View Full Version : Freedom. Are YOU really Free?

12-14-2013, 09:19 PM
Cabin People. Billy and I have much in common for sure. I love his intro....."People should be Free...."


episode two: Fire

Tom Featherstone
12-15-2013, 04:46 AM
Nice Share Kola! It does get to the heart of the matter.. I cheat with the fire starting though, I use a propane torch.

12-15-2013, 02:03 PM
I have thought about the concept of freedom. I watched both videos. When you have dependents then the concept of responsibility comes into play. Add in Sustainability then things get more complex. Then this whacko country is on a major socialist bent which may effect a life time of being frugal and saving. Hence while I am not a prepper I do have a years supply of food, a forest that will keep me warm and enough ammo to do the job.

So freedom is a concept that has many dimensions... The simpler the life style, the more in control of the variables of life. As I have said before, if I did not have a wife and family, I would have been finished with my log home long ago.

This is not a really good discussion because freedom IMHO is the result of many concepts like the rule of law, private property, hard work, representative democracy, an abundance of natural resources, open markets and a lot of folks that have gone before us that have defended our great country.

Just a note, I do wish that this guy had taken the class because I believe he will have more problems with shrinkage...

12-15-2013, 02:47 PM
Kola put me on a few hour ride. Those two were only the beginning.

As for freedom? It's what we make it. Large cities, less. Small towns, much better. Out where few live, more so.

12-15-2013, 07:24 PM
Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose..... Sorry, couldn't help myself! :) Good video!

02-27-2014, 07:51 AM
Pretty good video . thanks Kola

Chad Fortman
03-11-2014, 08:38 PM
Hey Kola how you doing? Freedom were losing it everday that why so many have been giving up there usa citizenship and moved out of country.
Kola send me email to chad_fortman2001@yahoo.com i love see what you been up to.

03-12-2014, 06:53 AM
Heidi Ho, Chad !! I hope you are well....and warm. I will email you this evening.

03-12-2014, 10:19 AM
Good vid. I'd like to be free to play stride piano.

I also want to choose my own responsibilities. As Billy alluded to, there is a certain comfort in being babysat.

03-12-2014, 05:13 PM

03-30-2014, 01:06 AM
I have to admit, I am a little leary of taking the "buying land" plunge due to direction our country is heading. I have to believe in the value of hard work and taking care of your own (as well as your neighbor) and living small and that these and other virtues like these can still be rewarded in the US. Just not super excited about a government entity coming to take what I have built with my own two hands.
Not sure just how free we are anymore, but not being a slave to debtors, mortgage, etc, etc is a heck of a good start.

04-05-2014, 09:52 PM
Im new here and tired of living life check to check. I want to own my own cabin.
I want to buy my own wooded land and build it from my hands with an axe and be asked no questions. For all they know im building a fort on my own property
I dont want inspections and codes and all that.
I dont want sewage plumbing or electrical inspections. I want to do wat i want to do.
Am i in yhe right forum?

04-06-2014, 11:02 AM
Yo lilpony-
When you find that place, let me know...
We have folks that are building off the grid...
We even have folks that are building without permits...
But all require information, cooperation and knowledge which is what this forum is all about.

04-06-2014, 11:59 AM
Well im in the right place then. I just wonder if this place even exists or if im just dreaming

04-06-2014, 12:59 PM
I don't think it exists or we would all be there. The closest I think you can get would be in Alaska wilderness, especially back when you could just claim your land but they even changed that now. Or maybe a 3rd world country...

04-06-2014, 01:13 PM
Ya i was looking that up but im not a big fan of deathly cold weather. Unless i knew i could grab a piece of land and call it mine. Can i do that or how expensive is a piece of land in alaska? I may have to go that route.

04-06-2014, 01:34 PM
There a couple different counties in WV that require no permits, not even septic. The power company will run power to just about anything anywhere as long as it had a ground installed

04-06-2014, 01:37 PM
Where in wv?
I like this idea!

