View Full Version : Morphing....

05-09-2012, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by BenB
"What originally was the primary appeal to me about LHBA and the way one builds is/was the sheer beauty and simplicity of the build - logs and maybe piers, maybe not.
It seems its mutated to almost McMansion process and ways of building.
That said - short and sweet is still out there for us with simpler minds I guess."

BenB posted this over on the Foundation thread and I didn't want my hairbrained response getting in the way of anyone's foundation work. I hijack so many threads that I'm worried that the Moderators are gonna change my forum name to "threadjackernut"... Substantially accurate but doesn't roll off the tongue at a cocktail party.

Anyway, Ben is sooo right about how the LHBA thing has morphed and I've been watching it all happen for a bunch of years. When I first took the class from Skip back in 1981, the world was different. There was no internet. These LHBANA (Log Home Builders of North America) folks were building log homes all over King County Washington and western Washington. We all met at Skips place once a month and brought food, photos, plans, models and ideas to share and critique and then drove 20 or 30 miles home.

Most everyone built using Doug Fir that was as straight as drill pipe and most folks got all their logs from clearing out their building site. A lot of those homes were built from trees that supplied two wall logs and a rafter pole from each tree. A chainsaw winch was considered an expensive power tool and you were really uptown if you had one to winch your logs up onto the sacrificial logs.

Building codes and permit fees were frequently ignored. If you lived in a "permit county", the idea was to try to overbuild so that, when the County caught you and came to lay down the law, they'd let you pay the permit fee and a small fine and then force you to put in a bigger window or better septic system.

Log rafters were normal as was hand split cedar shakes. The only insulation in the roof was the 2x6 tongue & groove car decking that was nailed on top of the rafters. The floor used that same insulation. Everyone built their own doors and used free windows of some sort. Rebar was free and I've seen more than a few recycled nails that were driven in by a hammer that had a handmade handle. No nail guns. No compressors on the site. Heck the most exotic tool required by the entire LHBANA system was probably the 8 triple blocks and tackle that were needed for lifting wall logs, girders, ridgepoles etc.

The foundation for a Skip style house consisted of a ton a sweat, a bit of recycled lumber, and $400 worth of concrete. A lot these rascals used concrete that was mixed on site and I'm sure there were some wheelbarrow mixed foundations out there. What's a backhoe? Shovels and picks are free for the borrowing.

It was a different world back then. Any old hippie could scrape up a couple of days wages and hitchhike to class to learn how him/her and his/her buddies could throw together a really cool log home on that back corner of Auntie Mattie's place. Those log homes are still standing. The principle that made them work is still taught in class.

Times change. Now it'll cost you a couple weeks wages and the price of a flight to go to class. Now the discussion is about how to make a completely "legal" log home after having plans approved and the site inspected. You'll be taught by a couple of guys who were little ankle-biting crumb-crunchers when I first took the class. In class you'll most likely sit next to folks who flew in from some other distant corner of the country/world. It's not all about NW WA... It's about NC, VA, OR, KY, FL, PA, AZ, Japan, Great Britain, South Africa, Canada and wherever YOU are.

The original LHBANA (now it is LHBA) system still works great. The foundation system taught 40 years ago still works GREAT. You can still fire up the barBQ to entice your buddies to bring over the tools to dig out for your pier blocks... Or you could hire a backhoe and save all that beer. You can still mix your own mud... Or you could call in a cement truck and maybe a mud pump. Pier blocks are perfect... Or you could stack an ICF basement. Using a hammer and hand auger has yet to be outlawed... Or you could use air and electricity. There are Skip style log homes still being loved and lived in that were built using only hand saws... Not many but you get the point.

You'll still build your own log home with your own hands. It'll last longer that you will. You can pay for it as you go and be free from that pesky mortgage. In class you'll learn how to do it all using tools that will fit in the trunk of your car. It's up to you how many shortcuts you take in the name of laziness. I'm really lazy. I own a 9,000 lb telehandler, sawmill, air compressor, nail gun, electric tools all over the place, and I still haven't used my cement mixer. We went way overboard with the heavy equipment, leveling a big ole chunk of ground for the new house just because we had the money and wanted it done.

Hand split cedar shakes are mostly outlawed and the roof and floor will need some real insulation. And then there are those durned modern window requirements. In class you'll learn a trick or two that'll make the roof and the windows legal, beautiful, and affordable.

You'll learn the number one rule that will make the most dollar difference in your home. It's something Skip drilled into our heads back in the old days and it still applies 100% today. "Build as small a house as you can afford". My family coulda built somewhat smaller and spent half as much and been done by now. I like the way it's turning out for us.

The log home that my family is building is not quite competing with the McMansion folks, but there certainly are some LHBA homes that fall into that category. In class you'll learn the system that can either build your McMansion or your extremely affordable "short and sweet" version. That short, sweet house of yours will probably be much nicer than the house where your Grandmother was raised and it'll still be a nice place when your Grandkids inherit it.

