View Full Version : How soon after the class can a person start building ???

05-10-2012, 12:24 PM
Hi There,

My husband and I already have our land cleared and and were pretty well decided on a "Kit" but after finding this site we are intrigued to say the least. My question is how soon after the May class could we start building?

Thanks for any insight,


05-10-2012, 12:32 PM
The following Monday after the class. However realistically, it'll take a little longer to un-plan everything you've planned so far and reorganized most of it to be done the way you learned in the class.

The hardest part of signing up for and going to the class is understanding how different you will look at things you thought you knew.

This definitely isn't brain surgery. Know what I mean?

05-10-2012, 12:45 PM
Hi edkemper,

I noticed some of the forums were discussing cutting the trees and letting them season for 6 months, that made me think it could be a long process prior to the start. Should we consider postponing the digging of basement until after the class? We already have our plans, nothing huge about 1500 square ft including a loft.

Suppose my kit alone is 100,000 how much do you think we will save by going to the class and switching to this method?

The class is coming right up so we need to make a decision fairly soon.

05-10-2012, 12:53 PM
I would consider waiting on the basement.
Its easier and cheaper to undo the unpoured concrete :)

Depending on how much NEW stuff and hired labor costs you might be able to complete the whole house for that price.
I spent $12,000 (12K) on my logs for a 40X40 2 story with a full loft. YMMV.


05-10-2012, 01:39 PM
Can you imagine living in a world where neither one of you will ever again say "OOooooooohh, this is nice!" as you run your hands over a kit log home? Most of us went through that radical a change. It's not so much about a timeline or a moneyline... It's suddenly realizing that you can do the dream and you can afford to do it. You will want to do it.

Wait on the basement. Just sock away a bit of cash and set your life on semi-hold. Close your eyes and relax and try to empty your mind of any of those preconceived notions that are currently occupying otherwise useable brain cells. If you want to have some fun, list the 20 things that absolutely must be a part of your new log home. Then draw a 2 minute floorplan. After class you're gonna love seeing how your priorities have changed.

If the May class is not already full... Well you know the rest.

05-10-2012, 02:22 PM
Addressing your question of seasoning logs, you do NOT have to do that with the LHBA method. You could theoretically cut down a tree, peel the bark, and install it in the wall immediately. It is a bit easier if they had a little time to set though. (lighter, easier peeling, etc) It's a tough system to beat!

Sent from my BlackBerry 8530 using Tapatalk

05-10-2012, 03:34 PM
I'm not sure I didn't make a mistake.

Your mention of a kit has me wondering.

Our building style of log homes don't include any type of kit other than some pre-drawn plans the Association sells.

EIther way, wait for everything until after you attend the class.

05-10-2012, 04:09 PM
Thanks for all the replies....

No worries edkemper, I was speaking of a kit manufacturer not an LHBA

05-11-2012, 11:00 AM
You can peel your logs then stack them the next day with our method of building. Realistically peel logs one month stack the next. But as others have said, don't do anything until you take the class. See my blog to see how we have progressed and a bit of the LHBA methods.

05-11-2012, 04:11 PM
I would suggest that you and your significant other sit down and go over the notes of the class. See how you thoughts have changed and then make a list of things that you need to have in your home...

Come to some kind of agreement.

Then dig your basement or what ever...

I would suggest build your model first... Dowels and hot glue worked really well for my first model... I think I have 4 or five now...

See my video and read this sight entirely...

Then start to build... don't age you logs... Its not necessary...

Good luck

Plumb Level
05-11-2012, 07:45 PM
I took the class Sept 2011, and right now my foundation is complete, just need to complete footer drains and backfill. I'm peeling logs now and hope to stack logs by late June.

I could have moved quicker, but waited to start. On the members side of this forum, there is so much to read and see...that I had to digest everything a couple of times and make some decisions. Here is a list of a few things that changed for me after taking the class:

I'm building square
I'm building on a walkout basement
I waited to get winter cut logs
I enlarged my overhangs
I changed my floorplan

Just got to class with an open mind and then read as much as you can on this forum soon after. You could be acquiring logs this coming winter and stacking them next Spring if you like.