View Full Version : How to prepare for taking the class and other questions

05-01-2012, 04:49 AM
Hi All,
For those who have been to the class or who have stumbled on threads that may already be covering this topic, I was wondering if it's benefical to have code requirements and other technical details in-hand when attending the class, such as:

* Frost line depth
* Foundation requirements
* Wind category
* Seismic category
* Soil characteristics
* Egress codes for bedrooms
* Etc.

Will this aid in the discussion, learning during the class? I am sure Ellsworth and Steve are up to speed on most these things, but they vary so greatly from one town to the next sometimes.

I would like to start a little discussion on how those who has taken the class would advise those who will be taking the class to be prepared. Below are some questions to get the converstaion started:

1) What did you NOT take that you wish you would have?
2) What did you take that you wish you would NOT have?
3) What information is good to have with you when attending the class? --> code requirements, items from the my list above, others...
4) What information is good to NOT have with you? I have seen many people talk about having maybe some very high level ideas, such as I want to build a log home mortgage or close to mortgage free ;) and to leave it at that. I have seen people talk about how their plans completely changed after attending the class.
5) What is the pace of the class?
5a) Did you feel you had time to digest most of the information that was presented?
5b) Were the 12 hour days engaging, entertaining, difficult to sit through (add you own adjectives)
6) Because the class is limited in size to about 20 does the class lend itself to discussing some details about each person's plans/ideas?
6a) Is the class more geared toward a general discussion of the technique that can be applied to each individual situation, building skills, building knowledge, code
requirements, etc.?
6a) From reading a lot on this forum for the last week I think it I have an idea, but would like to here from some who have attended
7) Should I bring my own pens, pecils, notepad or are these available at the class?
8) If you were to attend the class again how would you prepare differently?

Thank you to all who reply. I am an IT guy so my analytical mind kicks in when planning things of this nature. I like to have the facts upfront. From reading on this forum I may have to give up some of my analytical planning and try to be more creative, artistic and fluid about the entire process. Thankfully my wife is the opposite of me. The dreamer, the "we'll get'r done", overly optomstic type, that balances me out. :cool:

Can't wait to here from you!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!! :)

05-01-2012, 06:07 AM
The class teaches towards a specific design of home, which makes sense for most people after taking the class, which is why most peoples plans change drastically after taking the class. (they offer for sale a stock home plan after the class that meets codes) The classes in Vegas are around 50-60 people, there's not much discussion in the class, the prevailing theme is your question will be answered eventually if your listening, so just listen. Alot of people without construction experience describe it as drinking from a fire hydrant, lots of information. for people with const. exp. there is alot of review. For alot of people the class is a good overview, its hard to absorb all the info, but the real benefit from the class is gaining access to the members area, where info can be absorbed at a slower pace and questions can be asked and answered about specific questions. but theres also people who take the class and workbook, and never log onto the members forum and build homes.

05-01-2012, 06:09 AM
Dreamer ---
First, step away from the keyboard.
Breathe.... repeat.... :)
Do bring some analgesic for your writing wrist ... from all the writing you'll do.
Do Bring some caffeine, if prone to sleeping in a chair during meetings.
Do bring a pen, but you will get a notebook. (I'm sure that Els will hand out LHBA Pens.

Don't bring a Log home magazine.
Don't bring any preconcieved notions.
Don't work about the codes (a general knowledge is always helpful, where to look is key).

I went in 1999, so my class was at Skips house, no Vegas -- So i'm no help for the new classes.


05-01-2012, 06:18 AM
The classes in Vegas are around 50-60 people, there's not much discussion in the class, the prevailing theme is your question will be answered eventually if your listening, so just listen. Alot of people without construction experience describe it as drinking from a fire hydrant, lots of information. for people with const. exp. there is alot of review. For alot of people the class is a good overview, its hard to absorb all the info, but the real benefit from the class is gaining access to the members area, where info can be absorbed at a slower pace and questions can be asked and answered about specific questions. but theres also people who take the class and workbook, and never log onto the members forum and build homes.

The classes are how big??? Was this a typo by chance?
On the Member side - who provides the support then ? Mainly staffed or addressed by members? :confused:
I am about to take the plunge for current class and planned on signing up today. Happened to check this thread and glad I did so I can get clarification on stuff. Thank you for replies

05-01-2012, 06:32 AM
Gomer --

Just jump!!!
They have beent hat large, but I can't answer HOW large.
Mine was 22 people, at Skips house and we had the out doors.
You'll be in a luxurious meeting area at a hotel.

