View Full Version : Solar energy and alternative power
- Forum rules - please read before posting
- Garn wood furnaces
- First Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle Goes on Sale
- Solviva passive solar design
- Breakthrough efficiency, paintable solar material
- Masonry heaters
- Mother Earth News solar power article
- Anyone seen/done a double envelope style log home?
- Wind power
- Best Sealants for Natural Log Homes - New Contruction
- Northwestern U.S. Wind Mapping Project
- Renewable Energy Access Website - Looks Neato!
- Small Wind - State by State!
- Flexible Photovoltaic Roof Shingles
- Windmills
- Solar Window Film
- Diesel Generator
- Geothermal
- Solar Energy Break Through
- Cornbustion
- 12V DC lighting...HELP!
- Alternative lighting
- Att: wind turbine and solar people
- Solar Geothermal storage
- Hydrogen
- Anthracite ???
- Balls
- Power source that turns physics on its head
- More vertical wind turbines
- New Tankless water heater
- Inflatable girlfrie...Oops!! I mean wind turbines
- 8th annual SolWest Renewable Energy Fair - July 06
- Wood-fired boilers
- How about Mulch?
- Alternative heater
- Solar/wood stove/propane heating...high altitude!
- Solar Incentives
- Earth tubes
- Thoughts on this book?
- Wood pellet heaters
- Icebox
- Heliotube " Solar"
- I took the solar leap!
- The Climate Energy Micro-CHP System
- hydroelectric
- Battery Alternative
- outside wood heater
- Coppiceing
- Well House Heater
- Solar -> Hydrogen -> AC?
- Solar Heater
- solar panels - how to check them?
- Battery Power
- Backyard Fuel Cell
- Rather than pay for solar panels, why not...
- Off the Grid Power
- Solar powered shower
- Wireless SolarCam
- plasmatic induction
- Do it yourself solar panel
- Wind Up LED Camp Light
- Anybody tried these power plants???
- Maglev Wind Turbine Power Plant
- Cool(fake) UFO videos (off topic)
- Any micro-hydro experts around?
- 130 MPG Car
- SNQ-1 Radiant Heat Pellet Stove Prototype
- william kamkwamba
- Scientist discovers way to burn sea water
- Eco Media Player
- Breakthrough in the cost of producing solar panels?
- Heat-recovery tech for drains hits Home Depot
- Is magnetism feasible to lack of wind or a cloudy day?
- SAFE, Inexpensive Hydrogen Fuel For Your Car?
- stressman79 & Washington State solar panels
- Solar,wind,hydro... Hah!!
- Researching energy and HVAC sources
- sky current battery charger
- Researchers developing solar technology that works at night
- Free Solar Panels
- Batteries for solar setup
- Why is the price of solar panels going up instead of down!!!???
- Heat Your Castle with Fresh Milk?!
- "Power Suit" of the Future
- Not Solar But Lunar
- Human power
- why not to have a wind turbine in the back yard
- cool solar upgrade
- solar radiant floor heating article
- Recommended Electrical components
- stirling engine for electrical power
- UNISOLAR shingles
- Free AC
- Wood Gas Generator
- Hey Rod is this thing for real?
- Grow your own diesel? What the..
- Interesting add-on to a wood stove
- Passive Solar - Solar Slabs
- Solar cooker
- More Power - Populare Science article on Turbines...
- Off Grid Power Resource
- Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Spins into Business
- Alternative to biodiesel
- Low Tech Magazine
- Six cent refrigerator
- McCain's "revolutionary" batter?
- My home made solar water heater
- cheap solar dish design
- Breakthrough solar engine
- ferry county solar
- Build site generator
- Big Energy, solar, and realestate
- solar/water generator?
- solar charge unit
- Grid-Tied systems and EOTWAWKI?
- off grid systems status
- Solid fuel stove
- Electrical Question
- biomass fuel briquttes.
- Any toughts on this?
- sun spots global cooling - a warning
- Energy Ball (wind)
- National Solar Tour
- CFLs and Dirty AC
- Energy effecient appliances
- GEET Power!
- Solar Water Pumps?
- solar battery sizing...
- Pull-cord generator
- Anybody know about these guys?
- home-built windmill
- Oil and Gas sector
- Considering solar power for our cabin
- Sunshine to Dollars
- solar milestone
- Energy Sufficiency
- Cool Energy
- One unit: heat, water and electricity
- the "GREEN NETWORK" (and dogs)
- solar lantern
- Rain water recovery system for first floor
- New product review and update
- Barrel stove
- Pellet generator
- wind power II & a few random thoughts
- Solar "pop/beer" can heater
- Solar panel options--upfront payment or financing??
- geothermal heating and cooling.
- how to incorporate passive cooling in Texas
- poo power
- Sunward Solar Hot Water
- Solar without batteries
- harbor freight solar controller
- harbor freight solar controller
- The wonders of modern lighting
- DIY solar
- Deal or no Deal? $1.30 a watt
- Nickel Iron Batteries
- Off Grid Living Articles
- Eco Island
- Electric OR hand powered water on the same system
- Magnets 4 Energy
- Self-Sustained Living
- Electric power possibility
- funny.
- "guesstimate" of simple system
- Sun Direct Power (formerly Sound Wisdom) SG-1 5,000 Watt Solar Generator
- Need some real info regarding wind mills
- Bacterial Breakthrough Could Lead to Cheap, Renewable Bio-Batteries
- Why not steam or coal power?
- 6tfm dry cell batteries
- Wood gasification
- possible starter system
- PV laminate
- Rocket Stove Outdoor Shower
- has anyone heard of or tried these?
- 10kW wind turbine v solar
- Hydro power from small streams?
- ridgeblade wind turbine
- for you all who are ultra-light guys...
- They keep getting cheaper
- Ecat energy - Home device next year?
- acid rain
- Transparent solar panels-solar windows?
- Not green, but cheap!
- Alternative Driveway Illumination
- Hot water showers
- Power your house with a Jeep
- Rocket stove mass heater
- Anyone using propane tankless hot water heater??
- Solar tubes?
- What about gig 2?
- Calling all alternative energy gurus!!
- Solar power station
- Wood chip boilers?
- Hydro power
- DIY wind turbine
- Batteries
- I d
- help (24V pump)
- chest freezer / fridge conversion
- Experience with, and opinions of, outdoor wood boilers.
- Algae for biodiesel?
- Heat Your Castle with Fresh Milk?!
- Got my solar power off-grid system up and running (finally)
- Any Quantum Physicists on here? (off grid power)
- Solar chicken and rabbit waterer--macdaddy system!
- Solar Power for grid hook up.
- Robert Boyle flask perpetual motion machine
- What would I have to have
- Off Grid Solar System Primer
- HELP! Please!
- Solar voltage?
- Solar questions
- Tesla's New Solar Shingles - What Do You Think?
- Need help wiring up a small solar set-up.
- 11 cents per watt
- DIY Solar Kits
- Grid tie vs off grid
- HVAC replacement options
- NIAC Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage Dec. 2018
- Nuclear Fusion
- Greetings from Kola
- Honda EU7000 fuel injected
- Solar system Upgrade
- Is this a good deal for solar panels?
- solar array tracking the angle of the sun
- Dish about your solar system
- Mudflap's Solar Adventure
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