View Full Version : Preparing for the storm of a century

10-28-2012, 01:30 PM
I just wanted to wish all our East Coast members well as they prepare to meet the Frankenstorm. Seems like it might just be a genuine storm of the Century. Get ready and stay safe, you guys will be in our thoughts and prayers.

During the last major storm we faced here in WA we lost power for a couple weeks. No gas was available for a few days from the local stations. It was a hassle, but some prep made it less so.

Here are some generic storm prep tips:

Load up spare gas cans. I usually get 20+- gallons on hand before a storm.
Fill spare diesel gas cans in case the tractor is needed to move downed trees.
Make sure there's fresh 2 stroke gas for saws.
Check generators to ensure they work fine.
Obtain a supply of any medication you might need.
Get some spare cash on hand. A store can open without power, but they can't run credit cards.
Batten down the hatches as needed (board up windows).
Stock up on shelve stable food (canned goods) and bottled water.
Make sure your camp stove works, and your back up camp stove. Stock up on some white fuel for stove (or propane, what ever yours uses).
Fill your BBQ propane tanks.
Know where your gas and water shut offs are, and have the tools ready to shut them off if needed.
Get your important paperwork together in case you are evacuated (i.e. passport, license, checkbook, etc).
Make sure your downspouts and local street drains are clear.
Stock up on batteries.
Know what not to do -- i.e. do not refuel a hot generator, or cook with charcoal inside, etc). It sounds obvious, but after every storm I hear about people doing such things with horrible results.
Live in a log home, so if a tree falls on your house you won't get hurt ;)
Know how you'll heat your home if you have no power. I.e, if your primary heat source is radiant floor heat then you'll need either a generator or battery back up to work the pump (assuming your boiler works on propane or natural gas). If you have a gas furnace with a electric blower just a small generator can be the difference between heat and no heat.
Get your house clean right before the storm hits. Who wants to start a 'camping trip' with dirty dishes and clothes. Plus it'll be easier to walk around the house in the dark if you aren't tripping over little Tommy's Tonka toys.
Got enough pet food on hand?

Just a short list, so feel free to add your own tips.

It's a lot easier to prepare for the worst and not need it, then to not prepare and end up needing it. So to members and non-members alike, please stay safe and get your prep-on.

10-28-2012, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the well wishes Ellsworth. Ive already been effected by it somewhat as I was suppose to fly out tomorrow to Montana but as of the moment all my flights out are cancelled and not sure when airports are going to be back to normal. truly looking like it will be a big one

10-28-2012, 05:05 PM
I made a good pot roast in case the storm wasn't so bad that we had to stay in the suburban home. If it's so bad that we have to evacuate the suburbs I would be willing to live like the poorest Amish that populate Dolgeville, NY until I got a roof over my head at Winterwood. No fear here.....best wishes and stay safe to all my Nor'easter neighbors.

10-28-2012, 06:01 PM
Good advice, we are on the edge of whats suppose to be bad. But we had a good runup without power for about a week in June. some other thoughts, if you have a well, go ahead and store water in everything you have. Most generators will run fridges and freezers, not all will run your well pump. Even old 5 gallon buckets will work for flushing the toilet. the water doesnt have to be clean to make the turds go down.

Along with chainsaw gas, make sure you have sharp chains. chainsaws dont do much without a good chain.

Tom Featherstone
10-29-2012, 04:15 AM
Batten Down the Hatches!

To All our LHBA Family & friends on the East Coast. Our Prayers are with you that you all remain safe and sound.

10-29-2012, 05:22 AM
I shouldn't have hesitated and bought my generator last week. The wind has picked up and losing power is probably going to happen. Plenty of food and water so we should be fine.

10-29-2012, 04:15 PM
Just moderate rain and a little gusty where I'm at. Expecting winds to pick up overnight, but nothing serious. It's possible we'll get an inch or two of snow before it's done.

SteveW in SE PA reported strong and gusting winds, trees coming down, and without power since 2:30pm.

