View Full Version : Newbie

02-12-2013, 01:44 PM
We are brand new to the log home world so our research has just begun. Of course, like most, we first started looking at 'kits.' We have moved on from that, although, I have to say I like the more 'uniform' appearance of them next to a very rustic type log home. I will mention, however, that looking through the numerous photos on this site, the more rustic look is growing slightly on me.

We are a military couple are are approaching retirment in two years. We first plan to buy property in Montana (or possibly northern Idaho) outright, but know nothing about that either, really. We own 2 houses (or the HOA's do really), so are looking forward to a brand new experience of buying raw land. Our hope is to buy a big enough parcel to be able to build at least 3 structures on it, our home, + 2 or more cabins.

The idea that we can build our own log home, seems unrealistic. I would love to BELIEVE, but I'm not there yet. Knowing how heavy logs are, I cannot fathom how my husband and I could possibly hoist them to stack them without some major heavy equipment, even with the help of our sons who are in their 20's. Someone mentioned using equipment that can fit in the trunk of a car. SAY WHAT?

It would be nice to get into one of your building clinics, but I've watched them for awhile now and they are always booked. I may be forced to find another type of "school" just because the classes are never available. Any suggestions? We are currently in Idaho. I did sign up to receive notice of the next available class. Fingers crossed that it is not on the east coast or something.

Thanks for any advice!

02-12-2013, 02:33 PM
Hello Newbe,

I think there will be one the first weekend in May, you can call about it now.

Yes, you can lift logs using the tool shat you have kept in the trunk of the car AND THE BUMPER of the car.

02-12-2013, 03:11 PM
Newbie -- Keep your eyes open for the email announcing the next class. "A little birdie" tells me there might be one in Vegas coming up soon (coupla months).
Until then, KEEP READING here-in, soak up all you can (it'd taken me months, before jumping in -- and now I'm in with both feet, head-and-shoulders : ). Also, there are some great books on Do's/Dont's on buying land (some referenced in these forums).
Whether you build "rustic" or not, build it yourself or not, Build kit (banish the thought!), or NOT -- The Class will open your eyes and make your jaw drop! Cost of the class will pay for itself many times over (and you'll be that much 'wiser' regardless the path you take thereafter). Be Sure to sign up both yourself and Husband. (I Do Not stand to profit if you do or don't -- nor doother members), but......I bet ya this message gets echoed to you by others real soon.

Wait for it........
Wait for it........


02-12-2013, 03:39 PM
My husband will definitely be in the class with me, whenever that may be. I don't even know how much the classes run, but from what I'm hearing, it's well worth whatever the fees. Is there a website to visit to sign up for the classes or at least find out costs and more about them?


02-12-2013, 03:58 PM
My husband will definitely be in the class with me, whenever that may be. I don't even know how much the classes run, but from what I'm hearing, it's well worth whatever the fees. Is there a website to visit to sign up for the classes or at least find out costs and more about them?


This link is available to the public -- there are a couple of typos (reference Nov Class, though it is for a SOLD OUT March class, and states there are <5 spots left -- there are none left for THIS class). Like I said Keep Your Eyes peeled for the next class announcement......then POUNCE on it : )


02-12-2013, 04:38 PM
My husband and I were lucky enough to stumble into a not quite full class a few weeks before it took place. We are now working toward making it happen! We moved to a new state and are living near the land we bought. This will take us awhile yet to even start building as we're just prepping the land, but being on the forums really helps keep you motivated! You can build with little equipment, and in the class they will teach you how. Some of us are opting for power equipment to get it going a bit faster and easier, but it does add to the cost. It isn't impossible, and it's not necessarily really hard to understand, but it is a lot of work. If you are ready to start a project that will take awhile, have some bumps in the road, roll with the punches, meet some great new people, and end up on top, and you're not afraid of sweating and working hard, this is the place for you. You won't regret the class, good luck!

02-12-2013, 04:47 PM
The new class for May is now listed at the mechanicaltransfer site.

