. Well my wife was born in Oregon, but that was before we met! (-;

05-15-2013, 09:35 AM
PL 4us, I so understand your excitement. I went to the class alone a little over 5 years ago. At the time my daughter and I lived in FL and had just purchased our land upstate NY and had gone to "log home shows" and were disgusted with what we saw. I nervously enrolled in the class and had a most memorable and inspiring January weekend up in WA. When I came home I was on fire for action. Five years have gone and with a nervous but unstoppable bravado, I've been making this dream slowly come true. The daughter and I have moved to NY and are now within driving distance to our project. My construction skills and tool collection have grown a lot and to this very day, the excitement still gives me a knot in my stomach. You are right about never looking a tree the same way as before. I had to laugh at myself when I passed an area of tall straight trees along the thruway and heard myself say, "Wow, look at those logs!"


05-16-2013, 04:29 PM
I haven't even taken the class yet and I'm looking at stands of trees all crosseyed trying to imagine/see them building material. I think its part of the process :)

05-16-2013, 05:16 PM
I haven't even taken the class yet and I'm looking at stands of trees all crosseyed trying to imagine/see them building material. I think its part of the process :)

You definitely have the "Fever"!!! Welcome to the family!!

05-17-2013, 09:42 AM
sheesh LHFD - ya got even more letters than the Original Nut ;)

rtfgttmdkdjk .... <<<<< hmmmm, cat just walked across my KB

I was playing the funnin' game with ya....but admit to wondering where that time came from at that.
You got the Log Fever for sure, which I suspect is what it truly takes to drive one to a faster build.
Frankly - I cannot wait to see what ya do here. LHN may need to toss some valium your way to slow you down. You likely going to make him look like a slug stuck in molasses using crutches :D

05-18-2013, 06:16 AM
sheesh LHFD - ya got even more letters than the Original Nut ;)

rtfgttmdkdjk .... <<<<< hmmmm, cat just walked across my KB

I was playing the funnin' game with ya....but admit to wondering where that time came from at that.
You got the Log Fever for sure, which I suspect is what it truly takes to drive one to a faster build.
Frankly - I cannot wait to see what ya do here. LHN may need to toss some valium your way to slow you down. You likely going to make him look like a slug stuck in molasses using crutches :D

LOL Gomer my "fever" will need to "carry" me through the build. I'm not sure how "fast" we'll build. I do know this I'm enjoying every step. We are only to the point of beginning to put the entry drive way ON to our property. Last weekend another LHBA member came over and cut down the trees in the way. We skidded them to a prepping area. Will probably use them for a shed. Getting a couple bids on the stub driveway. Our next step will be clearing underbrush and deciding on the exact build site. We'd like to have the basement/foundation completed this year but it's not a DEADline. I want to do the excavation myself so that will be slow too. We're having so much fun scrounging and reading and learning here the build is almost "secondary". The one thing I know already will happen, is as we near a CO, it'll be a bit melancholy. Of course then again! We can always build another!!! or TEN!

05-18-2013, 08:25 AM
getting older here and working out double ideas and builds. In process right now of a 20x36 modified 1.5 story using countryplans plans and ideas from members there. It's a post&pier build so that saves on excavation and basement costs. The build will look real similar to a members on that site, Mogie01, if you ever been there. That's getting stuck in the woods on some heavy pine tree covered land. Wife has horses and wanted land for them. Land was reasonable as heck (UP in Michigan) and build should be decent too. Thinking $36-45 sf finished at this point. Subbing out some and leaning heavy on family and friends for a 2 week hit it hard this summer. Plan is to be in it by late September or close.
Plan #2 is the spendier one - a log home. Imagine I can keep the costs somewhat similar on actual structure if I follow the same labor plan - but the real costs will be in the land as I want lake and some acreage too. Maybe 2-3a. I've had land, sold land and now looking fresh in different area of N. Minnesota. I am a Native so desire to have both places nearer to reservations so that I may continue to get involved with the culture that I hold so close to my heart as I understand it more. Guess I have become more spiritual in my latter years and am seeking peaceful times. Been down that other road for far to many years.;)
That leads to higher costs on water and septic and possibly clearing and .... list goes on. I do intend to do the class here to learn the technique used but somewhat okay with it now even it I don't. That stated - knowledge is always everything and one can adapt and incorporate and learn from the wisdom of others always.
I have adopted the "lifestyle" pretty much for many years and bride is really into gardening and veggies and self sufficiency. She's also a Master Gardener so besides eating well we always have incredible gardens and landscaping. That's her passion. Mine is tinkering and building and hunting and fishing....we want not the city life.
I been "scrounging" for some time, picking up lots of doors, windows, patio doors, cabinet doors (I make the "boxes..ww'er wannabe), know electrical and basic plumbing, can frame and roof and tile and such, but know nothing about septic. Nor ICF's, nor solar, and things like that. So lots to learn or sub-out for the log build. Might be a slow process on that log build as game plan is to liquidate house and boats and excess this summer so we can "slide" into the UP cabin easily and not have to store things. If it's used it likely stays...if not it is goodbye mostly. The sf of cabin is roughly 36% of our present home so things indeed been going out the door to family or charities for a few months now.
I have not any real issue on some small mortgage on the log home if need be. Not large but small!!! As I said I am not a young buck but still capable of doing most and desire to get the logger done in a timely manner. I may have 30 years ahead of me or maybe just a few. I intend to enjoy the "faster" journey so that I really may enjoy the end product while I still can. Living off grid has it's advantages but as one ages it also has the opposite too and I am acutely aware of that with friends health and my own family.
Life indeed is a journey that weaves and turns this way and that.

