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Thread: A case for Mars garbage

  1. #1
    Administrator Ellsworth's Avatar
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    A case for Mars garbage

    "Earth needs Mars' garbage!"

    AKA, it's hard to raise funds from investors with a line like "Let us live, here on Earth, like moles underground."

    It occurred to me that a great deal of the tech created in Elon's drive to Mars could be deployed as 'alternative construction' here on Earth.
    It's an assumption based on the fact that space is cold, and rocket ships have to withstand a lot of stress, temperature extremes, self-contained/sufficient nature, et cetera.

    Therefore it might be an easy pivot to making human habitats here on Earth:
    Under water - oceans
    Under water - lakes
    Under/atop Ice - non-Antarctica
    Under/atop ice - Antarctica
    Under ground
    Atop mountains

    The Boring company dovetails well into some of those locations.

    Some of the locations would provide decent species resistance to cataclysmic events.
    Someday all the 'garbage research' that 'didn't take us to Mars' might come in handy.

    I imagine it's easier to raise money from investors using a model of a silver rocket-ship, versus "Let's go live underground!"

    Edited to add:
    And maybe someday we'll get to Mars, maybe soon.
    That'd be cool.
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 07-10-2024 at 07:38 AM. Reason: No warm up, 5 edits

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