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Thread: 55 Gallon steel drums: new versus old

  1. #1
    Administrator Ellsworth's Avatar
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    55 Gallon steel drums: new versus old

    A while back I picked up a used 55 gallon drum.
    It was free, and looked brand new.
    It had a factory label: "Racing fuel"

    The fellow who gave me the drum owned a race car and went through a few drums of fuel per year.

    He told me how he would unload new drums from his truck, when they were full of high octane racing fuel:
    Place a tire on the ground behind the truck bed (not mounted to a rim, just a tire).

    Then roll the drum off the bed of the truck and they land on the tire, bounce off and roll.

    I was familiar with the practice, but while I loaded the free drum into my vehicle I was left puzzled.
    Either I had suddenly grown much stronger than I normally am, or that empty drum was lighter than the drums I used to move around.

    So I did some research when I got home.

    It was all made possible by an international rule change, and then it became a race to the bottom of the barrel.

    Maximum profit. Who cares about the real economics of it (long term).

    I did end up letting the person know that the drum appeared to be 'the thinnest allowable by the newest international regulation.'
    And that at the price of free, I was still a happy customer.

    Maybe they will think about the possibility of "drop, bounce, rock on pavement."
    Maybe they won't care.

    Its longevity as a burn barrel is very questionable.
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 07-03-2024 at 07:02 AM. Reason: No warm up, 4 edits

  2. #2
    LHBA Member
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    Nov 2013
    On the topic of burn barrels: Gasoline and fire are a dangerous combination.

    Even if I'd been expecting it, the bang was quite loud. My armpit hair did grow back.

    And yellow mustard is great for burns.

  3. #3
    Administrator Ellsworth's Avatar
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    This thread was indexed by google within approx 1 month.

    Whereas the new posts on this thread have not been indexed in almost 3 months.

    Perhaps new threads and new posts carry different priority weight for google bots/spiders?
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-01-2024 at 09:33 AM. Reason: No warm up, 2 edit

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