
Trump's Inauguration

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I missed watching Trump's inauguration.

I had some unexpected work that day, which led to me driving past this accident scene before they closed I-5


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One person is dead and another is under arrest for vehicular homicide following a deadly crash on northbound Interstate 5 in Snohomish County Monday afternoon...

According to Washington State Patrol, racing was a "contributing factor" in the crash, which remains under investigation.

The crash occurred when a vehicle, driven by an 18-year-old man, tried to pass a semi-truck on the left shoulder, according to preliminary information
This post is not intended to compare the Inauguration or Trump's presidency with a car crash. Here's the thought that did occur to me:

It used to be that young people were generally liberal and older people were generally more conservative.
There were sayings about that 'truism.'

Upon reflection it makes sense, early social training (public school) has greater impact closer to age of acquisition of said training, and it was a time in America of greater Christian influence on youth (there's more, but that's the start of an explanation).

So, what if it was reversed? A youthful conservative voting block that sways political power rather than a youthful liberal voting block.

It's possible that the risk of socio-economic-political crashes increase in such a scenario, due to lack of experience, increased naivety, untrained risk assessment, et cetera.

(edited to add: a more correct, cohort specific list might be "due to increased competition, reduction in empathy, lack of a structured morals check, higher disagreeableness, a more 'unbridled' youthful avarice, et cetera.")

As social media is leveraged to manipulate these voting blocks, how will biologically driven expressions impact the stability/effects of the new structure, before things settle down to a new normal?


I glanced at the math.
Trump and Biden share a milestone.
At the end of their terms, they will share an age.

May President Trump's advisors and doctors be excellent, for the sake of the Presidency, the country and the world.

Edited to add: the above post surely has biases, but it's from a NON-partisan person who has not voted since around the year 2000.
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Updated 01-29-2025 at 06:48 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 10 edits)

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  1. Ellsworth's Avatar
    Major edit on 3/7/2025.

    Today I checked this post and realized it said "Partisan" and not "NON-partisan."

    I believe the forum is currently not secure and that the above post was edited by someone else after I made it.
    By definition it's not secure, it's running on old, unsupported version of the software.
    I firmly believe I would not have made such a mistake regarding an issue of self-definition.

    I have a learning disability and didn't learn to write properly until around the age of 28. Sure I could write in K-12, just not well, not exactly at 'grade level.'
    I didn't understand the parts of speech properly until my last year of college (umm, frankly that's a difficult topic. Most people never properly understand the parts of speech. And at my current age, heck I've forgotten how to explain them, I just know how to use them).

    When I make a post, I spend half the day reading it and editing it until I feel it is just right.

    This blog is a living document, so long as I am alive.
    It's the final edit that is most meaningful.

    But I publish on the internet, which means I can only guarantee what I type.
    I cannot guarantee what you read.

    Generally I only edit posts for a few days. Rarely I'll edit within a few months of making a post.
    I don't anticipate additional edits past that time, except in some cases when new facts/events/developments occur that are worth motioning because they increase understanding of the topic(s) discussed in a post.
    I try to always list the number of edits and the edit dates. If it's a major edit then I make a separate post, or if it's in the original post then I set the new edit apart from the original content.

    My posting process is mostly explained here:
    "Writing process, errors omission and corrections."
    Updated 03-07-2025 at 08:37 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, 5 edits)
  2. Ellsworth's Avatar
    Addition to the first post above: A Bernie Sanders example, as a counter point to the potential issues surrounding conservative youth.

    "Punk rocker causes outrage with 'evil' lyrics during performance at Bernie Sanders rally"

    "Irish Star – Bias and Credibility"

    It is often the extreme fringe, in either direction, that is most easily manipulated and activated by those in power and by media / social media.

    To let the extreme fringe, in either direction, wag the dog is generally a bad idea.

    It's the extreme fringe that is used to generate outrage the easiest emotion to spread on the internet, or trigger the very visceral disgust response. Both side uses small, fringe cohorts and those psychological weapons.

    "As your social media emotions go viral, anger spreads the fastest"

    "Disgusted by Someone’s Behavior: Navigating Strong Emotional Reactions"

    I suggest not judging college itself, by the crowds that Bernie brings out.
    I suggest not judging college itself, by the crowds that Crowder's controversy attracts.

    That said, I sought education at a Jesuit University in part because it offered aspects of a more traditional curriculum at the time.
    We are all 'social products' of our time.