04-06-2014, 02:55 PM
Putnam County comes to mind, most don't require building permits, but do require a septic permit. Which I prefer. I don't want anybody releasing corn eyed finless brown trout into the creek above me, nor do I want to swim or fish in such creeks and rivers

04-06-2014, 02:57 PM
Might add land us cheap, look around the town of Buffalo, wv. Land with standing timber can be had for $500 an acre. Just don't show up expecting to find a job. Those don't exist there.

04-06-2014, 03:07 PM
Is there a grocery store or anything there? Or do i have to hunt everything etc?

04-06-2014, 05:45 PM
There is a grocery store, and a maybe 2 gas stations. The town is only about 30 minutes in either direction from towns with Wal marts and fast foods. Toyota actually has a huge engine and transmission factory there, but being wv if your not somebody's uncle or brother your not going to get hired on

04-06-2014, 08:11 PM
Right on. Thx. I may give it a run

04-09-2014, 06:49 PM
Im kind of straddling the middle line here. Building off grid, due to what the power co-op wants to charge to run power to the house. was planning on doing it anyway, just not right away. Im busy figuring out precisely what i dont need, can live without, and doing as such, but the wife needs some of the convenience of civilization, so...Ill admit living in the middle of nowhere sounds more romantic than it really is, so it stands to reason for all involved to compromise.

04-09-2014, 08:35 PM
Don't get too worried about compromising or creature comforts for the female in your life. She''ll find somebody else to love.

Tom Featherstone
04-10-2014, 03:30 AM
luncheatr, We live in the "middle of nowhere" and to this point have survived another winter, #4. You'll find out what you really "need" when you have nothing but each other. The question is, what do you think you need to be happy? You can find that answer inside yourself, you won't find it on tv.

04-10-2014, 08:01 AM
luncheatr, We live in the "middle of nowhere" and to this point have survived another winter, #4. You'll find out what you really "need" when you have nothing but each other. The question is, what do you think you need to be happy? You can find that answer inside yourself, you won't find it on tv.

What do you need to be truly happy???

You need a spouse who thinks it was her idea. You can't drag her along and expect it to work unless she is out in front, pulling with all her entire soul and goading you to catch up.

I feel the same way about LHBA class. When one spouse takes the class, the other spouse goes also. That way she KNOWS it'll work and is not being saddled to another one of your hairbrained schemes.

PS... Haven't had any hairbrained schemes that her family hates yet? It's just a matter of time and human nature.

04-10-2014, 02:54 PM
You need a spouse who thinks it was her idea. You can't drag her along and expect it to work unless she is out in front, pulling with all her entire soul and goading you to catch up. LHN, that is some very true wisdom there!

I feel the same way about LHBA class. When one spouse takes the class, the other spouse goes also. That way she KNOWS it'll work and is not being saddled to another one of your hairbrained schemes.

My wife took the 1st day of class and missed the second day( which was more interesting for a wife, IMO) cause she got the flu and was in bed all day. So she hasn't started pulling me yet, but doesn't give me any grief. What was funny was her daughter is dating a guy who took her on a weekend getaway in a log cabin. She loved it and sent pictures. Now my wife likes it better since her daughter does! Go figure...

04-14-2014, 08:21 PM
Hey Lilpony, Almost every thing I do and have done in the past 10 years is illegal. I am fearless, reckless, hardheaded and some people call me stupid. I just keep smiling.

Figure out what ya want and just dive in. If you can't figure out what ya want ......just do it anyway!!!!

Spend two weeks camping with nothing but bare bones survival stuff ...no electric, no power, no running water, no fluff, just live off of the land, use fire, a hatchet, eat simple foods and find a nice tent or simple shelter ....they try it for a month...then try it for a few weeks in the winter....then a month in the winter. Or the hell with that cold crap and avoid winters all together and go someplace with milder weather! That would be your litmus test to see how "free" you want to be.

