
Christmas gift idea 2024: Manker UTi Edge

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I just bought one of these. Big discount at the moment. This is not paid/compensated promotion.


It made me re-arrange my keychain, because it's a great, functional product.

This is the knife that feels like it's never there, yet it is always present.
It's the bare skeleton of a knife, yet it is still functional.
The minimum of what you need, to get most common tasks done.

That blade is sharp, slightly brittle and easily replaceable.
The blades have such utility, that they are found on most construction sites, warehouses and offices.
So please don't let that lead to waste, treat each end of each blade as-though it was a unique part of the frame.

It's worth noting that just looking at the design had me worried about the blade deploying accidentally, in reality, it doesn't.
I trust it in my front pocket, on a key chain full of stuff.

I'd give it two thumbs up, but I only have 1.5 thumbs left after using this knife (joke).

I suggest adding a 1/8" diameter dot of grip tape to the blade, on the thumb side, exactly opposite the end of the spring arm.
It makes it a lot easier to deploy the blade.
A thin smear of hot glue also works, it sticks well yet can be peeled off to flip the blade.
A little bit of gaffers tape also works.
Of all the options, the grip tape seems to give the most control over blade movement, hot glue is second best.

The jimping is where it should be, if you hold it right imho, ymmv.
(Try not to choke up on it)

It pairs very well with their titanium toothpick.

Unattributed quotes from google search:
"Titanium is generally considered more common than stainless steel for surgical implants"
"Titanium implants had a lower rate of failure, and a lower rate of complications than stainless steel."
This is a very light knife to carry.

Have a safe and merry Christmas.

Edited to add:

The only suggested improvement for a Ver II is in the last uploaded image.
Leave material on, so there's no chance or the end of a key pocking through the opening.
It should not interfere with any mill operation /boring operation and should reduce manufacturing time slightly
I'm not a machinist, I'm just thinking it through and its no reason to avoid the only version that might ever exist.

Edited to add:

While I do not know what, if any, meaning is behind the Manker UTi Edge knife...
And I seldom know, or guess all the meaning of anything...
As I contemplate Manker v. Del Toro, I also consider the following...

This was the year, 2024, when I finally realized that a Police Officer's OFF HOURS heart attack should be recognized and treated as though it was an "on the job" event.

That a Police Officer's off-duty heart attack, stroke and a few other conditions, should qualify as on duty events in regards to employment benefits

Because the science backs it up.

Regardless of whether or not it was related to a prior on the job heart-attack or specific work event/duty.
As a stand alone event, several conditions should qualify for full on the job coverage, despite any outside of work hours status.
Because the statistics back that up.

These policies need a more modern revision imho:

Edited to add:

Links to the only reviews I could find online.



I've had no issues with 3 different brands of blades.
The blade lock up 'feels' like it grabs easy with grip tape added, there's more tactile feed back when it happens.

Additional information for this knife is on the review update post, which is different than the comment post below.
Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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Updated 10-26-2024 at 09:14 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, 20 edit)

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  1. Ellsworth's Avatar

    I have switched to a small keychain Gerber with a lock-back 2" blade.
    The main reason for that change, I realized that I have to carve wood just often enough that a traditional blade served me best.

    And regarding Manker v. Del Toro, I have continued to think about that issue.
    Deep consideration.

    In my research I discovered that the U.S. Military is one of the few places in America where infidelity to spouse is a crime.

    I had to envision reasons why.

    I considered the sudden feeling of knowing that an attack is coming from within your own fence line, and the moment of discovery that the perpetrator was part of base personnel.

    And I have researched the intersect of military and mental health.
    Coupled with how recruitment officers often bend reality to let people with pre-existing mental health issues initially enlist (there are articles on that topic, they are harder to find).

    And looked the data/statistics on rape and secual assault in the military.

    As well as the presence of criminal gang members in the various branches of service.

    A feeling of betrayal with consequences one never wants to forgive.
    I had to look at my purely civilian experience / understanding and envision the military version.

    I was already passably familiar with all these issues, before making my initial post above, but afterwards I took a deeper look.

    There was nothing glib or flippant in my original post, and it wasn't made for shock value.
    It's a very complicated issue, when in doubt I try to err on the side of empathy, compassion and logic (I also checked what statistics I could find on the Manker issue itself).
    I still consider all the issues above, and will for a very long time.