View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving all!

11-28-2013, 05:10 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I don't believe there's a more appropriate day for this sentiment. I would be remiss if I didn't start with Skip. I never had the honor of meeting Skip in person. However, the organization he conceived made me grateful. So in giving thanks, I must thank Skip for his giving.

Mr. E and Mr. Steven deserve thanks for all their giving. The professional manner in which they conduct classes is surpassed by none. I speak from experience. Mr. E and Steve personify "giving", not only sharing their time and knowledge, but also treating students with respect, even those of us who are new to construction concepts and nomenclature.

Many times I hear comments or read threads regarding "alternative" construction methods. Remember friends, Skip could have charged enormous amounts of money, taught concepts requiring a general contractor's skill set. He didn't. He decided to pass on simple, strong methods (of course we're biased but they really are THE BEST), anyone, and by anyone I mean everyone, could perform. What a blessing. Think about it, heck you could build a log home with vertical logs carved into totem poles. The challenge is, who has the talent, time or money to accomplish same.

I know I'm rambling here. I simply want to make the point of my attitude of gratitude to Skip, Mr E and Steve. They truly deserve thanks for ALL their giving.

Next, the members, the ones that post here and the ones who don't post but are out there doing it and helping others. Thanks for all your giving. You could take the class and disappear letting the rest of us learn it on our own. You don't. You're here, answering our "noob" questions without making us feel like noobs. Your patience is province. Some of you standout, but I won't mention names because I have garnered valuable insight from each of you posting and witnessing each of you helping.

Lastly, I give thanks for the folks who've not taken the class. For without you, the giving cannot continue. There is joy whenever I see another person who "discovers" the true FAMILY here at Log Home Builders Association. The energy is rekindled witnessing your epiphany.

So on this day of thanks, THANK YOU, all for your giving!

11-28-2013, 06:56 AM
Well said Dan,
I second all that!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and all your people. May we each ponder today all the many blessings we have been given. I wish each of you the peace and contentment of gratefulness. And like Dan, I feel love and gratefulness for so many here most of whom I have never met except in the printed words. You feel like family to me.

11-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Ditto. This is a great family and we are truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

11-28-2013, 08:25 AM
Why do I always have to follow Bo on these Thanksgiving threads? He always steals my thunder and now I can't think of anything original to write.

Dan's the same way. I woulda wrote exactly what he did if I coulda lived back east in his time zone.

What I meant to say was...

Wishing a Happy and a Safe Thanksgiving to all of you out there. Be with the ones you love whether you can hold their hands or not.

11-28-2013, 03:43 PM
Why do I always have to follow Bo on these Thanksgiving threads? He always steals my thunder and now I can't think of anything original to write.

The curse of being the younger brother!
Then again, it never stopped you from being original.

11-29-2013, 04:33 AM
[QUOTE=LogHomeFeverDan;97295] ...There is joy whenever I see another person who "discovers" the true FAMILY here at Log Home Builders Association. The energy is rekindled witnessing your epiphany.QUOTE] exactly!!!

Tom Featherstone
11-29-2013, 07:24 AM
No rambling Dan... You speak the truth about this and I appreciate you taking the time to say so. Skip gave an average person the tools needed to build a home. What a gift to give that continues to be passed along. I believe it is at the Heart of what drives the Members that continue to contribute in these forums. It's something else they/we learned, far greater than building a house.

Skip was a great teacher. Evidence is in Who is teaching this today. One of the most important lessons taught was to "Think". The Greatest Teachers of all time, taught this way.

I'm forever great full to have found LHBA and to have taken the class at Skips Big House. Ellsworth & Steve were our instructors and have no regrets that they were. No feelings that we missed out on anything. I do regret not taking the time when I had the opportunity to meet Skip when we could have. He was gone shortly after we took the class in April 08'.

Many things have changed since then. The Class at Skips Big House was a complete package. The lead up to, the parking lot in a cow pasture, waiting for someone to show up and lead us up the hill, "Fang" had everyone concerned. The look on everyone face that first morning standing in the middle of nowhere, have we all just been had? Little things like having to leave your coat and shoes outside on the front porch in the elements and none got wet, were the little things that can't be replicated in Vegas. i.e. "Big Overhangs" protect your building were part of those "think" lessons... I still wonder if my classmates got that at the time, I didn't. There was no reason to leave your shoes outside, the carpet wasn't that great and we weren't stepping in cow patties.

Many have taken the class since then and are already living in their new homes, a testament to the core of the class and it's teachings no matter where it's held and also to the caliber of those that continue this.

No Greater Gift, than to teach a person to fish or to build one's home.

11-29-2013, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the kind words Dan, and everyone.

I'm thankful that the LHBA seems to attract genuinely decent people. Folks who actually care about each other, and show it by listening, sharing, caring, consoling, encouraging, etc. It makes this forum a truly awesome place full of support that helps members attain their log home goals.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, full of family, love, and reflections on what really matters in life.