View Full Version : Energy effecient appliances
01-09-2009, 07:30 AM
Picking up this thread from the floor plan
thread in the "members only" section.
Did a little research on the Miele vs Staber clothes washers.
The Miele (Me-luh) uses a very low (approx.) 595 watts @ 120VAC per load.
The Staber uses about 433 watts @ 120VAC.
The Miele spins at 1,600 rpm for the final cycle.
No idea of the spin dry speed for the Staber (anyone?).
I have been very impressed with the Miele and would buy another,
but the Staber is enticing.
Anyone out there have experience with the Staber?
01-09-2009, 04:47 PM
From Staber's FAQs:
What is the spin speed?
Our washer spins at around 700-750 RPM based on load size, but can get a 175 extraction G-force inside the tub so that the clothes feel the same as when you remove them from a front loader that spins faster. You cannot wring out any more water from the fabric when you get them out of our washer. There is a certain RPM speed you reach where you are not really extracting much more water, but you are just drying by air (or evaporation). We have reached that certain RPM with our Staber washer where we do not really need to go any faster. If you cannot wring out any more water from the fabric when it is done, then there is not much more room for improvement.
And, I also found this:
When the final 5 minute spin cycle begins, the tub rotates counterclockwise. It begins very slowly and gradually picks up speed so that it can attempt to evenly spread everything around the tub to keep from going out of balance. There are about 4 different speed levels the tub goes through during the final spin.
I personally don't have any first hand experience with them, but it is almost certainly what I'll have to go with when the time comes.
02-27-2009, 05:36 PM
Been doing a lot of research on the Miele and the Staber. Results? Everyone loves the Miele, and the Staber has polarized the owners. They are either loved
or hated. So why am I spending all this time investigating clothes washers? Our Miele died! The good news is that the repair is very simple. The bad news? The two circuit boards are $1,200!!! You know, even at that crazy price I may still repair the unit. Easy on the clothes, has paid for itself twice in lower operating costs. So, does anyone know of an appliance parts discounter that carries parts for the Novotronic 1918?
Bill LaCrosse
03-07-2009, 12:12 PM
Get back ASAP.
03-08-2009, 09:08 AM
Thanks, Bill!
While the Miele is down, I've been using the Dexter at
work. Not as nice as the Miele, but it will wash a load
three times the size of the Miele. The repair parts are
very cheap, and these can be bought used for about
$2,700 + shipping. The Dexter T-300 I found is $2,822,
and six months old. The Miele should last at least 20
years and should pay for itself in less than 7 - 8 years,
not counting the greatly increased lifespan of your
The Dexter may outlast the great grand kids.
The Dexters seem to use more water than the Miele,
and the wash cycle is only 25 minutes compared the the
Miele cycle of 38 minutes. The Dexter also seems to be
harder on the clothing than the Miele, but then it's really
nothing when compared to the "wash your clothes on a
rock" effect you get with a Kenmore top loader.
My favorite is the T-400 which is very similar the the
ones we have at work. Our Miele does about 2 1/2
loads/day. The Dexter does six loads/week. The larger
capacity would help with increasing the life span.
03-08-2009, 12:46 PM
At 1/3 the price my american made HE whirlpool can wash 22 pairs of jeans and I can continually wash and dry as the dryer cycle is vitually the same as the washer cycle. The guy I bought from comapred a top loader to washing your clothes by beating them over a rock. He also said the was the last washer and dryer I'll ever buy. I've had my pair for 6 years and not an ounce of trouble for a family of 5. My total water usage dropped in 1/2 the first year that I dumped the top laoder.
11-11-2009, 09:45 AM
I got free one of cragslist and i did find a few places that sold parts and some the part like motor were 300 the clutch brake was 150 and water pump was 40 this was for a Ge model that sell for 450 new.
If you find place see part cheeper drop me note.
I just wanted cheep washer i fix and parts cost more washer no wounder people trash them and get new one.
Things are not made to last like the old times.
Make shure you can narrow down what part you need.
Most restore sell used for for 150 buck 30 day refund if breaks
Ow just warn you the front loading ones that nice fancy the motor like bosh was so expensive i said forget it.
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