
AI Pendants + AI Copyright + Gibberlink + Ithkull

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AI Pendants might just crash into reality, causing lawsuits to fly.
Because so much about the legality of their use depends upon specific state laws, and the exact situation in which they are turned on or turned off.

"Copyright Office suggests AI copyright debate was settled in 1965"
1965, the same year it's said, that my father started teaching log home construction (back then they were called log cabins).

Now it's worth considering that the current expressed opinions on news sites, regarding AI and copyright, might be propaganda from one side or the other.
I have not dug any deeper than a few similar articles.
But regardless, the implications of AI + IP is mammoth.

"One YouTuber has been poisoning AI tools that access her videos with .ass subtitle files and you can too"
"How one YouTuber is trying to poison the AI bots stealing her content"

That lady is showing some class, in her .ass attack on AI.
Humorous too.

"What Is Gibberlink Mode, AI’s Secret Language?"

"Ithkuil: the Most Complicated Language in the World"


Note and ponder: when Ithkull was launched upon the internet, the rush of early adopters were mostly in Russia.

A flood of Russians immediately gravitated toward Ithkull, and I have not consciously contemplated why, nor am I likely to.
But between Ithkull and Gibberlink, I worry more about the former than the later.

From the most complex language to the simplest: looking at opposite extremes is called "bracketing."
Unlike "broadest context," it can be a real quick way to gain insights.
Just compare and contrast the extreme opposites that exist within the same category.

From Toki Pona to Ithkull and back again.


I'll add one more concept: GMO Humans 2.0, as native speakers of Ithkull.


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Updated 03-05-2025 at 04:27 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 20 edits)

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  1. Ellsworth's Avatar

    If someone feels like accusing me of 'capitalizing' upon my father's relationship to Bruce Lee, then I'd start a rebuttal by suggesting you read the above post very carefully.

    Then, ignoring the official line, find every possible reason why Toki Pona was intended to contain only 120 words, 'no more, no less.'
    Find all the implications of that third of a perfect circle. Then all implications of a third. Then consider the number 120 standing alone, then keep thinking of more.
    Then consider why I shared with you the ideas within the post above, and why I might share about anything.

    Edited to add:
    I just realized that a few links in the post above went bad seemingly overnight.
    FYI I normally include the titles so people can search and find the article using your fav engine.
    (Highlight, right click, search, fast and easy)

    The Wikipedia links stayed rock solid functional, and a few others did too. Only a couple links went bad.

    Maybe this is one reason why Broetry does not include links. No joke.
    PICNIC = Problem In Computer Not In Chair.

    I fixed every broken link today. Feel free to DM me if you find a broken link in my blog.
    I just checked a lot of posts and all the links have been good, i.e. California LA Fire 2025.

    Most of what a person encounters in life is either BS, a trick or the opposite of what it seems.
    Or somewhere along a spectrum of deception.

    If you want an interesting detour, learn the history of lawyer's standard contingency fee in America (speaking of thirds), and add the history of the legal field's billable hour.

    [Disclaimer to both posts on this page, and my entire blog/approach to life: I tend to assume every person is smarter / more experienced than me, in one way or the other.

    I don't assume I'm the 'smartest guy in the room.'
    I do assume that I'm not always right.

    I do have have a hard won education, a lot of various interests (#LifetimeLearner), and I don't own a horse (that's a high horse joke).]
    Updated 03-05-2025 at 04:27 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 20 edits)
  2. Ellsworth's Avatar
    I'll wrap this up with a few related thoughts about GMO Homo sapiens sapiens 2.0.

    1) The average age of child soldiers is 13. The age spread is often described as 8 to 18 years old.

    2) Professional video game players age out of being truly competitive at around age 20 (that number is from memory, it might be +- a year or two).
    It has to do with reduced reflexes / slower reaction times. That's neurological / developmental.
    That's peak human performance as defined by video games -- watching screens and fiddling buttons / joysticks.

    3) Warfare has rapidly become reliant upon video game like skills, for instance POV Drones.
    A trend that is likely to continue, in combination with AI use in the battle field.
    I envision use scenarios where a human operator might always be preferred, for instance simple digital security of mission details (nothing typed, nothing uploaded).

    4) It would take a minimum of 8 years for a nation to field troops of GMO Human 2.0 child soldiers.
    16-18 years if the goal was devastating the enemy in a manner more akin to the traditional battle field.
    And these numbers are only specific to Humans 1.0, perhaps they might be different for GMO humans 2.0.
    -- It would take exactly 18 years, if adhering to international law (see the irony?).

    5) Regarding Ithkull, it's perfectly suited for two voices:
    • Homo sapiens sapiens, neuroatypicals / neurodivergent (I prefer the term neuroatypical).
    • GMO Homo sapiens sapiens 2.0.
    • Perhaps AI too, but ignore that for now

    The rest are naturally cut off from access to the content.
    We can have our native languages, and Toki Pona.

    "Age-Appropriate Speech and Language Milestones"
    Humans 1.0 learn 100 words by age two, 300 to 500 words by age three to four.

    The difference in the two voices that can capitalize upon Ithkull might only be one of degree, and that worries me.
    GMO Humans 2.0 might be, just humans.
    If it doesn't worry you, research the "demon core," then research Lake Karachay, then consider man's / human's proclivities (they are gender neutral imho, kings and queens, and know no borders -- they are global).

    If GMO Humans 2.0 are not humans, then we might really be in trouble. For once there were many sapiens that were a notch 'above' great apes, monkeys and chimpanzees -- now there is one. (mostly one?)

    6) There is a whole separate topic, leaving aside the issue of GMO: the potential of gains made by simply using the top 1% of genetic material of Homo sapien sapien 1.0 is massive.
    Just look at the farming industry, and also the vanity field of show animals. Regarding humans... Run multiple programs concurrently, each optimized for different characteristics, and within approx 40 to 60 years you have 3 generations of quick change.

    7) Regarding all the above -- Reasons to enjoy building a simple log cabin, nestled in the woods, near a stream, off grid.

    edited to add --

    I realized that the topic in the articles below greatly affects most of what is posted above.

    "World’s first ‘artificial womb facility,’ will let parents design child’s height, strength, intelligence"

    "Artificial Womb Trials in Humans Could Start Soon"

    # file everything in this post and the ones above under 'reasons I don't care about the piddly stuff.' And all the current, popular zoo / circus distractions are the piddly stuff (aka the comparatively meaningless, emotional driven wedge issues that are dividing society and blinding it).
    Updated 03-06-2025 at 07:19 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, 20 edits)