05-21-2013, 06:37 PM
3 more days. Tick...Tick...Tick

05-21-2013, 07:57 PM
Hello All,

Thank you so much for your kind words and inspiration! I can't help but be excited, I can't wait to be on the members' side ; )

One day at a time, I suppose...if I don't go crazy. I want to get my hands dirty, I want to take pictures of my Husband and our kids building our family's dream...I can't wait for the journey!

05-25-2013, 08:07 PM
Welcome Pioneer,

Here are some thoughts about "land" to mull over:
Legal access, road condition and bridge requirements, distance to paved, maintained roads
Water or well possibility talk to a "well man" about your property and get an estimate of water depth and cost of well
Talk to a septic engineer about septic systems in your area, if necessary do a drip yest before purchase
Slope or grade of property, too much will make cabin very difficult to build while slight slope allows basement walk out
Amount of precipation per year for snow load required for roof
Frost level depth for estimation of foundation requireement
If appropriate number of hours lot gets full sunlight
If interested in wind power generation, amount of average wind available.
Soil evaluation for pH, bio level, mineral level...have a sample checked out by Ag dept. Derpth of top soil
Logs available on site, Species, size and ease of logging
Distance to hardware store and grocery store

well, that is a beginning list to work on.


05-25-2013, 08:40 PM
How you doing Blondie? Making some progress?

05-25-2013, 10:59 PM
Welcome Pioneer,

Here are some thoughts about "land" to mull over:
Legal access, road condition and bridge requirements, distance to paved, maintained roads
Water or well possibility talk to a "well man" about your property and get an estimate of water depth and cost of well
Talk to a septic engineer about septic systems in your area, if necessary do a drip yest before purchase
Slope or grade of property, too much will make cabin very difficult to build while slight slope allows basement walk out
Amount of precipation per year for snow load required for roof
Frost level depth for estimation of foundation requireement
If appropriate number of hours lot gets full sunlight
If interested in wind power generation, amount of average wind available.
Soil evaluation for pH, bio level, mineral level...have a sample checked out by Ag dept. Derpth of top soil
Logs available on site, Species, size and ease of logging
Distance to hardware store and grocery store

well, that is a beginning list to work on.


Add to that:

Distance to your residence. For me, the perfect land to build a log home on already has a slightly distressed house or ugly trailer to live in as you patiently prepare the site and build your log home at your own sweet pace, in relative safety from thieves and other ne'er-do-wells.

05-26-2013, 06:04 AM
Yes, a 400 mile round trip every weekend gets old, and expensive.

05-26-2013, 08:44 AM
Thank you Bo,

I am finer than frog hair! I am currently finishing a 36 ft yurt in my condo backyard. Since the weather in my area is rather mild, I should be okay. With the yurt so close, I will only have to commute a couple of hundred feet each way. lol

I am excited to hear that you have your permit. How is the foundation coming? When are you going to move there full time?


05-26-2013, 05:54 PM
Foundation should start Wed.
So are you building that thing next to where you are going to build your log home? Or next to your condo? What good does it do if it isn't on the build site? Is it moveable?