The LHBA staff MONITORS the members forums, but the people (Members) all participate from knowledge and experience.
There's more hand holding than a Jr. High School Dance. :)

These are the stats from the Forum pages:
Threads 6,968Posts 67,096Members 6,621

LOTS of information from ICF's, Basements, radiant flooring, septic, roofing and all in between.
You'll be good to go....
and there's google!!!!!

05-01-2012, 06:37 AM
I don't think you will need any of the early mentioned items.

http://www.loghomebuilders.org/wp_super_faq/what-should-i-bring-to-class (http://www.loghomebuilders.org/wp_super_faq/what-should-i-bring-to-class) Take with you a notebook, pens, and an open mind. Preconceptions will almost certainly be altered after attending the class, so any ideas/pre-planning you may have now are going to be of little use. (I did hang on to an idea or two that the class discourages, but in general, most of what I thought I wanted, changed afterwards)

Information NOT good to have? Well, that would be the rhetoric of kit home companies dancing in your head. Leave it at the door. It doesn't apply here. The two building styles have practically no similarities to each other, short of having "log" in their names.

Pace is moderate, but with breaks, and a few times where you can let your pen cool off with a short movie. (at least that's the way it use to be) I had the honor of taking the class at Skip's log home. I'm not sure how "comfortable" it is to take it in LV, but there was an element of "feeling right" at Skip's. I don't think students get the whole picture by attending a class held in a conference center. I'd hold out for classes taught at Wallace Falls Lodge (a true LHBA log home) to get that missing component.

I felt that there wasn't time to digest it all. BE SURE TO TAKE THOROUGH NOTES!!!! It's a lot of information in a very short time frame. The information can be conveyed in the time period allowed, but don't rely on memory alone.

The time just flew by. I didn't want it to end. Breaks were spaced nicely. Steve and Ellsworth have refined the timing of them quite well. However, location may alter this feeling. Not sure how I'd feel sitting in a conference center.

Yes, questions are commonly asked. I know with my class, there was time to ask Ellsworth and Steve questions which you might feel are more unique to your own build.

With the limited amount of time, the class is more or less a generalization of construction methods, financing, material acquisitions, etc. Refinement really comes from the member's side of the forums. There, you can really focus down on an idea, and you have a great think-tank to utilize.

If I were to do it again, I felt I was properly prepared, and wouldn't change a thing. Tips offered by LHBA on what to bring were spot on.

Yes, prepare to bend that analytical mindset, and if at all possible, have your wife take the class with you. Two minds focused on the task is four times better than one. ;) Hopefully, they still serve Skip's secret cookies

Tom Featherstone
05-01-2012, 06:58 AM
Go as a "Sponge"... and soak in as much as possible while in the class.

A Clear mind without a thousands questions that you will come up with before getting there.

They will give you All the information you need to know to set you down the correct path and what steps to take you will decide after class. Because every preconceived idea you have now will most definitely change after class.

I know this is a hard concept for some IT / engineer types of individuals and it is good to want to know and to have questions that bring further knowledge.

What I'm trying to get to here is "be a sponge" and gain everything they have to teach you about this, they already know and you will gain much more by just listening with the limited time you'll have with them. It's not possible to have all the "Facts" about a building process before you build, you are at a beginning step of many to come.

My wife Linda takes shorthand and is an awesome note taker. I worked on the listening part with few written notes. We both feel we could now do this alone if we had to.

Relax, enjoy your time while there. All the questions get answered through time.

Go there to learn to build a Log home.

Congratulations! On taking this step.

I was starting to wonder about this upcoming class pretty quite after the last class.

See you on the Members side soon!


05-01-2012, 07:51 AM
The classes are how big??? Was this a typo by chance?
On the Member side - who provides the support then ? Mainly staffed or addressed by members? :confused:
I am about to take the plunge for current class and planned on signing up today. Happened to check this thread and glad I did so I can get clarification on stuff. Thank you for replies
The reports I have been hearing from the new members is class size is around 50-60 people. There are only 2 staff, Ellsworth and Steve, so most responses are by members.

05-01-2012, 08:09 AM
I would recommend plenty of rest if your mind will slow down enough to allow it. If you are are tired it will be more difficult to follow. Remember, the only reason you are in Vagus is for the info, so stay away from the other stuff that will distract you from your main goal. I would stay away from foods that could possibly make you uncomfortable or cause you to be sleepy.
My son attended the class with me and as already mentioned it really helps to put two heads together. Neither of us are good note takers but it seemed like he would pick up on things that I missed and vise verse. Then on things we both missed there is the forum to catch you.
After class.... I would recommend looking up a member close enough to you that has either completed their build or is pretty far along that would allow you to visit while all the info is still fresh in your mind. I took my class at Skips house and it just made since to be able to see with my own eyes what I was learning. It is different than just looking at pictures and videos to be able to touch the logs with your own hands I would imagine.