02-12-2013, 04:47 PM
Welcome, and do lots of reading on here

02-12-2013, 06:35 PM
I do have another basic question.....where the heck does the electrical wiring go. Clearly we wil hire a licensed electrician for this part, but I cannot imagine where the wiring is placed....???

02-12-2013, 07:04 PM
......Wiring, Plumbing, Foundation, Lifting logs with stuff that fits in the trunk, if you choose (of even a Miata), SOURCING logs, free or cheap labor, expert advice.......All ingenious.....yet logical. And all revealed in class. To re-iterate, some of it is jaw-dropping, wide-eyed, eureka! and "no duh!" ......stuff.
What's better than the class? You learn SO MUCH, that no one can take away from you and even more, from us like-minded members that want nothing more than to see each other succeed in the adventure/endeavor :) You'll be smarter, wiser and will become a member of the LHBA "Family".

02-13-2013, 07:09 AM
LBolton, welcome aboard and thank you both and your family for your service. (Saw the other thread first but "thank you" cannot be overdone). You are where we were not long ago. Wondering, questioning, discovering the wonderful group of folks here who will encourage you to make your dreams reality. I'm going to be in the class March 2 & 3. I can't wait. Once you've completed the class don't think it will end. The members side will be open to you after completing class and you will have much more reference material and human resources to answer all those questions. I've found even the public side of this forum so beneficial I can't find words. I've always believed if you can believe it you will achieve it. I've discovered there are many wonderful fellow dreamers here, eager to help you in any way possible. Congrats for finding this treasure!

02-14-2013, 02:10 PM
Dan, thanks so much. I'm already getting that feeling of "family" just from the reading that I have done on the forum. I want so much to be in the next class, but my husband is still in Germany and I am not going to attend without him. We'll have to do the next one, I guess. It's okay though, because we haven't even purchased our land yet. We plan to do that in about 12 months. We want to buy it outright, so we are being patient and want to make sure we find the right land for our purpose. Dan, where do you live? We will be buying land in Montana.

02-14-2013, 05:29 PM

Please try to wait until after the class to buy land. The class will help more than you know, yet. I'd also like to thank you and yours for your service.

02-14-2013, 05:45 PM
Dan, thanks so much. I'm already getting that feeling of "family" just from the reading that I have done on the forum. I want so much to be in the next class, but my husband is still in Germany and I am not going to attend without him. We'll have to do the next one, I guess. It's okay though, because we haven't even purchased our land yet. We plan to do that in about 12 months. We want to buy it outright, so we are being patient and want to make sure we find the right land for our purpose. Dan, where do you live? We will be buying land in Montana.

The most difficult part once you realize how accurate the "family" part is here, will be the waiting in anticipation for class and getting "started". As Edkemper said below, don't be in a hurry to buy land, good idea to wait til class because it could make a difference. We just found a piece of property so good we couldn't pass up. We ended up buying just a shade under 9 acres for under $19,000.00. We couldn't pass it up. Our land is in North Carolina. There are ten or so LHBA members all building or planning on building in about 100 miles from farthest to farthest. We did not know that before we bought land but sometimes God has a way of putting us right where we belong. (-; Ours is a "long" story. lol I'll make it short. We have a house in Florida but my wife wanted to restart her career about seven years ago. Due to the type of work she does we've been in Wilmington, NC, just outside Hershey, PA (yes I'm a chocolate nut and yes that was great, if you've never discovered the story of Milton Hershey, look into it. AMAZING!), Aiken, SC and now here in Hartsville SC. So we "live" wherever we are located. Not only will we be building a LHBA home, but I'm also planning on commercial aquaponics, beekeeping, raising meat rabbits and vermiculture. We really want to get back to self sustaining.

Even though my wife won't be able to attend with me, I've heard enough members and I kind of have an inkling why they say, make sure you both take the class. I'd concur. Read here. Ask questions. Get to know the wonderful folks who post here and the members who still come to this public side and offer advice and more importantly ENCOURAGEMENT. Surround yourself and get immersed with people who enable you and before you know it your dreams will be reality.