05-26-2013, 06:29 PM

I am currently here in Salt Lake City. I have a condo here and in the tiny backyard I am sewing together the canvas sections and wood web walls to construct the yurt down on my 14+ acres, 390+ miles (one way) outside of Hurricane, Ut. The yurt will sit on an elevated deck when it is finished. It will be about 1000 sq ft and have all the conviences of home inc.luding a swamp cooler, deep freeze, washing machine, big screen TV and cable. The thoughts of spending 9 months or so in a tiny trailer was just too much for me.


05-27-2013, 06:52 AM
Okay, my wife sometimes mentions that our 225 sq. ft. trailer is less than roomy, but I don't mind at all. She wanted a 40 X 40 and I thought a 20 X 20 was plenty big, so were going with 30 X30. Actually a 32 X 32 because of the size of my logs. She said it better be 30 X 30 inside dimensions!

Glad to hear the yurt is easily transportable.

05-27-2013, 02:18 PM
Okay, my wife sometimes mentions that our 225 sq. ft. trailer is less than roomy, but I don't mind at all. She wanted a 40 X 40 and I thought a 20 X 20 was plenty big, so were going with 30 X30. Actually a 32 X 32 because of the size of my logs. She said it better be 30 X 30 inside dimensions!

Glad to hear the yurt is easily transportable.

Bo, we settled on those same dimensions. I'm presently attempting to re arrange the LHBA plans to our liking. Want the master, with master bath and dressing area downstairs with the kitchen and great room. Then the two girls bdrms up with a bath probably between, and a guest/room/office and possibly an open area/play/relaxing area overlooking the great room. Just can't get it right yet. My lovely wife bought a 3d design program and I'm attempting to learn it so I can get the layout correct then let her do her decorating magic.

05-27-2013, 02:34 PM
I'm doing the downstairs according to LHBA plan and making the upstairs all loft, until I get my CO. ;)

05-27-2013, 04:09 PM
I'm doing the downstairs according to LHBA plan and making the upstairs all loft, until I get my CO. ;)

Ya know, I think you're copying everything I do. The only reason I haven't finished yet is I'm waiting to see if you can get a roof on and then continue without using my build for a pattern.

Just wait and see folks... I'll bet he ends up with a 10" gap between the 1st and 2nd logs on the creek side of the house.

Log Al
05-27-2013, 08:14 PM
Ya know, I think you're copying everything I do. The only reason I haven't finished yet is I'm waiting to see if you can get a roof on and then continue without using my build for a pattern.

Just wait and see folks... I'll bet he ends up with a 10" gap between the 1st and 2nd logs on the creek side of the house.

Hey Bo ! I heard a rumor that LHN paid the permit office to hold off because you were putting too much pressure on him to finish. Could this be true. On second thought,
I may need pressure to finish. LOL

05-27-2013, 08:49 PM
Hey Bo ! I heard a rumor that LHN paid the permit office to hold off because you were putting too much pressure on him to finish. Could this be true. LOL

All I will say is, those County folks work cheap if you know how to approach them.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/muffin-1.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/muffin-1.jpg.html)

05-29-2013, 11:05 AM
WAM!!!!!! Tell me again about these "subscription folders"??????? Always learning.

When you are a reading a thread that you really like, scroll to the top of the thread header (not the top of the entire page) and look for "Thread Tools". In the dropdown, you can subscribe to the thread.

When clicking that, it will ask you want folder you want to put it into. By default, you only have 1 folder: Default Subscriptions.

To add more folders (which I advise doing before going into any threads to subscribe), go to your "Settings" at the very top of the entire page. From there, on the left, you'll have "My Subscriptions" listing the folders you have. Click the Edit button, and create as many folders as you want. Though, this forum software only lets you do 3 at a time. Click Save, and then add 3 more, etc.

05-29-2013, 02:13 PM
When you are a reading a thread that you really like, scroll to the top of the thread header (not the top of the entire page) and look for "Thread Tools". In the dropdown, you can subscribe to the thread.

When clicking that, it will ask you want folder you want to put it into. By default, you only have 1 folder: Default Subscriptions.

To add more folders (which I advise doing before going into any threads to subscribe), go to your "Settings" at the very top of the entire page. From there, on the left, you'll have "My Subscriptions" listing the folders you have. Click the Edit button, and create as many folders as you want. Though, this forum software only lets you do 3 at a time. Click Save, and then add 3 more, etc.

TY TY TY that would help!