There are some people who just need to test themselves. They don't fit in and they aren't happy with living in the modern world. It's in their blood and who knows how far back the genetic traits go. For me it was my calling, ever since I was a young punk I wanted to live in the woods, take care of myself and do as I please. It wasn't a choice for me, I had to do it because I didn't feel truly alive. Something was terribly missing in my life. I wasn't anything close to being free (and my personal definition of it).

I believe no man should ever rule over another man. You can be as free as you want to be. You can be free in your mind but without living it out it's just in your head. I needed and still need to experience it all....in all it's glowing colors.

It is said, In order to truly find yourself you must first lose yourself.

Lose yourself to find yourself means to let go of what is not real about you, so only the real can remain. It's that ego thing that keeps us from being our true selves. You do not have to be anybody.

I find this interesting:

"We are brought up to believe that we have to "be someone", that life will be far better and more satisfying if we have a strong personality, can influence others and "make a difference" in the world. This is a lot of effort, and in my own experience can create unnecessary pressure to be "something" or "someone" when it is not necessary.

Whatever work you do or contributions you make to the world, you do not have to identify with. You actually serve and act more effectively when you are no longer acting to strengthen or maintain a false self-image. What you do then becomes selfless and takes on a far greater power. Then if you go through a period of inactivity, you are not dependent on activity for your sense of self anymore, so you will still be at peace and happy.

"When you are comfortable with being "no one", what is left is your true nature - awareness, from which all "good" things come. This is what is meant by "lose yourself to find yourself". There is no longer any fake ego covering up who you actually are. Then you are far less likely to be disturbed by external factors, since they do not effect your sense of self - which is now pure awareness.

Do not identify with any self-image that your mind has created. You are the awareness of the self image, unattached.

All actions that your body takes and all thoughts your mind produces occur within your own eternal awareness, the untouched presence.

Losing your false sense of self can seem scary, but it is only scary to the ego. You can only lose what is not real about you. The thing that does not want to disappear is the ego itself.

If you are identified with ego, you may believe you are afraid to let go of a part of your self image, or any thoughts or emotions you previously identified with. The fear is of the ego, not of yourself. All it does is cover the truth and temporarily prevent you from realizing it.

When you stop identifying with thoughts, emotions and self-image, you remain as awareness. Lose yourself to find yourself."
author unknown

04-14-2014, 08:28 PM
Might add land us cheap, look around the town of Buffalo, wv. Land with standing timber can be had for $500 an acre. Just don't show up expecting to find a job. Those don't exist there.

500 bucks an acre???...almost Heaven! West Virginny!

Tom Featherstone
04-15-2014, 03:25 AM
[QUOTE=Kola;102690]Hey Lilpony, Almost every thing I do and have done in the past 10 years is illegal. I am fearless, reckless, hardheaded and some people call me stupid. I just keep smiling.

Amen Kola! There have been many authors that cover this. My most recent is "Gina Lake". "Gina" nails this, one book after another. Her works are available on Amazon, most through e-books.

04-16-2014, 06:09 AM
Gina Lake? sounds right up my alley! Thanks Tom, I like to read that kinda' stuff.

06-25-2014, 10:36 AM
None of us are free, we're all slaves to something. The question is what is that something?

06-25-2014, 11:28 AM
Ah, slavery... I know it well.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/4th5thsilllog8-28-09081.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/4th5thsilllog8-28-09081.jpg.html)

I suppose it's not so bad.

06-25-2014, 03:00 PM
I am only a slave to me and what I feel is important. It took almost 6 decades to get here.

06-25-2014, 08:48 PM

06-26-2014, 03:27 PM
It's a fact.

07-01-2014, 11:01 AM
Less free with every Supreme Court ruling.

07-01-2014, 08:21 PM
Less free with every Supreme Court ruling.
isn't that the truth!