
Writing process, errors, omission, corrections

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My writing process for this blog (and forum posts) is worth explaining.

I gather my thoughts and I write / publish a first draft.
Then I spend a while editing it for content, grammar, et cetera.

If I am recounting something from memory, I constantly think about it to see what my brain churns up once I see it all written down.
I make corrections as needed, as the distant past is jogged into the present.
I strive for accuracy.

I've been writing for about 7 months.
It has taken a long time to re-assume my standard balanced tone.
Before that I had not written for consumption in a very long time.
Like any skill, it takes practice to maintain, and I like to think my process of expression has been improving.

I write for myself.
I write for my family.
I write to combat my own growing ignorance and fading memory/skills.
I write in hopes of making a positive societal effect, for others regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, political affiliation, citizenship, creed or religion.
I write because I believe it benefits the LHBA.

I don't write to fight.
I don't write to argue.
I don't write because I believe that I'm always right.

Once I reach 64 blog posts the frequency shall diminish, as I turn my attention to some other facet of this log home project.

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Updated 02-09-2025 at 11:39 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, 7 edits)

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