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Thread: Skip Ellsworth in new Bruce Lee biography

  1. #41
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    We had one year to act, between 1984* and 1986**.

    We had one year to react, between the book and the act.

    And now, after almost 40 years, maybe we'll get the 180, sooner rather than later.

    And Perhaps, don't let AI corrupt/alter/edit/'improve'/'deprove'/'evolve' the accumulated data.

    *Book 1984. **Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986.

    [This is as close to independently arrived thought as is possible. I know others have already arrived there, and have surely expressed it similarly to how I have done in the words above. I have not seen, or sought, the areas of the web where such debates have taken place and I have no plans to. The 'light' web is dark enough for me.]
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-11-2024 at 06:26 AM. Reason: No warm up, 14 edits

  2. #42
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    American Bookends

    From the birth of the Silent Generation,
    To the end of the Silent Revolution,
    There were 100 years of loud change.
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-11-2024 at 06:25 AM. Reason: 1 warm up, 4 edit

  3. #43
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    Moore's Law, AI and the Electronic Privacy Act of 1986

    Over the last two days I explored a thought.
    That the Electronics Privacy Act of 1986 was passed under the rule of Moore's Law.
    Considering all the implications of that, alone, is what I do.

    Just like how I discovered this Greatest American Issue, alone.
    It makes me value this knowledge Moore's Law even more, because I had to discover it. And genuinely, it's possible that no one who was in my 'orbit' knew.
    Of course it's possible that, no one knew, despite the fact they were near retirement age, after working multiple stints at places like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, et cetera.
    These very nice folks were all solid mi-level managers, trainers, IT security workers, IT security software commercial sales, et cetera.
    AKA, pros-in the know (would typically be the assumption description).
    It's also possible that it was just a choice, to not mention it, while emailing me member lists with personal data on it and build site addresses.
    (edited to add, I suppose it's possible everyone assumed I knew. I suppose it's possible that tech workers don't like discussing that sensitive topic)

    I have used Google's Ngram viewer very little.
    I've found it can be a quick way to see broad patterns and implications.

    Moore's Law, AI and the Electronic Privacy Act of 1986
    This may be the pinnacle or end of my intellectual quest.

    In the old day's people would say "Brother's and Sister's in Christ," or something like "My fellow Americans."
    I have no idea what to say, so I'll try a simple: I care, enjoy your day.

    Edited to add:
    The analogy I've come up with for this issue:

    Imagine Mark Zuckerberg started/owned Google/Alphabet.
    Then Mark Zuckerberg wanted to build an Island retreat on Hawaii.
    And Mark Zuckerberg has access to all email data, that had been left on google servers for more than 180 days, since the start.
    And... attachments. Land contracts, wills, family disputes, affairs, other interested parties, et cetera.

    Then add the use of non-commercially available AI (i.e. in-house Google/Alphabet AI).
    How might that impact the power landscape on a... small island.

    This is a blunt expression.

    Ordinarily I believe it is standard for authors to place such concepts within works of fiction, rather than plain language + non-fiction.

    [I have never done Linked in. It's never mattered. So right now, this is the best I can offer: Bachelor of the Arts, Philosophy, Cum Laude, from Seattle University (a Jesuit institution). Thirty + years as entrepreneur / small business owner.]
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-12-2024 at 04:18 AM. Reason: No warm up, 14 edits

  4. #44
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    Ps, The LHBA members who did live in the Seattle area, and worked at places like Microsoft, Google and Facebook (at or near retirement, manager / trainer level) were quick to discuss all sorts of kiddie type conspiracy theories. Just like the crap you find on Drudge, Reddit and Alex Jones. The modern Art Bell stuff.

    Now I try to de-conspiracy theory the internet (LoL). For instance I converted Pizza Gate to a real issue:

    Person A, Q) You've eaten pizza a lot over your lifetime, correct?
    Person B, A) Yes, I have.

    Person A, Q) Out of all those times that you've eaten pizza, how many specific instances do you remember?
    Person B, A) Well, Umm, a couple. ?

    It's why Elon Musk's brain chip's sales pitch will be so enticing: perfect recall.
    For good or bad, that level of self knowledge/awareness will be enticing.
    Fair (or perhaps equal) distribution of the resource and the two way nature of a link, those might be sticking points in the acceptance process.

    In regards to the North/South pole shift, I'm no scientist but I have watched a few videos on how a spinning object flips in space.
    And learned a bit about the newly discovered, fairly shallow/thin liquid layers within the earth, an inner core that spins counter clockwise to the outer core -- which all mean that in theory the N/S pole flip-flip should be slightly smoother than expected.
    Neat stuff, the science. I have no real insights other than at times, the poles switch.

    But I digress. Moore's law. 1986. That's no conspiracy theory. That's Act and Ignorance + storage expansion = intro surveillance state
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-12-2024 at 06:53 AM. Reason: No warm up, 9 edits

  5. #45
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    I believe that I can now refocus upon log homes.
    And so I shall try.
    Certainly not because I want to be some sort of Industry Leader.

    There is a need for affordable homes, in America and the world.
    There's a need to reduce the financial damage wrought by poorly designed/built log home systems.
    There's a need for low cost secondary homes in the wilderness built with mostly site sourced materials.
    I may have some small, practiced ability at helping to meet those needs.
    I have no hubris, I know others have greater ability and resources.
    The more, the merrier.
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-11-2024 at 10:42 AM. Reason: No warm up, 5 edits

  6. #46
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    A few after thoughts and disclaimers.

    1) I'm not a lawyer, I'm hardly a talented amateur.

    2) It was this post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellsworth View Post
    My father said he started teaching in 1965.
    I have no proof of that, but it's the date we've used for the Association's beginning.

    Yesterday I looked at all the historical events for that year (U.S. centered).
    I'm sure I missed more than a few.
    What I found was fascinating to reflect upon.
    It's a short glance at history, the value of which is interpretative.
    That helped me start to look at, and understand, the issue with Moore's law.

    So the caveat is: I am learning / exploring this topic in real time as I post. I am surely not articulating all the nuances of the issue as well as they deserve.
    It deserves a good college thesis level paper. It deserves a new law.

    3) I am starting to explore some Terms of Service for email providers, like Google. It's an interesting read.

    4) I move between a few topics that interest me. A new one I acquired recently is the river Dee, it's already so complicated that it's above my head. But I'll keep swimming.

    5) Genuinely, no resentments towards members over this issue, or toward Steve for emailing me the entire forum approx last year, after 20 years of never telling me about email security at the Server Level.
    Life happens and one moves on, hopefully a wiser and more understanding person.

    6) After Moore's law was well established, it became a predictable path to offer incentive sign ups / enrollment periods, product launches and/or push memory development hard to keep pace with permanent data storage (regarding email and other storage intensive services). That might be one secret to the Big Tech takeover, dates and data should reveal that.

    7) I am always open to being wrong about something, in whole or in part.

    8) Some of this exploration is based upon the framework of the Domestic Analogy. Because at core that concept involved the proposal that human behavior is predictable scalable within operating spheres of similar culture, and scalable for any standard cross cultural commonalities (imho, ymmv, it's a working concept overall, pun intended)
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-12-2024 at 04:10 AM. Reason: No warm up, 3 edit

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Distempered Individualism

    I often wonder,
    If Ayn Rand and Bruce Lee were a,
    Deliberate punch and kick to the West.

    Were they living examples of excess,
    In classical 'rugged individualism,'
    Whose inevitable success pushed culture toward the failure of extremes?

    Or were they both simply natural occurrences,
    Pushing us all to be our best,
    By the hard route of individual success?

    Tempered Individualism
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 08-21-2024 at 07:41 AM. Reason: Pre-thought, warm up, 3 edits

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