
Red pill / Blue pill = Bull crap social / cultural programing attack

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Follow the breadcrumbs -- follow the social / cultural programing:


"What was the first movie to introduce "blue wire or red wire" bomb disposal?
I have seen Juggernaut (1974) recently. There is a scene in the end of the movie when the bomb disposal expert, Fallon has to choose one of the two wires (red or blue) to cut in order to disarm the bomb. Finally, Fallon makes a choice by intuition."

Additional movies that feature a red / blue decision: Die Hard, Armageddon, Lethal Weapon 3, and there are others. Typically on the most exciting scene, the most anxiety inducing, the moment of greatest danger / threat -- creating hard emotional anchors within viewers.

Red / Blue = a long standing movie trope, hitting every generation expect the Silent generation and the earliest Boomers -- thanks to black and white programing and often a disinterest in screens -- people from a different era.

Color TV started around 1951, first for the wealthy and eventually for mass consumption.

"If blood is red, why do veins look bluish?"

Blood's red and blue nature makes red pill / blue pill a visceral hack attack connected to veins.

Blood's red and blue nature is often forgotten knowledge, lurking around subconsciously in a brain -- leaving a forgotten, unlocked back door, for red pill / blue pill to enter your mental house.

The internet driven, back of a comic book like, red pill / blue pill meme.
It's easy to push people to pick sides and makes choices: capitalize on the desire for feelings of empowerment.

Anger is the easiest emotion to invoke and the fastest to spread (except for Awe).

"What Emotion Goes Viral the Fastest?"

We all live in systems that marginalize us.
Some have felt that more than others and that likely increases susceptibility to the meme attack.


The first, cohorts to be effectively politically activated using Red Pill / Blue Pill were truckers and divorced dads.

(declaration: I have general respect for these cohorts. The jobs, the journeys, the trails and tribulations. Nothing below is meant to belittle the groups or individuals within them.)

Because of age, position, lifestyle, and on the job activities, there is a cohort that was both desirable and easy to manipulate red red and blue -- truckers.

Truckers, every day having to mess with red and blue air hoses.
All those moments of on the job frustration, making things fit right, in the sun, rain sleet and snow -- morning noon and night.

Plus it is a job that where workers spend a lot of time alone, and that is significant if you think about it.

It could lead straight to an increase in a meme's effectiveness.
That's deep social/cultural/experiential training.

The second group that was/is most easily to manipulate -- divorced men.
Stress, anxiety, stress, anxiety, stress, anxiety, and some financial hardships coupled with feelings of powerlessness.

Because of what was lost, residual anger / resentment and financial difficulties.
Almost always on the losing end, in court, custody and financially.

And it's the dad, the man, that is most often left to spend a lot of time alone after a divorce, and that's significant if you think about it.

  • It was the red pill that mostly activated the meme.
  • It was the red pill that kick started the social hack attack.
  • It was the red pill that was first used as a political weapon.

From there, like highly profitable bad medication, the red pill and blue pill grew larger and grew to include many different colors.
A social media 'pharmaceutical industry' pushing red and blue pills, perhaps question what they are selling.

(I am a NON-partisan American who has not voted since around the year 2000)

Why red / blue fundamentally?

We're primates, it's a deep biological / neurological function -- how we see and respond to colors.

Red is urgency, blue is trust (in the marketing world) -- Bank of America colors.
And it just works on people, subconsciously, and in regards to marketing / influence they are designed to work together -- urgency and trust.

My eyes train me.
My experience trains me.
My physiological reactions effect me.
My biology guides me.

That is true for everyone.

Consider this... the largest banks.

By amount of money:
#1 bank = Chase, brand color is blue
#2 bank = Bank of America (BOA), brand colors are red and blue

By number of customers:
#1 bank = Citi Group, brand colors red and blue
#2 bank = Capital One Financial Corporation brand colors red and blue

Red pill / blue pill has hard wired elements to subconsciously trigger the largest number of people on personal finance.
Red pill / blue pill was also a wallet / financial hack attack, and I didn't know that until today, when I made this post and looked more deeply at the banking industry (deeper than just BOA).

Marketing 101, capitalize upon the visceral reaction, activate it.
  • Red = urgency
  • Blue = trust
  • Red is blood outside your body!
  • Blue is blood inside your body.


The Matrix Movie, oh geesh the recycled bull shit in that movie.
I mean, gee what a classic. At an educated guess: a script born from elements of high ACE, neuroatypical, resentment at society.

A script likely born from family trauma.
What is born from damage, tends to create more damage. That is not necessarily true, just statistically probable.
It takes a large amount of consistent effort to seek meaningful, positive change.

  • I am careful of whose scripts I follow.
  • I am careful whose scripts I allow to influence me.

Some of the reasons that I do not care about Matrix + trans. I have no strong feelings. "It is what it is," and I don't often use that phrase:

As an entertainment / profit juggernaut, the Matrix an impressive franchise.
As purely, highly stylistic art, with novel special effects at the time, the Matrix represents high achievement.

Pop cultural, political manipulative crap = red pill / blue pill.

Don't let that sort of thinking catch you or a loved one, especially in moments of vulnerability to such core hack attacks.

