Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Jury Summons: catagory all, invalid

    It could be that every Jury summons in my City, County, State is invalid -- and have been for a long time.
    Here is the explanation:

    I saw a Jury Summons a while back.
    I looked at it carefully.

    I read it top to bottom, side to side, front to back, and upside down. <- Humor
    I read it carefully.

    Reading it carefully was difficult, very, very difficult. Of course I had to research why.

    I had to wear glasses and use ...

    Updated Yesterday at 09:44 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 20 edits)

  2. Thomas Paine, Common Sense

    Thomas Paine, Common Sense.
    Thomas Sense, Common Paine.

    The original works of Thomas Paine are worth reading.

    I am a single issue voter, Second Amendment.
    I voted for Bush, because I wanted to see a beautiful sunset.
    Then I de-registered.

    At the very start of Covid-19 I went to renew my lapsed Concealed Pistol Permit. ...

    Updated Yesterday at 08:40 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, aprox 15 edits)

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TPCS.jpg 
Views:	3 
Size:	23.8 KB 
ID:	4690  
  3. Red pill / Blue pill = Bull crap social / cultural programing attack

    Follow the breadcrumbs -- follow the social / cultural programing:

    "What was the first movie to introduce "blue wire or red wire" bomb disposal?
    I have seen Juggernaut (1974) recently. There is a scene in the end of the movie when the bomb disposal expert, Fallon has to choose one of the two wires (red or blue) to cut in order ...

    Updated Yesterday at 06:14 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 43 edits)

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	red-pill-blue-pill-truckers.jpg 
Views:	3 
Size:	353.5 KB 
ID:	4688   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	redpill-bluepill-truck-drivers-3.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	452.7 KB 
ID:	4689  
  4. AI Pendants + AI Copyright + Gibberlink + Ithkull

    AI Pendants might just crash into reality, causing lawsuits to fly.
    Because so much about the legality of their use depends upon specific state laws, and the exact situation in which they are turned on or turned off.

    "Copyright Office suggests AI copyright debate was settled in 1965"
    1965, the same year it's said, that my father started teaching ...

    Updated 03-05-2025 at 04:27 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 20 edits)

  5. A lesson in humanity and humility from Toshi's Teriyaki

    This article is worth reading carefully, for like a great meal from Toshi's, it is a lot to digest.

    "How Teriyaki Became Seattle’s Own Fast-Food Phenomenon
    And what the immigrant-fueled dish tells us about our culture."

    It's a lesson in humanity, and also a lesson in humility.
    For the man cooked great chicken, and seemed to give everyone a fair deal ...
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