View Full Version : LHN "The Conductor"

Tom Featherstone
11-08-2013, 07:11 AM

LHN at his Finest!

He doesn't often toot his own horn, so I will.

I came lurking around these forums around 2006 and didn't sign in until sometime in 08'. My wife Linda & I took the class that April and haven't regretted one moment of it since.

Ron, a.k.a. "LHN" Gives tirelessly back from his appreciation of what he learned so long ago at the sacrifice of finishing his own place. There are only 3 other people that I know of that have given more in this way. That would be Skip, Ellsworth & Steve. That is not to take away from ALL those that contribute in anyway. The Members Forum is everything you can read about here on the Public Side. It has grown tremendously and to the point that I can no longer keep up with everyone's projects or comment.

LHN may never receive the LHBA "Exceptional Log Home Award", I think it has to be completely finished to be eligible. He's too busy helping the rest of us.

Therefore I believe Ron, LHN should be awarded "The Conductor Award"

I have many Members yet to meet. It's been a Great Blessing We never anticipated for the cost of a class!


11-08-2013, 07:41 AM
Here , here. I see Cousin Tom left his cell phone at Ronnie's place and he (LHN) is logging in as Tom. What tomfoolery!
Seriously, I will have to agree with Cuz and second the motion. Even though little brother is a real pain in the butt sometimes, I have to agree that he deserves the Conductor award.

John W
11-08-2013, 08:39 AM
He's got my non-member vote, for what that's worth. He welcomed me, as he does everyone who comes looking for a change in lifestyle and yearning to reach a dream.

11-08-2013, 10:28 AM
Doesn't a conductor actually work though? All jokes aside he has been a help for me too even if it is just comic relief:)

11-08-2013, 12:14 PM
Maybe one of you Photoshopers can put in a log floating above the stack...lhn using the force.

11-08-2013, 12:28 PM
I'm thinking along the same lines as StressMan. I thought the photo of LHN was Ron using 'The Force' to kinetically lift a log from pure will.
But he does "orchestrate" a lot of humor here -- if not mayhem. "Conductor" suites him well.

11-08-2013, 01:55 PM
Ah... The Conductor... Most beloved and hardest working of the train crew. The hero of the old west. A friend to all and ready at a moments notice to punch your ticket.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/imagesCAL59PIQ_zpsab81e750.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/imagesCAL59PIQ_zpsab81e750.jpg.html)

You folks have your fun however you can but I have to get back to work.....


11-08-2013, 02:48 PM
Consider running for the next presidential election. Honest LHN the log cabin president, it might work. Chicken in every pot, an log homes to boot.

11-08-2013, 03:18 PM
Ya got my vote LHN!!!

11-09-2013, 07:31 AM
I agree,
When you have had a bad day at the build you can always depend on the nut conductor to give you a giggle and that always makes them seem a bit better.
Congratulations on the promotion LHN. [I had already sorta named you in my head as the anchor of the forum] [as in holding together in place not as in sinking]

11-23-2013, 03:06 PM
Wow, I haven't visited this place in many months, but I would promote LHN to conductor status. One never forgets a mention of one's dog breed in a welcome post. I still laugh when I remember he told me to figure out a way to have my Pugs watched, while I attend a seminar, so as they wouldn't return to their mother planet.

And my dream is rekindled .

11-23-2013, 04:27 PM
Ok, since I am new here, who is this LHN? sounds like I need an introduction so when I get frustrated I will know who to go to for encouragement...

11-23-2013, 04:50 PM
Ok, since I am new here, who is this LHN? sounds like I need an introduction so when I get frustrated I will know who to go to for encouragement...

Good question. I've been looking for LHN's true who for close to 60 years. For the most part he is just some half-crazed and near worthless old codger who has been nuts about log houses for most of his life. He'll never amount to much but for his two crowning achievements in life. He was lucky enough to cast a spell over the only woman who could ever love him and he's managed to keep her bound to her matrimonial promises for close to 25 years now.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/4th5thsilllog8-28-09081.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/4th5thsilllog8-28-09081.jpg.html)

On top of that achievement, he was fortunate enough to catch her in a good mood, some 22 years ago, and can now claim half the credit for spawning Jake Smith. Jake is the one in the orange shirt.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/P1000686.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/P1000686.jpg.html)

I suppose there's more to the story but I'll wait til we've been properly introduced.

PS... Welcome aboard Eagle. I used to live in Conroe in a former life. I got over it and haven't seen the place in 35 years or so. Did they ever finish the Gulf Freeway? Seems like they was working on that fast road to Galveston for a thousand years.

11-23-2013, 05:22 PM
PS... Welcome aboard Eagle. I used to live in Conroe in a former life. I got over it and haven't seen the place in 35 years or so. Did they ever finish the Gulf Freeway? Seems like they was working on that fast road to Galveston for a thousand years.

Are you kidding? that freeway will never be done, they seem to just make changes for no reason. It is more like a slow road to the gulf but only good choice.
That is a heck of a ridge pole, I'd like to see that one being put in place. They say behind every successful man is a good woman. Looks like you found a way to keep her!

11-23-2013, 06:14 PM
Yeah, he found a way to keep her. She's blind, has no hearing, and can't smell. Just kidding, but as the older brother of LHN, I can do that. As much as I hate to admit it, he is a pretty okay guy. The NUT has been around forever and knows everything about anything and everybody. He claims he is building a log home, but my nephew Jake has been doing almost all of it.
And another thing, you can't believe half of what LHN says and none of what Cuz Tom says. But you can always trust me. :)

11-23-2013, 06:33 PM
I don't think my hip waders are gonna be enough. :rolleyes:

11-23-2013, 06:40 PM
Are you kidding? that freeway will never be done, they seem to just make changes for no reason. It is more like a slow road to the gulf but only good choice.
That is a heck of a ridge pole, I'd like to see that one being put in place. They say behind every successful man is a good woman. Looks like you found a way to keep her!

