
The Isle of Lesbos

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I learned more about the Isle of Lesbos,
By studying the statistics of West Seattle and Vashon Island,
Than I ever did in a Classics class.

The first lesson was, self-segregation.
The second lesson was, wealth.
The third lesson was, percentages.
The fourth lesson was, safety seeking.
The fifth lesson was, some might argue that lesson 1 and lesson 4 are the same.
The sixth lesson was, et cetera.

[Said by a man who bears no ill will toward lesbians,
Who does not romanticize or fetishize lesbians]

I equally support the care of trans-identifying children, and children who are dangerously dragged across the border,
Apply the laws of minor protection equally in both cases, should be the base starting point.

The sort of rapid reversal described in the article below doesn't happen in 'real' medicine / science,
Not without peer reviewed studies and hard data to back it up.
Not without multiple meetings, conferences, published papers, et cetera.
Something I ponder, occasionally.

Something else I ponder, the lessons of Kurt Cobain, proudly wearing a dress...
And the eldest son of the family I grew up next to, who was like Kurt, minus the dress and dressings of fame.

I have worked along side a lesbian whom I called a friend, with full acceptance of her person-hood.
I also respectfully remember the wife of one of my father's friends, who became a professional shipyard welder, then got divorced and came out as a lesbian. This was in the Seattle area during the mid-1980's, and I have reflected on the ways that journey might have been difficult for her (more than just those due to her short stature, because short stature can sometimes help in that sort of welding position).

I've studied multiple fields: history, psychology, medical science, religion, et cetera,
But I started at the root: philosophy.

The wheel of history has simply brought up all the political/emotional triggers that ease social manipulation.

This will surely be considered a controversial post, and I doubt I'll share much more on the topics above, but if there's a takeaway for others to consider as most important, perhaps it is this...
One of the least well studied cohorts in the field of psychology, are the practitioners themselves.

[Posted during the Superbowl Halftime show, stone cold sober and with intended care]

Edited to add:

"Depletion of Susceptibles" (as a psychological term and a medical / pharmacological term) is another concept worth exploring, as it likely interweaves into the topics above.

Edited to add:

Perhaps it's worth considering at least two of the three below, as they might relate to what is written above.
Perhaps consider all three.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krazy_Kat
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terence_McKenna
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...ce_and_Phillip

I suggest you do more than merely reading the Wiki entries.
List all the characters, seek additional articles.
Take Hearst for example, raised in loveless neglect, inside a gilded cage lined with... comics.
To him, that Krazy Kat likely made a lot of sense.

Add in a dash of autism, which is often coupled with a high ACE and Chaos-15.
Reality blurs all diagnosis.

And explore the nature of:
  1. Entropy
  2. Social Entropy
  3. Family Entropy
  4. Calhoun, Universe 25

Then try and develop some concepts after doing all that work, while realizing there are no ultimate answers, and no ultimate solutions.

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Updated 02-10-2025 at 09:54 AM by Ellsworth (First try, no warm up, lots of edits)

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