View Full Version : Quick Question on "Older Log Home" on student picture page

John W
10-02-2012, 01:18 PM
Was just running through the student log homes, hadn't been there in a while. Saw some I hadn't seen before. The Texas house looks HUGE.

Anyway, I was wondering if someone knew the age of the one title Older Log Home. Have they done work on the inside lately? It looks great!

Another question was if they had treated or stained the exterior. I like the look of the grey, aged logs. Natural. I'm assuming they won't last quite as long though unprotected? Granted, you can still find 100 year old log cabins out there. I was just worrying about, you know, my great-great-great grandchildren complaining the house was deteriorating.

10-02-2012, 02:33 PM
Hey John,

I woulda thought we'da hooked you by now. When are you gonna break open the wallet and take the class? You'd fit right in.

Don't know if the owner is gonna chime in here but I'd guess that the Older log home is from the 70's or 80's. There is no roof insulation and it has log rafters that were more common in that era.

Back when I originally took the class, Skip Ellsworth (log home guru extraordinaire) was a proponent of natural logs having no stain or finish of any kind. I also like the natural gray patina that has happened with that home. If I can bully the Boss into allowing me to leave our logs natural, I am sure that our place will still be sound and solid when my Grandkids are having Grandkids.

The beauty of that natural patina is more than skin deep... The owner will not risk falling off a ladder every ten years at restaining time. His Kids and Grandkids will never have to smell the stain or breath the fumes at restaining time. There will never be any brushes to clean. The honest, natural beauty of the logs will always show through.

Times change and style affects us all and one of the changes that has happened in this industry is that most folks who build a log home want to sand and stain it. Nothing wrong with that but you sure don't have to... Depending on how the Boss fells about it.

As for that Texas home... Yup, it'sa big un!

10-03-2012, 04:47 AM
In true Texas fashion..... I'm building one thats bigger....


John W
10-03-2012, 05:12 AM
LHN, oh, I'm hooked. Birthday and Christmas presents to me this year are cash for the class. Springtime maybe. Then a plan, budget, savings, land, etc, etc, etc. I'm 51 in a couple days, looking to be house complete and debt free before 60.

10-03-2012, 08:02 AM
Good deal John! I'm currently a lazy 58-5/8 years old and could have it done easily by 60 but I'm trying to prove a point to the Wife. Glad you made it (the decision).

10-03-2012, 01:38 PM
"but I'm trying to prove a point to the Wife"

I have been trying to do the same thing for 19 years! Its impossible!

10-03-2012, 03:59 PM

Think about this from your wife's point of view:

> "but I'm trying to prove a point to the Wife"
> > I have been trying to do the same thing for 19 years! Its impossible!

You keep trying to prove the same point you've failed for 19 years to prove. Perhaps she keeps you around for entertainment? Ask her. Let me know what she says if she can wipe the smile off her face long enough to give you an answer. Gob bless our wives. Smile

10-04-2012, 06:11 AM

Think about this from your wife's point of view:

> "but I'm trying to prove a point to the Wife"
> > I have been trying to do the same thing for 19 years! Its impossible!

You keep trying to prove the same point you've failed for 19 years to prove. Perhaps she keeps you around for entertainment? Ask her. Let me know what she says if she can wipe the smile off her face long enough to give you an answer. Gob bless our wives. Smile

I am sure she keeps me around for something, I better not push it :o

She does put up with a lot. Building a cabin and all the other "adventures" we have taken, she has been very supportive. Its good to have a wife with the same goals as myself! Besides, she can operate a telehandler lol.....

10-05-2012, 12:37 AM
If she can run equipment without killing anybody important, she's a keeper.

God bless 'em.

PS... Have I mentioned how happy I am that I ended up with the right one. Either dumb luck or skill on my part.... I definitely married up.

10-05-2012, 12:40 AM
I had to add this little worthless tidbit. I'll admit that it is sometimes a lot of trouble living with a woman but it would be a different world if I were living with a man. I don't know how you gals do it.

10-05-2012, 03:14 PM
Marrying up is something Dad must have instilled in us. :)
After a slight disagreement a month or so ago, I joked to my wife that women ought to come with instructions. She quickly replied, "What good would that do? You wouldn't read them anyway."
Sometimes you just can't win.

10-06-2012, 10:54 PM
Marrying up is something Dad must have instilled in us. :)
After a slight disagreement a month or so ago, I joked to my wife that women ought to come with instructions. She quickly replied, "What good would that do? You wouldn't read them anyway."
Sometimes you just can't win.

Talk about yer basic inequities... It ain't fair. They obviously know everything in the world about us guys and I'll be darned if I can figure out the first clue about them.

Why just today I was.... I better not say anything about that. One of her princess spies would probably cut and paste it and email it back to her. You know how they are.

Actually, I suppose what I was trying to say is that you probably don't know how they are. I don't either!

Sometimes I think the only way I can stay out of trouble with the Boss would be to just sit back and shut up. I may give it a try one day.

Tom Featherstone
10-07-2012, 04:53 PM
and the two most important words to long term marital bliss.... yes dear!

10-07-2012, 06:02 PM
and the two most important words to long term marital bliss.... yes dear!

Glad you wifi once in awhile Cuz! Good hearing from you.

John W
10-15-2012, 11:05 AM
I've been married 29 years and figured out a long time ago the secret to keeping the household happy. I'd make the big decisions and she'd make the little ones. And I feel very fortunate that in that 29 years, I've never had to make a big decision. :)

10-22-2012, 11:11 AM
This thread reminds me of an incident a few years ago. Was attending an "event" with a group of good people. A couple was approaching their 50th Anniversary. Those of us who hoped to one day see that milestone were gathered around this respected couple as the shared and the question was raised, "what's the secret?". They both looked at each other before finishing each other's sentence in their answer..... "we've simply never CONSIDERED divorce..........murder...yes.....but not divorce". :cool: