View Full Version : Howdy from VA

11-09-2013, 12:26 PM
Hello all. Obviously new on here, currently stuck in the never ending city expanding from D.C. further and further. Wanting to get out as soon as possible, finally got the wife onboard but we have to wait a few more years till my step son graduates high school. But that will give me plenty of time to find the right spot and get my design finalized and all my ducks in a row. Looking forward to learning and talking all things log here.

11-09-2013, 01:27 PM
Welcome! I'm just down the road from you in Roanoke!

11-10-2013, 03:15 PM
Hello all. Obviously new on here, currently stuck in the never ending city expanding from D.C. further and further. Wanting to get out as soon as possible, finally got the wife onboard but we have to wait a few more years till my step son graduates high school. But that will give me plenty of time to find the right spot and get my design finalized and all my ducks in a row. Looking forward to learning and talking all things log here.

And you forgot the most important step - Take the class with your wife. It will help you design a better house also.

11-12-2013, 06:07 AM
Yeah not to far away rckclmbr, and yes dvb I have already signed up for the automatic class alert when the next will be held. The scheduling is my problem, I work down in the Gulf 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off so wouldn't be able to make it if its during my on time.

My questions with the system is about size and with going back quite aways in the public section I couldn't find any info on it. Is there a max size or length/depth ratio for this method of butt and pass building? I'm not looking for some monstrosity, around 30'x60' plus loft, unfinished basement and garage that can be separate or attached with a breezeway.

Plumb Level
11-12-2013, 07:05 AM
Each wall can be any length you want....provided it is the same as all the other walls. :)

Once you take the class, you will see the benefits of building square, or at least very very close to square. There is another thread here on the public side that went into the benefits of building square.

There was another thread started by Jake back in July, the title of it is "New Member". There were a lot of great comments about building square.

11-12-2013, 09:43 AM
Thanks Plumb, I'll look for it.

I understand the ease of the square and realize the 60' side is long especially considering taper etc on each log. I know everyone continually preaches the wait till you go to class chant, I just want to get my head wrapped around the idea the square and not "thinking outside the box."

11-12-2013, 10:04 AM
Manateeman, One thing that we all know that you don't... Every one of those folks who are telling you "Wait til you go to class to start thinking", are the same folks who once said "I can't wait til I get to class, I have all these ideas that I want to get a head start on!".

It's so much fun (and frustrating at the same time), to be on this side, remembering how differently we all thought when we were on the other side. Life is so easy once you have tossed out a few preconceived notions about what you have always known is the way your log home was going to be. Suddenly it just kinda makes sense to do it this other way.

What do you do on the rig?

11-12-2013, 11:02 AM
Keeping to the LHBA methods, a square house will appear rectangular when complete. Therefore, a rectangular house can appear disproportionately rectangular when complete. Here's an AutoCAD drawing of my square house, and you can see it appears rectangular.

11-12-2013, 02:54 PM
Probably because you have really long overhangs, which is what Skip would have wanted. : )

11-12-2013, 04:33 PM
That's a good one, manateeman... Believe it or not a handful of years ago that ride was attempted off a dock and it did not end well for me. Those things are friggin strong and they do not want a 200lb creature hopping on their back. Actually not on a rig, on a tug and barge unit picking up gas/diesel/jet 8.4 million barrels at a time from refinery and moving it distribution facilities. Sucks being away but great when I'm home and can do whatever in my time off.

Not really worried about the square look and I do see and agree with the overhangs being larger to help with shade and protecting the logs so its really a nonissue for me. Just hadn't that about the layout with soley the square shape. I know the layout can work as so many of you can attest to. Once the schedule comes out I will see if I'm off and start making arrangements. As much as my wife likes the idea I don't think she is going to sit through the classes, she won't be participating in much of the buikding process besides floor plan, finishing and furnishing.

11-12-2013, 04:50 PM
I vote to reconsider having Womanateeboss go to class. My Wife is only rarely on the build and yet her support in this whole thing has been key to its success. Nothing would be more miserable than having the woman you love think you were as crazy as everyone else thinks you are. Trust me. Your friends and neighbors will take on new part-time jobs trying to tell you how this thing can't be built like that and has to be build like their Uncle Frank's kit house was built.

Just saying I'm sure glad my Boss went to class with me.

PS... No, I don't get a commission. Just a fanatical LHBA groupie.

11-12-2013, 05:38 PM
I vote with LHN, she really needs to know what this entails even if she doesn't work the build. There will probably be less "discussions" about how things need to happen if she has first hand knowledge of every thing. Besides who is gonna be the official photographer and blogger? She can also do a lot on the planning, ordering of supplies, scheduling deliveries ect. There are several of us girls on here that are assisting in various ways from doing some of everything to just supporting. One wife was the power behind the wheel of the suv when they were pulling the logs up on the wall with triples blocks Really, she needs to go.

11-12-2013, 05:42 PM
I vote with LHN, she really needs to know what this entails even if she doesn't work the build. There will probably be less "discussions" about how things need to happen if she has first hand knowledge of every thing. Besides who is gonna be the official photographer and blogger? She can also do a lot on the planning, ordering of supplies, scheduling deliveries ect. There are several of us girls on here that are assisting in various ways from doing some of everything to just supporting. One wife was the power behind the wheel of the suv when they were pulling the logs up on the wall with triples blocks Really, she needs to go.

Not obvious by the post but Mosseyme is the "She" on her place.

11-12-2013, 06:04 PM
humm, some might say the She B---h, gonna have to start shrieking if the wonderful helpers that are here right now don't start listening regarding safety issues. What part of don't get under the tele boom or forks with out making eye contact with the driver and signaling him don't they understand.

11-12-2013, 06:35 PM
On second thought Manateeman, maybe you oughta leave the ole Gal at home after all. LHBA class changes people.