It's worth considering who the red pill / blue pill pushers were / are, and consider all the possible motives / consequences. Heck if I have the solid answers to those questions, I just know I should never trust pill pushers.

Most of what a person encounters in life is either BS, a trick or the opposite of what it seems.
Or somewhere along a spectrum of deception.

(there is no anger, resentment, holier than though attitude / projection intended in any of the above. It's an assessment, as real as it gets.

Consider where else red / blue has been ingrained in your brain...
i.e. gangs, Crips v. Bloods = blue versus red and I say that with respect too.
i.e. red and blue lights, on top of police cars, give anyone with experience an increased heart rate -- speeders beware, are those lights coming for you or the person ahead of you? Pulse quickens, anxiety spikes.

We are all subjects of social/cultural programming and it's easy to weaponize that, and use it against specific cohorts.)
Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	red-pill-blue-pill-truckers.jpg 
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ID:	4688   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	redpill-bluepill-truck-drivers-3.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	452.7 KB 
ID:	4689  

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Updated Yesterday at 06:14 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 43 edits)

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  1. Ellsworth's Avatar
    The post above is more than a soundbite, but less than a full meal.

    It would take at least 100 pages, and massive amounts of documented research, to satiate real hunger: to really flesh out all aspects of what's written above.
    It would take about 100 pages to properly justify every aspect of the expression.
    I've done the most of research, I have no interest in doing the formal writing.

    More than a soundbite, less than a full meal.
    That is usually what I will offer.

    As an aside:

    • It is your actions that define you, not me.
    • It is my actions that define me, not you.

    The importance of those distinctions matter incredibly.
    Updated 03-07-2025 at 09:01 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, 7 edits)
  2. Ellsworth's Avatar
    One last reason why the Matrix and Trans is a non-issue for me: because I see the LGBTQIA+ (1, 2, 3, pick a simpler acronym please) issue as being equivalent to the Left Handed Freedom Index, a theory I developed looking at statistics.

    A while back I developed the Left Handed Freedom Index.

    A country's / culture's level of freedom can be determined by the degree to which the citizens / participants are able to express left-handedness.

    Going from memory, here are the stats:

    In the least free countries / cultures only 1% of the population is left handed.
    In the most free countries / cultures up to 13% of the population is left handed.

    It came down to China vs Denmark.
    The same theory can be applied to the Alternative Sexuality Community (ASC) / Alternative Sexuality Cohort (ASC). Grrrrr, labels!

    Somewhere between 1% and 13% is the natural, likely genetic based number for the percent of population participating in ASC. Anything above and below that % is likely due to cultural / experiential influence. The natural number is likely comparable to autism / neuroatypicalness (less than 5% of the population). I base this on a lot of research, cross cultural and various regions -- research done twice, about 10 years apart, so I noticed how the statistics changed.

    I saved the most controversial part for last: bathroom use and sports are real issues.
    Safety versus false feelings of safety.
    Subjecting others to dangers.
    Age of medication / hormone / surgery: 18. Solve the suicide risk / problem some other way, until the day of the 18th Birthday.
    Perhaps apply the 'soft' science of psychology/therapy* until age 18, not the hard science of 'Medicine'* -- a verbal touch, not a scalpel or syringe.

    Finding a path to respect all Rights is like climbing a hard mountain trail at night with no light.
    That's real, strong opinions will vary, other people (than me) will sort this all out (may they be smart and wise, more-so than I).
    I'm sure it'll all work out fine, over the next 100 years. #LongView

    1. Left Handed Freedom Index: "A country's / culture's level of freedom can in part be determined by the degree to which the citizens / participants are able to express left-handedness."
    2. Alternative Sexuality Freedom Index: "A country's / culture's level of freedom can in part be determined by the degree to which the citizens / participants are able to express reasonable alternative sexuality."

    #2 has to have the qualifier 'reasonable,' and that makes it far more of a socially / politically disruptive logic trap than left handedness.

    Want to inquire about someone's membership / participation in the Alternative Sexuality Community / Cohort? Just ASC them.
    Want to know if a person is any form of Alternative Sexuality Community / Cohort ally? Just ASC them.

    Pick a form of empathy, show some compassion, protect the vulnerable <- one of the ways humans judge humans, and yet there's still disagreement on applying the fundamentals.

    *The lines are blurred between soft science psychology and hard science medicine. They likely always have been, and perhaps always will be -- in fluctuating degrees. And that is a cause for concern, for they are largely and significantly separate fields.

    3/8/2025: I'm likely done with edits/ additions on this blog topic, until additional hard or soft science is available.

    Edited to add on 3/9/2025:

    "Which hearing aid goes in which ear?"
    "As a rule, hearing aids are labeled by the hearing care professional. However, this marking is not always easy to find. If it is missing – ask your hearing care professional for a side label for hearing aids. When the part of the hearing aid which red or blue is fairly small an additional colored marker can be applied on the hearing aid to identify the side faster."

    Red pill / Blue pill is deep social / cultural programing emotional hack attack: capitalizing upon the colors which are associated with work, anxiety, disgust, frustration, undesired / uncontrollable change, feelings of powerlessness, et cetera. Colors that can be used to activate psychological triggers within many different cohorts (income, age, gender, et cetera).

    Updated Yesterday at 04:49 PM by Ellsworth (No warm up, apprix 15 edits)