05-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Thanks all for you responses. I'm pretty much knee deep in this thing now. Have booked the flight and hotel. No backing out now. I was reading some of the older threads that talked about the classes being small. Didn't realize they had gotten so big in Vegas. That's a good piece of info to have. They may want to mention that on their web site, as the older posts can lead some of us to think the classes are still small. Sure wish I could have attended one at Skip's. All the same I guess a $2000 is worth knowing if this truly is a style I want to go with for my home.

Unfortunately my wife cannot attend with me. I wish she could. After reading many posts on here, everyone seems to state it's best if you are going down this road with your spouse, they should be at the class too.

Maybe I jumped in to quickly without checking to see how deep the water was first.

I have not desire for anything but to attend the class and try to sleep. I'm coming from the east coast, so the jet lag, long flights and noisey city will be challening enough.

05-01-2012, 08:45 AM
To be honest, the only thing I needed was a pen. I took all my notes inside the class text book I didn't even use the paper I brought. The one thing that I found highly detrimental to class progress was the need for everyone to take it upon themselves to ask every question that came to mind. Don't get me wrong questions are good, but I would recommend if you have a question write it down and wait. Chances are it will be answered in more detail than you would have expected or received if you had asked it when it first came to mind! Hope you have a great time at the class!

05-01-2012, 08:49 AM
I just have my toes in the water right now
now admit to being wee bit more nervous after reading things. I kind of am a hands on person and while I know we got some great member helpers here I fret not knowing that part of help/hands on after the class. With 2 of us and all told it's near $2600. For some it's probably pocket change. For me it is a lot. Bigger decision than I thought in front of me and time is short

05-01-2012, 09:26 AM
I doubt you will come away with any regrets. One thing you will hear Ellsworth say over and over is "no problem". It does help to have someone else with you but if don't have that luxury you will still do just fine. You will see that it is not really all that complicated and the simplicity of building a b&p log home will become clear to you at the class not to mention the superior building method that you will learn. I have never built anything other than a few decks and re roofed a house before this endeavor and my place is not perfect by any means but it is getting done with the help of my son.

Enjoy the class and look forward to seeing you on the members side.
Thanks all for you responses. I'm pretty much knee deep in this thing now. Have booked the flight and hotel. No backing out now. I was reading some of the older threads that talked about the classes being small. Didn't realize they had gotten so big in Vegas. That's a good piece of info to have. They may want to mention that on their web site, as the older posts can lead some of us to think the classes are still small. Sure wish I could have attended one at Skip's. All the same I guess a $2000 is worth knowing if this truly is a style I want to go with for my home.

Unfortunately my wife cannot attend with me. I wish she could. After reading many posts on here, everyone seems to state it's best if you are going down this road with your spouse, they should be at the class too.

Maybe I jumped in to quickly without checking to see how deep the water was first.

I have not desire for anything but to attend the class and try to sleep. I'm coming from the east coast, so the jet lag, long flights and noisey city will be challening enough.

05-01-2012, 09:28 AM

It is NOT imperative to have your spouse.
I"m guessing a BIG benefit, BUT
there was no spouse with me
No notebook, but what I brought
No Hotel... I slept in my car in Monroe Grocery parking lot.
I went ON THE CHEAP.... and my wife is still on board.
OH -- and NO FORUM.... but I had a phone number to Skip and email.

You now have alot more to carry you.
Don't be afraid.... soak the foot. :)


05-01-2012, 09:33 AM
With 2 of us and all told it's near $2600. For some it's probably pocket change. For me it is a lot. Bigger decision than I thought in front of me and time is short
Yea, if I remember correctly, I had something around $1700 invested in taking the class back in '05, which was a chunk of change to drop on something that I may or may not get any value from. (if say, I had decided to just buy a home instead) But in retrospect, it really was a small, and very worthwhile expense that I have not once regretted spending. Surely, I saved far more than that by following their teachings, so in my mind, it's been a positive investment.

