Private Vs Public School
, 02-25-2025 at 04:39 AM (91 Views)
Here is the worst story I have from K-12, bar none.
In public school: I attended 3rd grade while in 2nd grade, and 6th grade while in 5th grade.
As a bored, intelligent kid with an undiagnosed learning disability I was either excelling or failing.
For one year during Jr High I attended a private High School.
At that private school there were two young men who had some form of disability.
Looking back, one was likely severely autistic, and the other likely had severe Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
They were both teased every day, unmercifully, but one of them had it worse than the other imho.
At a school camping trip (before I attended the school) one of them ended up having to search for a teacher in the dark of the night.
He walked around aimlessly, with his hat in hand.
He was searching for the shop teacher, who was acting as the chaperone.
Like the character from Rain Man, he was repeating one phrase, again and again and again and again...
As he walked, he held his hat in front of himself, with a hand gripping either side...
It was with a mournful pleading voice that he repeatedly said,
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
Et cetera
It was the kind of private school that cost a lot of money.
It was the kind of private school where every new student was thrown into a shallow, dirty pond full of sharp, rusty metal.
It was the kind of private school where for the years that young disabled man attended, almost every day he would hear other kids mimic his voice, behind his back saying:
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
I did not partake in that mockery.
The teachers didn't stop it, that's not how this particular school worked.
That sick mimicry went on during the entire time I attended the school.
It was my worst experience in K-12 because it was a travesty of society that had no solution.
I attended that school after my parents divorce.
It was purely my father's choice.
My mother simply went along with it, although legally it was exclusively her choice.
I know that this private school was what changed some lives for the better, and I need to honor that fact.
It was created and run by bunch of idealistic hippies doing their own grand social experiment.
An experiment as dysfunctional as the hippies themselves.
The irony is, a mere 1.4 miles away was a different private school.
One not run by hippies.
One with massive resources for those with different learning styles.
One that cost exactly the same amount of money as the one I attended, exactly.
It's the one that still exists to this day, whereas the one I attended has long been shut down.
It's the one where an autistic (or FAS) child's hat would not have been shit in.
"Joel, somebody shit in my hat Joel."
A phrase that haunts me to this day.
I did poorly in K-12, overall.
I excelled in college.
It was around age 50 that I discovered Evolutionary Psychology.
That particular field / theory offers a lot that is worth considering.