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Thread: Adirondack Lean-To ideas or plans?

  1. #1

    Adirondack Lean-To ideas or plans?

    Hello folks,

    Just found this forum and decided to join. Somehow searching the internet I ran across you fine people and thought you would be a great resource to begin my next project. I was wondering if any of you have built a Lean-To of any fashion and if you had any plans or advice that you would be willing to share?

    My father (with all us boys and a few of his friends) built our log home back in MN that we grew up in and I've always wanted to try a cabin myself. I figure I best start off with a shelter of some sort and see how she turns out before I tackle anything larger. I have an idea of what I want but was curious to know what experience you guys may have with Lean Tos and stacking logs in general? Butt and Pass through method, dove tail, standard knotch, chinking, etc? If lean-tos have been built by some members, what size worked for you in regards to back wall height, overhang, fire ring placement, etc?

    Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated!

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    LHBA Member rckclmbr428's Avatar
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    Heres one we did from way back in my boy scout days, its a trail shelter on the kanawha trace.
    "Hand Crafted Traditions"

  3. #3
    welcome Tbonebrown where in MN did you build your cabin? we're building in Ottertail County

  4. #4
    LHBA Member MMayer's Avatar
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    Brunswick, Ohio - building 24x24 in southern Ohio
    I bought the actual blue print plans (as a poster) from the Adirondack Museum, created by the New York State Conservation Department for a "Standard Open Camp or Adirondack Lean-To". I have seen this print a few other places, not sure what a search would turn up. (dated 1936)

  5. #5
    “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  6. #6
    I could live in that.

  7. #7
    LHBA Member rreidnauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iramency View Post
    I could live in that.
    I double dog Dare ya!
    All my bad forum habits I learned from LHN

    Rod Reidnauer
    Class of Apr. 9-10, 2005
    Thinking outside the vinyl sided box

  8. #8
    LHBA Member eduncan911's Avatar
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    - a building sharing one wall with a larger building, and having a roof that leans against that wall.

    "a lean-to garage"

    - a temporary shelter, either supported or freestanding.

    ^- I had to look that up as I didn't get "Lean-to." Learn something everyday.
    Eric Duncan - LHBA Class: May 2012 -

    "A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned." - Shepherd Book, Firefly

  9. #9
    Not a lean-to but a log deer blind. The narrator on Michigan-Out-of-Doors said he built it because his girlfriend was complaining about going hunting in his deer blind and wanted something better. Now they are engaged. :(
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    “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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