View Full Version : Christmas has arrived alittle early this year :)

11-25-2012, 06:47 AM
I first want to say hello and thanks to all of the members that post on "this side" of the forums. I have been spending lots of time reading these forums and appreciate the feedback from those that help us newbies try to make up our minds about taking the class.
I checked my email last night and saw that the first classes of 2013 are being offered. I immediately signed up. Looking forward to this new journey and being part of something great.



Going to be a long few months til March :)

11-25-2012, 08:39 AM
Welcome Lance,
Glad you have enjoyed the reading so far and i only gets better "on the other side". Im sure you will love the class, but if not, there is always that money back guarantee

11-25-2012, 11:54 AM
You'll love it and March will be here before you know it. Welcome.

11-25-2012, 09:07 PM
Santa is a wise ole rascal. Look forward to watching your movie.

11-26-2012, 05:41 AM
Welcome Lance,
Glad you have enjoyed the reading so far and i only gets better "on the other side". Im sure you will love the class, but if not, there is always that money back guarantee

Hey Mark ----- how is your build going? Toss us some updated pictures sometime. Looks like the last were from June '11 unless i am missing them someplace here??

11-26-2012, 09:02 AM
Unfortunately you arent missing them somewhere, ive just been really slack on posting any new pics on the blog but at the same time there isnt that much new to show. Basically Im still just dragging logs out of the woods and peeling them so all I have to show are about 70 logs laying on racks. However i did just get the corners of the house set this past weekend and hope to be making some real progress in the next month to 6 weeks with getting my piers in.

11-26-2012, 10:22 AM
I first want to say hello and thanks to all of the members that post on "this side" of the forums. I have been spending lots of time reading these forums and appreciate the feedback from those that help us newbies try to make up our minds about taking the class.
I checked my email last night and saw that the first classes of 2013 are being offered. I immediately signed up. Looking forward to this new journey and being part of something great.



Going to be a long few months til March :)

I'll be in that class with you Lance! I too will be eagerly looking forward to March!

11-28-2012, 05:38 AM
Congrats Lance and Dan! You're going to love class! So hard to sit and wait to get there. We only had weeks between sign up time and class and I remember the torture of the anticipation!

11-28-2012, 06:32 AM
The site says the last class of year was all sold out and no mention to future class.
So where is this posted??? :confused:
I'm signed up for class notification and my box has not received anything either .... what am I missing here?

BTW - where is location going to be? Still sin city or this been finally changed?

11-28-2012, 08:24 AM
Try here for the link to the next class date.

11-28-2012, 08:53 AM
Yeah Pokey, you gotta kinda look for it. They just announced. Yes it will be in sin city. I can't wait. Sharpening pencils as I type! lol I can take copious notes.

11-28-2012, 09:28 AM
Hey guys - thanks for the info. The front page for this site still says sold out with no reference to the link at mechanical transfer having more current info. Bet that gets changed soon.

Got a birthday first week in March and my lovely bride has us going to Belize for 2 weeks. Guess when ..... lol
Not much one can do here about it. Plus Belize has loads and loads of appeal in the middle of a stinking winter.

Thank you for the info - imagine others will be saying the same thing

11-28-2012, 10:17 AM
Yeah Pokey, you gotta kinda look for it. They just announced. Yes it will be in sin city. I can't wait. Sharpening pencils as I type! lol I can take copious notes.

Lots of notes are good. But it's also good to draw pictures. I made lots of sketches during the class of how things are supposed to go together, how they are pinned and those really come in handy when it's been awhile since the class and you start to forget stuff.

11-28-2012, 01:21 PM
Hey guys - thanks for the info. The front page for this site still says sold out with no reference to the link at mechanical transfer having more current info. Bet that gets changed soon.

We occasionally have a class fill up pretty quick. So we try to give folks who are on the email notification list a chance to enroll before the class is posted on the website. We'll update the main page sometime this week.

11-29-2012, 10:45 PM
Thank you Ellsworth for the email notification about the class. I'd love to attend the class later though. Thanks again, Rick.

11-30-2012, 07:21 AM
I continue to pray for the day that classes or even a single class at that, are someplace other than LV

11-30-2012, 07:56 AM
I wouldn't worry about LV, unless you get distracted real easily. The classes are in session for close to 12 hours a day. I arrived late the night before and left the evening after the second day. So didn't book myself any time for anything else other than the class.

Tom Featherstone
11-30-2012, 11:45 AM
I continue to pray for the day that classes or even a single class at that, are someplace other than LV

Me too LogLover. I remember why you won't go there. My prayer is for different reasons.

My wife & I were blessed to take the class at Skip's place and even with an extra expense of going to the West Coast I believe the whole package was worth more than saving a few bucks looking back on it today. To be able to "touch & see" a Skip style B&P is something to behold. To see Skip's place before classes ended there is something again I feel very blessed about. I do regret that I didn't meet these people many years ago and where we'd be today if we had.

