View Full Version : A possible change of direction

07-27-2013, 03:53 AM
My plans to move to Canada may well be on hold, I have the possibility of a job in Nevada. (Near a town called Minden)

So are there any here who have built in that area?
I'll not know for sure for about another 2 years, but if that fails then Canada will be a go.

07-28-2013, 10:11 AM

You know the difference between a job for an American in Nevada and a job for an American in Canada?

Living in Nevada you pay U.S. taxes on your Nevada income.

Move to Canada, you pay Canadian taxes plus U.S. taxes on "world wide income."

mario kadu
07-29-2013, 11:03 AM
... Well maybe ... If you are eligible for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (see IRS Publication 54) the 1st $97,600 of income earned outside of the US is not taxed

09-25-2013, 12:06 PM
Sorry, just to clarify, I'm a Brit.
So would be paying tax in whichever country I was living in, but, apparently, in Canada, would pay some tax on my British army army pension, and it would be fixed at the rate I got when leaving UK, yet in the USA I would continue to get the yearly increases, and not pay UK tax.

09-25-2013, 12:26 PM
USA... USA... USA !!!

After 4 edits I can't find a way to shout it out. You'll just have to trust me that I have a certain amount of passion in my suggestion.

Wait just a doggone minute! As soon as I post an explanation as to why I can't get it to post USA in all caps, it goes hog wild and works in spades. Go figure.

09-25-2013, 09:41 PM
There's a couple that's building in Virginia City, which is near Minden but I can't remember who exactly. You can probably find them with the members map.

Minden is a great little rural town south of Carson City at the base of the Sierras. I'd live there, and I bet its not terrible for permits.

One of these days when I save some more money I'll be starting my build about an hour NW of Minden in Truckee, CA.

My plans to move to Canada may well be on hold, I have the possibility of a job in Nevada. (Near a town called Minden)

So are there any here who have built in that area?

09-25-2013, 09:44 PM
There's actually a great building supply there that deals in used and overstock. Its called silver state building supply, and that's where I bought my metal roofing for less than wholesale.

05-25-2016, 02:11 PM
Holy thread resurrection batman!

After a long break from here, when it looked like all was lost for getting out of the U.K...

I'm currently waiting on an answer of a 3 yr H1B visa. Got through the Inital lottery (65k applications out of 240k applicants) and it's now on someone's desk, should know in the next month or so.

If it all works out I'll be living in the DFW area from October. Been scaring myself with rental prices.
I was chatting with a friend and he said, ' so wait, 2k a month for 3 yrs? That's almost 75k, buy land and a trailer and save 75k'
For some reason you guys popped into my head. I just spent 2 nights reading the cottonwood creek blog.

05-25-2016, 06:00 PM
welcome back, Scotty!!

05-25-2016, 07:25 PM
Welcome homeTex!

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06-08-2016, 09:23 AM
Well Ive been doing my research, Just got the email that this years Labor day is the last class of the year- shame we won't be over before then. (assuming the Visa comes through)

Been doing some looking at land, found some about 3hrs from where Ill be working, too far to live, but perfect for a little 'retreat'.
Anybody heard of 'Classic Country land' they self finance, no banks involved (and I'd imagine pretty stiff penalties for missing payments)
They have some 10-20 tracts available in the 'Mountains' in Oklahoma that are quite reasonable in cost.

how rocky would be acceptable/ advisable for a basic pier build?? (and yes I know all is revealed at the class)

06-08-2016, 10:17 AM
Never had any dealings with that outfit but I get the feeling that you do not want to purchase land from them, or anyone else, without spending some real time in that area. See what the folks at the closest market or cafe have to say about it. Check out a bunch of neighbors and ask a bunch of questions. Questions like "anybody ever sell one of these plots at a profit?"

This type of situation can lead to a scenario where there will be four or five permanent residents in the area and the rest of the properties are in a constant cycle of ownership, "improvement", divorce (etc), reposession, for sale.... and on and on. I knew a fellow once who had quit his day job so he could relax for a living. He'd buy a chunk of ground for cash (very little cash), then he'd sell it for a reasonable down payment and small monthly installments. The down payment was always whatever he had paid for the place and once the new owner missed four or five payments, he'd make a friendly visit that usually ended up with him getting to start the process all over again. He claimed that it was always a friendly business and that if the folks were missing payments, they wanted a way out. He sold a lot of land on Ebay.

The rocks won't hurt the build any, but they play heck with a garden and can make ditch digging a challenge.

06-08-2016, 11:46 AM
It can't any more rocky than here in the Ozarks. We grow rocks like vegetables around here.

06-08-2016, 02:41 PM
Cheers LHN, Thought it might be something like that, this is all good research.

06-11-2016, 08:24 AM
Wait. People still plant gardens on the ground?

Yea, I considered land in parts of Oklahoma. Lots of cheap, though totally exploited, land available. I wouldn't dare buy any without seeing it firsthand, no matter how cheap it is. (for all you know, you might be inheriting a Superfund site)

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