05-01-2012, 10:37 AM
Blane, jrd, rr,
Thank you for that bit of encouragement and undestanding about the INVESTMENT of taking the class. We had to think hard about taking the money out of savings, as we are a one-income family. I am sure I will be more than happy, impressed, encouraged, motivated and have a bunch more clarity after attending the class. The idea of building a home for and with my family seems very exciting and very itimidating at the same time. Like sooooooooooo many have said on this forum so far. One day, one step at a time right?

05-01-2012, 11:00 AM
We are a single income family with 5 children and this has been the most demanding and life altering (in a good way) thing we have ever done. My children have learned manny lessons in life that they might have never known otherwise. Work ethics, listening to and obeying instructions and learning how to work together as a team instead of everyone doing their own thing have all been a blessing for my children. It's not easy for anyone in our home but it does bring us closer as a family. So for me that has been the best part of this experience. We home school our children and this has been the best curriculum for preparing them for life in more ways than one.
Blane, jrd, rr,
Thank you for that bit of encouragement and undestanding about the INVESTMENT of taking the class. We had to think hard about taking the money out of savings, as we are a one-income family. I am sure I will be more than happy, impressed, encouraged, motivated and have a bunch more clarity after attending the class. The idea of building a home for and with my family seems very exciting and very itimidating at the same time. Like sooooooooooo many have said on this forum so far. One day, one step at a time right?

05-01-2012, 12:28 PM
I took a drawing pad and lots of sharpened pencils and I did many drawings of the way stuff was put together. I found the pace too fast to follow along in the text book so I took copious notes and did sketches. Looking over my personal notes helps me relive the moments.

I wish I had brought sugar free snacks. The snacks at the Big Cabin were all sugary, junk food type. Aspirin for eye strain, headache.

The cost of going to this class has already saved me many thousands of dollars even though I have not yet moved one shovelful of dirt for my log house. I came home revved to learn to do construction work. I then commenced to replace all but 3 of my windows, gutted my bathroom to the studs and rebuilt it and built a framed roofed shed by scratch. I had never done any construction ever before.

Plumb Level
05-01-2012, 08:19 PM
Preparation: Read some of the members blogs and websites. Blane's above and is an excellent one, another is Vernstreet.com. Some other members have photobucket websites that take you thru the process. Read them and look closely at the photos. This will get you familiar with a lot of the terms used in class, and a lot of the process about what is done. Class will tie it all together and teach you how and why it is done.

Go with an open mind and listen. Take notes and review them that night or on the flight home while everything is fresh in your mind. If you're like me, you will find some spots where you started a note and didn't finish it. So while it is all fresh in your mind, you can finish your thought.

Jot down your questions, wait a couple or three hours, and if not answered, ask it on a break. As I look back, I don't think there was a single question asked in class that was actually necessary.

The class is excellent, and you will learn what you need there. But this forum, on the members side, is where you can research and ask so much more. To me, access to the forum is more important and more beneficial than the actual class workbook.

05-01-2012, 09:26 PM
All you need really is pens or pencils of your preference. I tend to use a fat pen, doesn't tire my hand so fast. What everyone else has said. Note to self your questions and wait for them to be answered. I was a big offender in the questions thing because I had discovered the forum only 5 weeks or so before the class and had not had time to really research the forum much. I should have just shut up. They have been doing this for many years and know all-l-l the questions and will answer them.
As for the pace of the class, a boat load of info in short time, very interesting, humor thrown in frequently, a story now and then to illistrate. My husband said first time in his life to sit through a day worth of meetings much less 11-12 hours and not go to sleep. And we did it 2 days in a row. Wish I could afford to take it again to relax and just listen for what I missed
Adm. does an awesome job of monitoring the forum. You get many answer to your questions from those that have been there. You will find people from all walks in life and background on the members side. Many who don't post much on the public side. They can advise on water, electric, plumbing, tips on how to work alone. I haven't asked a question that wasn't answered in a way that makes sense. Then if we start to lead you astray Steve, or Ellsworth, or Rock will chime in and gently straighten us out. Relax, enjoy, you will find what you need.

05-02-2012, 11:19 AM
Get some sleep before the class starts.

05-02-2012, 08:00 PM
I came from Philly area to LV last May 2011, as my name indicates I am dazed and confused with no construction experience, I have since bought land, used my land for logs, I am peeling as we speak and hope to start the build Lord willing by July or August. I have learned so much, the class was getting me to understand the basic concept, the member side fills in the blanks when I zoned out during the class, You can do it for sure if you want. I stayed at Harrahs so all I did was take the elevator down 3 levels to the conference area, don't want or need to gamble so don't be concerned about the venue as much as the possibilities of your situation. Good luck and see ya on the other side.