02-14-2013, 07:42 PM
This thread needs hijacked, but I don't know how. Can you help, Cousin Tom?

02-15-2013, 04:15 AM
This thread needs hijacked, but I don't know how. Can you help, Cousin Tom?

Panderson, as their designated babysitter, will you PLEASE put these three in the corner!

Dang! Now they got me doing it!!

02-15-2013, 09:42 AM
well Jason, the way I see it since Tom's back I've been relieved of my babysitter duties so not my problem anymore :)

02-15-2013, 10:23 AM

What does the L stand for. If we're gonna be family we oughta know what to call you. I'm loghousenut but most folks call me a bunch of other things. Keep reading and try to imagine in your mind that the member's only side of the thread is where it all happens is where it all happens. You two will probably fit right in.

And what do you mean "put these THREE in a corner"???? I thought I done a pretty good job of driving the bus over Tom 'n Bro Bo. I'm an innocent bystander!!!

I'd hate to quit hijacking, cold turkey.

02-15-2013, 11:22 AM
You've never been innocent and I don't recall that you've ever been a bystander either.

02-16-2013, 09:48 AM
My name is Lisa, my husband is Rob. :)

02-16-2013, 09:52 AM
And you get to KEEP the bumper of your car ATTACHED to your car??? ;)

02-16-2013, 10:36 AM
And you get to KEEP the bumper of your car ATTACHED to your car??? ;)

I doubt he has any bumpers left. They don't last much longer than a year.

02-17-2013, 03:55 AM
This thread needs hijacked, but I don't know how. Can you help, Cousin Tom?

You need a spanking.

02-17-2013, 06:39 AM
You need a spanking.

I love it when my wife tells me that. I smile and she says I'm incorrigible. :)

02-17-2013, 07:15 AM
You all are a riot!

02-17-2013, 07:51 AM
You all are a riot!

Shhhh don't tell anyone. :cool:

02-17-2013, 07:58 AM
You all are a riot!

Lisa and Bob,
I think you two will fit right in!

The question is, does someone really want to fit in with this group? :)

Tom Featherstone
02-18-2013, 01:53 AM
Lisa and Bob,
I think you two will fit right in!

The question is, does someone really want to fit in with this group? :)

And why do they always call on the little cuz to come and bail them out? Frances, Bo got spanked so often as a kid I started to think he got caught just to get a lickn'...

02-18-2013, 10:16 AM
welcome Lisa (and Rob :) ) glad you found us!

02-18-2013, 12:58 PM
And why do they always call on the little cuz to come and bail them out? Frances, Bo got spanked so often as a kid I started to think he got caught just to get a lickn'...

Actually Cuz, there is a bit of truth to that. It was the only way to get feedback from Dad. Something I made sure didn't happen with my son.

02-19-2013, 05:06 PM

I will definitely be attending the class with my husband. Both my son's and my older son's wife plan on attending too. Why not get the whole family involved? :D

02-19-2013, 05:12 PM
We are too. It's interesting. I've been doing some major research online, trying to poke holes in this whole thing - not really because I WANT to but just so we are prepared. I really find NO HOLES, honestly, but I do see a couple of people calling us (I did say 'us') a cult. Made me laugh. In a cult, I do believe you have to do as you are told! I am a believer in God Almighty and know he wouldn't lead me to a CULT. Another thing, the same person that called us all a 'cult' is the same guy that was challenged by someone very familiar with the LHBA methods, and was pretty much put in his place. Just sayin'.....

02-20-2013, 05:57 AM
glad you're doing your research. we did too. had a hard time believing this wasn't a bunch of hooey. seemed way to good to be true. boy were we wrong!! taking the class and joining this great group of people has really improved my opinion of the human race in general; I was a bit jaded :) now we're building our retirement home and won't owe a cent on it when we're through. I owe a lot to LHBA.

