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Thread: How to get into the member's section

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    How to get into the member's section

    If you are a member of The Log Home Builder's Association of North America (meaning you have taken one of our classes) you can get into the member's area just by asking. Please wait until after you have attended a class until you proceed with the steps below.


    To get access to the members area:
    1. Sign up for a forum account if you haven't already done so. You can do that here.
    2. If you sign up for a new account, the forum will send you an email. Click the link in your email to activate your account.
    3. Make sure you are logged into your forum account
    4. Follow this link and fill out the form: Access Request Form
    5. Click Submit at the bottom
    All access requests are processed manually, so sometimes it will be a few days before you are approved for access to the members forum.

    If you get an error when you follow the link above, it means you aren't logged into a fully-activated user account. Check your email and click the activation link first. If you signed up for a forum account but never received an email, you should check your spam folder for an email from us.


    1. Watch the video located here and follow the instructions

    After you submit an access request, we may email you for additional documentation of your status as a member of the association. For instance, you may be asked to email in a picture of your membership card, so don't lose your card!

    It would be very helpful if you would use the access request feature shortly after attending the class. If you wait till sometime next decade to send in an access request, then researching your membership status can take a very long time.

    As always, feel free to email us (info at if you need assistance with this process.
    Last edited by Steve; 06-13-2011 at 06:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Thanks for your help...

    Best regards,


  3. #3
    Regular+ User
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Up State New York
    Thank you for allowing me to use this forum to help me in the construction of my Dream Log Home. It gives me access to Great Persons with the same drive and love of life I have. Keep up the good work to all concerned. Neil

  4. #4
    LHBA Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northeast Georgia
    I am a member but have never been able to get on the members side of this site. I've tried. Help? Class of March 2013 Las Vegas.

  5. #5
    LHBA Member Tom Featherstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2logdogs View Post
    I am a member but have never been able to get on the members side of this site. I've tried. Help? Class of March 2013 Las Vegas.
    2LG, You'll get into the members section after the class.

    Da... I'm still writing 2013 on my checks.... and should never respond until after my 1st cup of coffee. See you on the members side soon 2LG!
    Last edited by Tom Featherstone; 02-10-2014 at 04:55 AM. Reason: Da?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 2logdogs View Post
    I am a member but have never been able to get on the members side of this site. I've tried. Help? Class of March 2013 Las Vegas.
    2logdogs: Have you followed step 4 above? We don't seem to have an upgrade request form for your account. That's the place to start.

  7. #7
    Isn't this Skip guy from Monroe WA? I live about 30 miles from Monroe and just curious. Thanks anyone who knows if I'm right about that. I thought he gave classes in Monroe WA in the old days.

  8. #8
    Looks like I was right, but further research shows he passed away in 2008, so I am sorry I was unaware of his passing and that must be why they are doing the classes in Las Vegas now. I have heard about him from old timers in the Seattle area and I am pretty sure he was out in Monroe. Maybe he sold off all the log cabin stuff out there? Is there any classes still in Monroe or in the Seattle area? Thanks, and sorry to read about his passing in 2008.

  9. #9
    LHBA Member loghousenut's Avatar
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    Mr. John,

    Things have changed as much as they have stayed the same. I first learned about Skip's class from a flier nailed up at the auction barn in Snohomish, back in the early 80's when I lived in Sultan. Same outfit now but Skip is but a heartfelt legacy.

    The LHBA of today is more worldwide that the old LHBANA of yesterday. Same time-trued teachings and same two-day course with a lifetime membership, but more user friendly to long distance members. The class is usually held someplace that is easy to jet into, like Vegas. Then, instead of a monthly meeting, there is the member's side of this forum. That's what really get's the job done. The system works. Tell your friends.

    Oh, by the way... I took the class from Skip, as did my Wife. It changed our lives and now, after all these years I am still getting help, knowledge, and encouragement from members close and far. There's a lot of Skip here at our place in southern Oregon.

    Every time I have strayed from the teachings of Skip Ellsworth it has cost me money.

    I love the mask mandate. I hardly ever have to bruh my teeth anymore.

  10. #10
    I followed the link to get onto the members forum but have not yet received a confirmation's probably been a week. I took Skip's class in Monroe, WA, in 1999 with my husband...think it was the first half of the year because we broke ground on our log home that fall. Would appreciate any assistance to be able to get on the member's forum. Thanks!

  11. #11
    hi there Plum. welcome to the forums
    following the link is exactly what you needed to do.
    one of the admin's will get back to you soon. no doubt they're all out working on their own builds at the moment, trying to get as much done as they can before snow fall

    hang tight.
    glad you're here

  12. #12
    LHBA Member project's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by loghousenut View Post

    Oh, by the way... I took the class from Skip, as did my Wife. It changed our lives and now, after all these years I am still getting help, knowledge, and encouragement from members close and far. There's a lot of Skip here at our place in southern Oregon.

    Your story, pictures and quick wit are encouragement and inspiration to a lot of people here including myself and the reason lots of folks stay around and take the class. I would like to personally thank you for all the quick replies and emails that kept me hanging on for several years until the stars aligned and schedules worked out so I could attend the class.. . 2 thumbs up sir!

  13. #13
    LHBA Member loghousenut's Avatar
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    You are too kind. Thank You for putting up with me and my baloney.

