Hi guys and gals: Here's the latest from my blog: https://loghomejourney.wordpress.com...ing-our-house/ Password: ABCD1234
Figured if i'm going to do this, might as well include the nitty gritty for anal retentive question askers like me I hope to make an entry every time a significant step is accomplished, so today is the day. Here we go: 30AUG16: Finally ordered the plans bundle for the 35' x 35' build today. We are going to start the garage first and pay as we go. Hope to get water and electric out there this fall yet and order logs this coming month for the garage. Needed the plans to figure ...
we finished framing in the west side gable end and started placing OSB, but the month is almost over and we didn't finish our to-do list. so we're renting the tele for Sept too. here's what we got done: chinking (chinking is done!!!), north and south dormers got framed, bird blocks in, OSB and tyvek on, windows in. on the west side gable end, finished framing and started OSB here's what we still have to do: west side OSB to complete, west side ...
on the cabin north side we got the framing done, bird blocks done, osb done, tyvek done and windows in
well on the south side of the cabin we got the dormers framed in, bird blocks in, OSB on, tyvek on