02-20-2013, 06:07 AM
I chuckle when I google research and find sites where a kit builder makes the statement, "It took me 26 weeks of class, 12 weeks of hands on, and I still wouldn't want to build a log home on my own, do you really think LHBA can teach you in two days?". Sometimes internally, sometimes out loud I respond, "No offense intended, but I learn a bit faster". (-: Also reminds me of the movie Tin Cup, when Kevin Costner's character, after breaking all his other clubs in a fit, boasts, "I parred in with ONLY a five iron", Don Johnson's character dead pans. "Why?".

I know there are many different avenues. I know some of the other construction methods take 26 weeks of class, 12 weeks of hands on etc etc. If that's the method you choose to use, I respect you. I only ask you don't begrudge me for choosing a method that requires a two day class and meeting a ton of people who will be there each step of the way to assist.

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you are correct".

02-20-2013, 06:10 AM
Hi Lisa,
When I was researching here I did the same thing as far as looking for holes and I saw a lot of nasty things being said and that only confirmed that this was the real deal because I did not see the same sentiment from the folks posting on here. It really seemed obvious that the nay sayers had something to loose by folks like us taking this route $$$. I need to keep as much of mine as possible .

We are too. It's interesting. I've been doing some major research online, trying to poke holes in this whole thing - not really because I WANT to but just so we are prepared. I really find NO HOLES, honestly, but I do see a couple of people calling us (I did say 'us') a cult. Made me laugh. In a cult, I do believe you have to do as you are told! I am a believer in God Almighty and know he wouldn't lead me to a CULT. Another thing, the same person that called us all a 'cult' is the same guy that was challenged by someone very familiar with the LHBA methods, and was pretty much put in his place. Just sayin'.....

02-20-2013, 06:56 AM
To the naysayer's quote, the most humorous part is, in the two days of class, you are taught much more than just home construction. Things like how to go about finding the right property, how to source materials, etc. Granted, it is A LOT to take in in two days, but the reality is, the education doesn't end after the class. Much more comes from the Member's side forum and volunteer work parties.

When I stumbled upon LHBA, I didn't get the feeling it was some sort of scam. Now, a lot of that was probably because the website back then was a bit more grass roots-ish, and the history of Skip teaching the class as a college course for years, AND you took the class in Skip's amazing home.

I can see how someone today can be apprehensive in this world of degrading morals, especially seeing that classes are held in a city known for rolling the dice.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk 2

02-20-2013, 07:11 AM
Oh that reminds me, my class was one of the last classes in Skips house. I was sold as soon as I laid my eyes on it.

02-20-2013, 06:45 PM
I guess I am just a bit trusting because when I came across LHBA I was instantly a believer. It is a good thing because if I had the doubts that many newcomers have we might have never been able to do this and would have made many mistakes in building our log home. I came across the site just a few weeks before the class we went to. We cannot do weekend classes and I believe the one we attended was the last one they have had during the week. So if we had missed that one we would be here 3 years later never having had the chance to attend. It just all came together so perfectly timing and all that there was no way we weren't meant to do this. I have the mind set that tells me If I want to do something I can do it one way or another. Try one way if that doesn't work try another. I tend to be a problem solver. I still totally believe we can do this given time and health. Lots and lots of very hard work and I know it is possible to fail but I would rather fail trying my best than live in some urban home or apartment in a place that saps the me out of me.

02-20-2013, 07:15 PM
LOVE this!

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you are correct".

02-20-2013, 07:17 PM
I guess I am just a bit trusting because when I came across LHBA I was instantly a believer. It is a good thing because if I had the doubts that many newcomers have we might have never been able to do this and would have made many mistakes in building our log home. I came across the site just a few weeks before the class we went to. We cannot do weekend classes and I believe the one we attended was the last one they have had during the week. So if we had missed that one we would be here 3 years later never having had the chance to attend. It just all came together so perfectly timing and all that there was no way we weren't meant to do this. I have the mind set that tells me If I want to do something I can do it one way or another. Try one way if that doesn't work try another. I tend to be a problem solver. I still totally believe we can do this given time and health. Lots and lots of very hard work and I know it is possible to fail but I would rather fail trying my best than live in some urban home or apartment in a place that saps the me out of me.

