Thomas Paine, Common Sense
, Yesterday at 06:37 AM (73 Views)
Thomas Paine, Common Sense.
Thomas Sense, Common Paine.
The original works of Thomas Paine are worth reading.
I am a single issue voter, Second Amendment.
I voted for Bush, because I wanted to see a beautiful sunset.
Then I de-registered.
At the very start of Covid-19 I went to renew my lapsed Concealed Pistol Permit.
For an unexplainable reason, their digital system could not generate my prints -- there were multiple attempts, each failed.
So then they tried ink, iirc it took a few times, and even then the Officer voiced doubt.
I paid my fee, and never received a permit / or rejection notification via mail, as required by law.
I have no proof they did not send something, I can only testify that I received nothing.
It's mostly just my word and memory, there is no real proof of the event in my possession -- just potential testimony.
But a smart lawyer might use the Freedom of Information act to check the statistics / communications.
See if there was a more systemic problem than just my hands.
I have no anger or resentment about what happened.
I am not bitter.
I do not call for revolution.
A smart lawyer might use the Freedom of Information (FOIA) act to check the statistics / communications.
The denial rates, the machine error rates, communications to the tech department and machine manufacturer, repair / replacement expenses, applications to mailed notifications ratio, the gross sales rate pre-during-post Covid, changes in quantity of paper cards being ordered, expenses paid on mailing for that department, et cetera.
Use your brain, get creative. See if there was a more systemic problem than just my hands.
And it's possible that a lot of that information is exempt from the FOIA.
And it was a different issue that led me to call close to 50 lawyers / law firms trying to hire one for an hour long case review / assessment of evidence.
That issue was a slam dunk class-action. I could not retain a lawyer, it seemed impossible in that area of practice.
If I cannot hire a lawyer for a case review, in the field of class action lawsuits -- then who is hiring who?
I am a NON-partisan person who has not voted since around the year 2000.