Here it is a few years ago being pinned in.

http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/loghousenut/Wow/SettingTHERidgepole8-3-2010009.jpg (http://s157.photobucket.com/user/loghousenut/media/Wow/SettingTHERidgepole8-3-2010009.jpg.html)

I hate reposting all these old photos but the new photos don't look all that different. You're new here so we'll give you some time to catch up. Did you go to this most recent class? Tell us a bit about yourself. I see in your avatar you are standing next to your daughter. Did she go to class with you?

Tom Featherstone
11-24-2013, 04:03 AM
Rod, I've got a full dry suit just for dealing with my cousins... Bo is so afraid of water he had to move into the middle of the desert so there'd be no chance he'd ever fall in...again.

11-24-2013, 07:04 AM
You people are funny, didn't realize there was a whole family of hecklers here. You must be finished with all the projects, how do you have so much time to post here?
My wife will really appreciate the "daughter" comment! We went to this last November class, she got sick and couldn't do the 2nd day. So I guess all the design work is my choice, well maybe. You wanted to know more about me? Not much to tell, grew up in western NY area (grand Island to be exact) Went to trade school to learn Collision repair, got out and didn't want to work on rusted junkers so I moved to Texas. Been here ever since, however, as I got older I don't care for the summer heat much anymore so we bought 26 acres in western NY to have a place to spend the summers( and some winter) there which lets me see my family more often as well. My wife's family is here so can't leave for good. I've wanted a log cabin since I was a kid, took 40years to finally start the ball rolling. Just doesn't seem right to build one in the south with no snow. We have a small farm house on the property already so living there while building is good. I have a body shop here so it is hard to stay too long but changing careers soon and I will be able work from there.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Oh, sorry about the thread hijack, you have my vote as well...
Tom, I may need that dry suit!

Oh BTW. here is my first attempt at cutting a tree for the cabin...

11-24-2013, 08:41 AM
They didn't tell ya in the class about the increased gravitational pull cars exibit on trees? E and Steve must be slippin' :rolleyes:

11-24-2013, 09:00 AM
One thing for sure, Ken. Combine your love for log building and your collision repair talents and you'll stay busy... tree1.jpg

As for the Heckler family all being finished with their log home projects... Well I can't say why the rest of them are not done but as for me, I spend all my time here on this forum defending my honor. I'm about half done but nearly completely finished.

A log home in Conroe is completely doable. I remember a nice looking one that I lived about 1/2 mile away from, out 10 miles or so from Conroe, in the 1970's. Middle of the night there was a big boom and bright spot in the sky. I drove over there and the place was completely ablaze, with debris all over the place. They were bootleg tapped into one of those natural gas pipes that are everywhere down there and using that unscented wellhead gas for heat and cooking. One way or another the rascal filled up with gas and found a spark. Nobody home at the time. It had been a nice looking home.

Logs can be local or shipped in. You'll read about a few of your neighbors that are in the middle of their build.

As for thread hijacking... Well we mostly leave that up to my Brother Bo and my Cousin Tom.

Glad you two found us. Sorry for mistaking the Boss for the daughter. She must have good genes.

11-24-2013, 12:16 PM
That must have been a serious blast. I don't see too many here probably because of the hotter weather, emphasis on cooling rather than heating doesn't seem too inviting without using a fireplace or wood stove. Also not hilly enough for me here.
That picture was actually a video I was making for an advertisement for a body shop website, just haven't finished the editing yet.
Do you all have links to any of your house's portfolios? Or are they in the website section? some of those sites are hard to tell whose they are and where they are.

John W
11-25-2013, 09:14 AM
Eagle---I'm also New York born (Hudson) and living now in Texas. Grandparents had a cabin in the Adirondacks on a lake and I've always dreamed of getting land for a log cabin there. I agree with you, a log cabin in a place that's 100 degrees in the summer and no snow ever doesn't seem to fit.

11-25-2013, 08:43 PM
Eagle---I'm also New York born (Hudson) and living now in Texas. Grandparents had a cabin in the Adirondacks on a lake and I've always dreamed of getting land for a log cabin there. I agree with you, a log cabin in a place that's 100 degrees in the summer and no snow ever doesn't seem to fit.
Adirondacks are a great place for one, only been there once but loved it.

11-26-2013, 05:27 AM
I am building southeast of San Antonio. Just north of Sutherland springs to be exact. We first found our love for log homes while visiting my late father in laws cabin on lake placid in the Adirondacks. I absolutely loved going there every summer! That led to buying a cabin in Ruidoso, New Mexico and now building our log home. Come check us out.

11-26-2013, 09:14 AM
Glad I found my tall boots.

11-27-2013, 05:17 AM
In every "organization" there's a person who immediately garners your "attention" with their welcoming countenance. If that's the "Conductor" status, I'm all in for Ron. He always encourages. He's always creating laughter. Maybe it's his convoluted sense of humor I share that makes him shine in my eyes. There are some very special folks here in the LBHA. (of course I think we're all special) They are all part of a family of whom I believe Skip would be proud. If I imagine us all attending a camp fire, Ron would be the first to stand up and say hello, and he'd also be the first to tell you not to leave.

I believe "Conductor" is acutely accurate!