Go Mossy Me! With this attitude you will be SO successful! I cannot wait to see photos of your house or to one day tour it!

02-21-2013, 03:08 AM
LOVE this!

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you are correct".

Henry Ford

Neil Stasilli
02-21-2013, 07:02 AM
Hello Newbe: Me newbe too, and I started my log home 14 months ago. I am lifting 1600 lb logs on wall with gin polls and 2 ton block and tackles. Just stand in safe location. On row 6 and still loving it. Best of luck and put all your heart into in.

02-21-2013, 10:05 AM
I have the mind set that tells me If I want to do something I can do it one way or another. Try one way if that doesn't work try another. I tend to be a problem solver.If I didn't know better, I would have thought I wrote that about myself. I have the feeling we'd get along real good if I came down to help! :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk 2

02-21-2013, 10:57 AM
A cult? Seriously? Hahahahahahaha!!!

Independence and self-sufficiency probably would be considered "cult" characteristics by the political reasoning of kit sellers and the contractors who want people to follow like sheep. After I bought my land my daughter and I attended a Log Home Show in Tampa, FL. We were disgusted and discouraged by all the log look products. The "logs" milled into shapes of all types. The hardware around the windows and doors you have to adjust and adjust for shifting walls. Plus my sister lived in a D-log kit that leaked water straight through all the walls during a tropical storm. Her rot problems on her ridge pole and "logs" actually put me off log homes for a long time. My daughter's famous unforgetable quote was, "I don't want to build a 'log look' home". So I came back to the LHBA site and followed all the links to individually posted kit home horror stories. You don't have to go far to find them. My rationale for attending the class was that I could not afford to buy a crap kit and then be abused and taken advantage of by shady contractors. My money was too important to throw away on disappointment. I trust myself more than I could ever trust any contractor because there are plenty of crooks out there.

02-21-2013, 11:58 AM
aaaah but the look of a finely crafted swiss cope is also a thing of beauty not unlike a butt n pass.
There are some fine cope companies out there but they are mostly an on-site build thingy.
An outfit in northern MN out of Grand Rapids-Hill City that makes homes that also bring tears to my eyes they so purty.
So a B n P or well done cope be the only thing I'd ever consider in the log home world
and a squared or D log .... el' puko

02-21-2013, 12:10 PM
Nothing wrong with Scandinavian cope or Canadian cope or any kind of notched log home except for complications in the building process and complications in the maintenance. In my mind, building a log home that will still be standing 100 years from now, even if it was a bunch of moronic nimrods who built it, is a real achievement.


With a very little bit of help and advice from LHBA members and management, you could be building the log home that your Grandkids will tell stories about to their Grandkids. The best part of those stories will be that they can walk right up and touch the home you built for them. Do it right and every log will be the same log that you and your Buddies placed back in '15 when you built it. No rot, no crooked rooflines, no wimpy little 8" logs... you are the guy who can make it all happen. When are we gonna get you on the member's side so we can have some real fun with you. I can't WAIT!!!!



02-21-2013, 05:15 PM
Hey neil an photos on the home you are building, like to see your progression, I am starting in a few months to stack so I was wondering. Jason

02-21-2013, 07:34 PM
Oh that reminds me, my class was one of the last classes in Skips house. I was sold as soon as I laid my eyes on it.

Blane, are there photos of Skip's house online somewhere? I'd love to see it. I am already sorry that I didn't have the honor of meeting the man.

02-21-2013, 08:25 PM
Blane, are there photos of Skip's house online somewhere? I'd love to see it. I am already sorry that I didn't have the honor of meeting the man.

Google search: skip ellsworth log home.... or bing I suppose if you must.

02-21-2013, 10:05 PM

Neil Stasilli
05-24-2013, 11:51 AM
Been busy building. Starting row 7, and having a great time. Have not figured out how to add pictures yet, but will learn. Your home looks great and you are to be congrats for your hard work. Is truly a dream come true. Will be in touch.