The principles are the same as they were in the old days. It is shear elegance in its simplicity... Unless your married and your Wife and Her Mother insist..... I'll save that one for another post. You get the idea, I'm sure.

Take the class. It'll work.

05-09-2012, 01:20 PM
Amen! .

05-09-2012, 01:34 PM
LHN - dude, you got a way with words! :D;)

You seriously need to put some thought into writing .... what I dunno, maybe about log homes and cabins or whatever....... you got a real gift and I truly mean that

05-09-2012, 03:00 PM
'Nut -

I think you've written the o-fficial addendum to the LBHA manifesto... if it existed. I loved reading it, even if it did make me grit my teeth at having been born 20+ years too late (IBC 2009 my achin' arse).

BTW, I call dibs on the telehandler when you're ready to sell.:D

05-10-2012, 09:01 AM
Well said LHN. Thanks for that.

05-10-2012, 02:10 PM
Very Good LHN

05-14-2012, 07:33 AM
You said what I thought ... thanks for clarifying my lack of clarity. :)

06-03-2012, 08:19 AM
LHN, that was very fun and interesting to read! Thanks!


09-06-2012, 02:15 AM
Thanks for that good dose of perspective, LHN!

09-06-2012, 03:29 AM
I didn't think we had a mission statement, but I think that's it right there.

Printing that and putting it on my wall.

LHN, you rock!

09-10-2012, 06:43 PM
Well said! A while back I posted a similar thread titled; "Are we drifting?" I guess the beauty of the class (and whole group) template is that we are free to build as big, small, fancy, or plain as we like, but I too miss the semi-hippy days when packing peanuts went into the floor, you took off you boots so the Doug Fir floor would last longer, and we would have socio-economic discussions till two AM. Those were fun times! Mine will be fancy as my wife (the number one expense!) is holding firm on that indoor toilet thing. Right now I have a plywood box lined with a trash bag, a foam seat, and foam cover. I've come a long way from Aston Martin, (no, never did buy the Lagonda, or the Vantage) and custom tailored suits! The old diesel is reliable, and the suit was so graciously put into the washer by my son. BTW... I couldn't be happier!


09-11-2012, 12:19 PM
LHN - dude, you got a way with words! :D;)

You seriously need to put some thought into writing .... what I dunno, maybe about log homes and cabins or whatever....... you got a real gift and I truly mean that

See dude - I told you you were good. Now Timberwolf is putting ya on the Wall of Fame ! ;)

09-11-2012, 12:23 PM
See dude - I told you you were good. Now Timberwolf is putting ya on the Wall of Fame ! ;)

Me bad - I didn't include you hooked me enough that I sent in a registration.....yep. Going solo but that be cool. So I still have that invite now, don't I ?;)

09-12-2012, 06:30 AM
Me bad - I didn't include you hooked me enough that I sent in a registration.....yep. Going solo but that be cool. So I still have that invite now, don't I ?;)

Absolutely. So glad to hear that you are taking the plunge.

09-12-2012, 03:57 PM
LHN, I was in Seattle from 1980-2002........I heard about the class with Skip and almost took it, wish I had now, but as a single woman was a bit intimidated by attending alone, after reading your missive I wish I had.........felt like I was there,
After you get done writing the great American novel, don't forget us

09-12-2012, 04:01 PM
LHN that's a compliment

09-22-2012, 04:40 PM
Just joined this wonderful "group" yesterday, I think. Ever notice, rare times in your life you stumble across folks you just know are GOOD PEOPLE! Of course I don't think that's chance. LHN, thank you! After scouring this forum for as much information to soak up I realize your post could have been authored by many. I need to say thank you to all of you here. I can't make November in Vegas but I will be attending a class asap. Hoping and praying it'll be the first in 2013. Thank you though to each and every one of you who share on this forum. "Pay it forward" applies here! I don't know if I've ever happened upon a group of folks who I've never actually met but already you seem like "family". Each time you share you are encouraging dreamers to get busy transforming the dreams to reality. Our entire nation needs more of the same. It's very rewarding to see people who've actually done it, stick around to help others realize they can do it too!

09-26-2012, 11:15 AM
LHFD, Welcome to the family......you're right, the LHBA is made up of unique people that want more for their lives than chained to a 30 yr. mortagage...Take the class as soon as you can, in the meantime keep joining in on the discussions, and know your among friends......

10-31-2012, 04:47 AM
I'm thinking I am getting to old to morph large and build my own even if small.
Bet if I had located this place in the '70s I'd be on #3-4 by now, even going the pokey way. Don't have the time, don't have the energy, don't have the drive anymore if I am honest with myself.
So imagine I still will do it in some manner but by using my checkbook rather than my muscle (lack of) and my time (pretty precious at this stage in life).
We have a few guys here who build for hire if I am recall. (?) Maybe that can be made to work or even some other way of building. I just want to morph backwards, smaller and enjoy what time remains on this silly planet

11-01-2012, 06:30 PM
I don't make it over to this side of the forum very often. But reading LHN's post made me realize that I need to drop by more often. Thanks for posting that, Nut! Very well put. You have a delicious way with words :)