I also know that the Torch was passed on a long time ago to two people that are way more than capable to teach this method of building. They could teach this anywhere and the students to become Members are then capable to build one of these homes. I'm counting on it and the Members/ friends to bail me out because I know once I start building I'm going to forget everything I learned..:rolleyes:

Maybe if Mr. E and Steve get enough requests to do a Wallace Falls Lodge class they might consider it. It's also a great place as we stayed there while attending class and have remained friends with Timberwolf that also stayed at "WFL". It's a member built place, Skip style B&P. I have a picture of it in our home.

I believe the bottom line about Las Vegas is totally based on cost effectiveness and this goes along 110% with the building philosophy of what and how they teach and believe. They don't want to cost any student one additional dime to get the class in being that people come from all over the world to get this instruction.

Prayer? That students could return to Skip's place. That Ellsworth & Steve come to the East side of the country and maybe hold a class at one of Skip's Inspirations. That I get to meet face to face someday the many fine people I've met here in these forums. World Peace? That's in a different forum!

p.s. LogLover, That your heart may heal and that if need be, put blinders on and take the class as soon as you can. I do believe in this enough that if you did you would still feel it was all worth it. T

12-01-2012, 09:03 PM
Tom, you have a real way with words, keep it up my good man

12-04-2012, 04:36 AM
Woot!!! It's official, I'm IN for the March, 2013 class. Hotel and flight booked as well. Now I have to figure out how to temper the excitement of the countdown to March!! LOL So excited!

12-04-2012, 07:30 AM
Just try to think of something else. Glad to see you properly aimed. You were made for this.

12-06-2012, 08:25 AM
I continue to pray for the day that classes or even a single class at that, are someplace other than LV

I wouldn't worry about LV, unless you get distracted real easily. The classes are in session for close to 12 hours a day. I arrived late the night before and left the evening after the second day. So didn't book myself any time for anything else other than the class.

^- This. There is zero time to be distracted (influenced?) by in Las Vegas. Other than the tourists crowding the streets when you are rushing during the 1 hour break to find some lunch, it feels just like any other large conference arena you fly to in the US.

I felt like I was in college again in my class. Cramming notes for 10-12 solid hours, studying materials as fast as you can, etc. You leave the first night with nothing but the yearning to read a lot more of 'the manual' you get. Then start to gather a number of questions for the 2nd day, and before you know it, you only got 7 hours until the next class starts so you need some sleep!

And make sure to stay until the end late Sunday night, it's worth the red-eye back home and lack of sleep before work. Then again, I went in May over Labour Day so my 6:30 AM Monday flight was a piece of cake - again, with sever lack of sleep Sunday as you are scribbling your designs on paper and day-dreaming of assembly, only to realize it's 5 hours before your flight (and u want to be at the airport 2 hours early).

For me, that was the 3rd night of little to no sleep as my connecting flight out Friday evening was cancelled - at 11 PM (8 hours delayed!). I had the option to fly out 1st class Saturday night, missing the first day. I decided that was not an option, and bought another ticket immediately at 5:15 AM, and worry about a refund later. Airport floors are not comfortable enough to sleep on for the 4 or 5 hours I had after a taxi to another airport in city I was connecting to. I arrived at my class about 1.5 hours late with basically no sleep, and felt I missed so much.

Lesson: get direct flights for something this important.

12-06-2012, 11:31 AM
Wanna be there on time... Leave early. That's what my Dad said so many times it made me screwy. Screwy but usually on time.

Most folks seem to think that Vegas means "limited time only". Vegas ain't going anyplace. Take it easy. It's so easy to fly into Vegas. That's why they do it there.

So take a week or two off and fly into Vegas some time early in the week. Grab a cheap rental car at the airport and head out in any direction. There's so much to see around there that ain't Vegas. Spend some time at the Dam and the Lake. Go see the Canyon and rent a little cabin for a night or two. Heck, toss a dart at a map and drive slow. Pretend you want to relax on vacation. If you're doing class the way we all agree you ought to, then you'll be sharing the class experience with the One you love. If you can't enjoy a relaxing week or two with Her/Him, how are you gonna build that dream home together?

Burn up a bit of highway and relax a bit and then get back to the city the afternoon before class and enjoy the comfort of a cheap hotel room. Go to class rested and relaxed in the morning and be there early without a skull-full of those jet lag cobwebs.

When you're through trying to learn whatever you can from Ellsworth and Steve you can hit that cheap room for one last 10 hours and then either grab a jet in a rush or wait til the middle of the week.

It'll still be Vegas but you'll get as little of "Vegas" as you can stand. Life's too short. You gotta stop and smell the sawdust (more on that later).

12-06-2012, 12:57 PM
Yep. When I took the class at Skip's place in Monroe, WA, I flew out early in case of any delays. One more night for the rental and room is worth the piece of mind, and being fresh and ready for class. Besides, like 'nut says, gives ya time to see some of the sights and make the travel expense more of a value.

With time to kill when I arrived early, I enjoyed a hike up to Wallace Falls. We don't have waterfalls that big and beautiful around my parts, so it was a real pleasure.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk 2

12-06-2012, 01:25 PM
Me too LogLover. I remember why you won't go there. My prayer is for different reasons.

I did some digging and found that old thread on this matter.
Hear ya loud and clear LogLover and truly understand where you at on this. Sometimes life just plain makes no sense
God Bless you and yours and may the day come when you no longer feel the pain.