Meanwhile, the cistern has been topped off since this morning, plenty of firewood at the ready, and juice in the batteries. It's days like this, that I love being off-grid. ;)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk 2

10-29-2012, 04:24 PM
glad you're high and dry, Rod. prayers that everyone else fairs as well.

Tom Featherstone
10-29-2012, 04:56 PM
Hopefully those in the storm path are coming through this fine. We don't have a TV and can't stay up on the moment by moment weather on the ground. I do look to the NWS and all the weather tools that are afforded us without the hype or commercials not to belittle this storm or all others that Mother Nature sends us.

Here's a couple of my favorites that I check frequently along with local weather here. The 1st site is the National Doppler Radar Loop the 2nd being the GOES Infrared Satellite National Loop. It gives you a little broader view of what we get from local Forecasters.

I also know that this information means nothing now to those that have this storm. I can only offer it for future reference.

My Prayers are still with All those directly effected by this.


10-29-2012, 06:22 PM
Thoughts and prayers to all who are in the path. Stay safe and stay home if you can!

10-31-2012, 02:36 PM
Hope all is well with everyone. We were much better prepared than with last years two storms, potable water was our biggest issue to deal with.. Power here is restored for Half of the residents in our town. Had to go rescue my mother in law from the old folks home due to no power, at least we had the generator in place.

Rod; Has anyone heard from Claire? When I tried to call earlier, there was a recording that the phone lines were down.

10-31-2012, 04:23 PM
Wondering about Spiralsands too. She hasn't logged in for a while.

10-31-2012, 05:22 PM
I don't see where anyone of the NEsters that posted on here before the storm have posted anywhere since the storm. I'm a bit worried. Prayers continuing for all of you.

10-31-2012, 06:53 PM
Brigitte and I are alive and well. I hope others were as lucky as we were

10-31-2012, 06:58 PM
I haven't heard anything from Claire. I'll try giving her a call tomorrow. SteveW faired just fine. No word from Dazedandconfused either. I imagine they have their hands full cleaning up.

The rain, sleet, snow is finally ending here. That was a lot of water. Every square inch UNDER my pole building is wet. Hoping for some sunshine come tomorrow, and start getting back to projects that need doing.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk 2

11-01-2012, 04:44 AM
I finally got her on the cell. They are holding up fine in NJ, though it may be a while before power is restored.

11-01-2012, 04:46 AM
We just got a lot of wind

11-01-2012, 04:48 AM
Best of luck and thoughts in days, weeks, months ahead in the massive clean-up that needs to be done.
And hopes and prayers that the Gubbermint does a better and faster job in assissting than they did in the Katrina disaster. No doubt they will and have to as its the financial hub of country --- so ya lucky in that sense.
Best of luck and wishes at ya all on that side of country

11-01-2012, 11:32 AM
Wondering about Spiralsands too. She hasn't logged in for a while.

So sweet of y'all to worry about us. Natalie and I are fine. We are, after all, hurricane veterans from Florida. Syracuse was only grazed by winds and rain. However, my step-mom's cousin and his wife lost their house to that horriblefire down in Breezy Point. We just found out today. We don't yet know where they are. I have other family and friends down there who have been without power and are getting chilly. I feel so bad that I can't get down there to lend my generator but I can't leave my daughter alone right now. She had surgery on her eye for a detached retina and cannot yet drive her car. I have to taxi her around to the doctor and do all the shopping while she recuperates.

11-01-2012, 07:57 PM
I have only had one surgery in my life and that was for a detached retina. I can't imagine anything nearly as depressing as those 5 weeks of recovery. Give her a hug every day; no, every hour! Give her a hug for every LHBA member reading your post. She deserves it and much more. That is something no one wants to experience and no one can possibly understand unless it is experienced. Wish her my best and thanks for taking good care of her!


11-02-2012, 03:12 PM
Good to hear everyone is ok so far. Been through a number of hurricanes in Florida. Sad to see so many in harms way. Praying each day for all who are struggling from the storm.