    PS... I hesitate to add that, if it is written it can not technically be classified as "quick" wit. Anything that someone my age posts on this forum is most likely backed up slowly by four or five meandering trips through the internet. Additionally, more than once I have been awaken from a nap and forced to delete all those "ZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz's" that a sleeping elbow has typed.

    Still, it is nice to hear the sentiment.
    Every time I have strayed from the teachings of Skip Ellsworth it has cost me money.

    I love the mask mandate. I hardly ever have to bruh my teeth anymore.

  14. #14
    LHBA Member rreidnauer's Avatar
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    I'm really glad and appreciative that LHN is here too. It's nice to have someone I can point my finger at when admin gets upset with me for something I did wrong.
    All my bad forum habits I learned from LHN

    Rod Reidnauer
    Class of Apr. 9-10, 2005
    Thinking outside the vinyl sided box

  15. #15

    I sent in a request form shortly after the Sep16 class without any response so I sent another one a few weeks ago. I was hoping to get into the forums for a build I am working on now. I have finished my first pier form and had some questions about it. I also have 80 logs laying on the ground that I am working on getting off the ground, debarked and treated but I have some questions on that too since they've been on the ground for a year...

    Any help to get on forums would be greatly appreciated. I am kind of winging it for now with the floor plans and the LHBA class workbook...



  16. #16
    hi there. if it were me, I'd email
    welcome to the family!

  17. #17
    LHBA Member Axeman15's Avatar
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    Nov 2016
    I have lived in Bakersfield California. For the past 5 years I have lived in Kernville Ca.
    Thank you Steve.. now that I have completed the class.. thank you both, can I have permission to be a part of the members pages?
    Thank you .

    I followed instructions, I'm asking

  18. #18
    welcome to the family, Axeman

  19. #19
    I, Mark Crum, attended the class June 4 & 5 of of 2016. I went through the online procedure and it stated that I did what was necessary, but when I go to the members forum I am told that I don't access. What do I need to do? I am not sure where my member card is located.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Crum View Post
    I, Mark Crum, attended the class June 4 & 5 of of 2016. I went through the online procedure and it stated that I did what was necessary, but when I go to the members forum I am told that I don't access. What do I need to do? I am not sure where my member card is located.
    Hi Mark,

    You have one step remaining (item number 4 on the list above). Please fill out this upgrade request form.

    After you fill that out, click submit and be patient for a few days while we locate your records and upgrade your account.

  21. #21
    LHBA Member loghousenut's Avatar
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    It'll be worth the wait.
    Every time I have strayed from the teachings of Skip Ellsworth it has cost me money.

    I love the mask mandate. I hardly ever have to bruh my teeth anymore.

  22. #22
    LHBA Member
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    Currently in Colorado near Leadville, Home of the Unsinkable Molly Brown!
    Just testing to see if I can finally use the memberes area and that it is working properly

  23. #23
    LHBA Member
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    Ronceverte, WV
    Well, you posted your test in the Public section. Under your name, I still see "Regular User", so more waiting lies ahead. :-)

  24. #24
    LHBA Member
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    Whidbey Island
    I haven't been on here since we built our log home - been pretty busy.
    Went to the class ahhh, 10 years ago? (My wife would know) -but its been a long time and we are pondering building another.
    Also would like to send my son thru the class.
    In the mean time I would like to edit our profile and have access to the members section. What do I need to do that?

    Thank you very much

  25. #25
    @Windwalker, here are the instructions for getting access to the member's side

    To get access to the members area:
    Sign up for a forum account if you haven't already done so. You can do that here.
    If you sign up for a new account, the forum will send you an email. Click the link in your email to activate your account.
    Make sure you are logged into your forum account
    Follow this link and fill out the form: Access Request Form
    Click Submit at the bottom
    All access requests are processed manually, so sometimes it will be a few days before you are approved for access to the members forum.

    If you get an error when you follow the link above, it means you aren't logged into a fully-activated user account. Check your email and click the activation link first. If you signed up for a forum account but never received an email, you should check your spam folder for an email from us.

  26. #26
    LHBA Member
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    Nov 2013
    These links should work...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    If you are a member of The Log Home Builder's Association of North America (meaning you have taken one of our classes) you can get into the member's area just by asking. Please wait until after you have attended a class until you proceed with the steps below.


    To get access to the members area:
    1. Sign up for a forum account if you haven't already done so. You can do that here.
    2. If you sign up for a new account, the forum will send you an email. Click the link in your email to activate your account.
    3. Make sure you are logged into your forum account
    4. Follow this link and fill out the form: Access Request Form
    5. Click Submit at the bottom
    All access requests are processed manually, so sometimes it will be a few days before you are approved for access to the members forum.

    If you get an error when you follow the link above, it means you aren't logged into a fully-activated user account. Check your email and click the activation link first. If you signed up for a forum account but never received an email, you should check your spam folder for an email from us.


    1. Watch the video located here and follow the instructions

    After you submit an access request, we may email you for additional documentation of your status as a member of the association. For instance, you may be asked to email in a picture of your membership card, so don't lose your card!

    It would be very helpful if you would use the access request feature shortly after attending the class. If you wait till sometime next decade to send in an access request, then researching your membership status can take a very long time.

    As always, feel free to email us (info at if you need assistance with this process.

  27. #27
    LHBA Member
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    Whidbey Island
    Alright - Did it & hopefully the class dates are correct!


  28. #28
    LHBA Member Kola's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Congrats, once you arrive that patch will be tattooed on your chest (or another part of your body by request) with limitations of course.

    along with "1% er" and "TCB" !

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