View Full Version : Any toughts on this?
09-02-2008, 03:36 AM
09-02-2008, 08:18 AM
hmm bet $200 wont get you producing much electicity. Dont hear how much you can produce--yea depends on wind and sun but also what your wind mill and solar units can supply--i just dont believe the $200
Quotes from their FAQ page:
"How much power does the Earth4Energy windmill produce?
Our aim is to produce 1000 watts of power by using blades that are 8 feet in diameter with wind speeds of 20 miles per hour."
"How much power does the Earth4Energy solar panels produce?
Our manual provides instructions to build 100 watt panels and you also get the instructions so you can join multiple panels together to raise the output to 1000 watts +."
While I'm always a little wary of things on the internet, I'd be interested to see more of this, if I didn't have to shell out $49.97. But they do have a money back guarantee, so who knows.
Anyone have experience with this guy's book?
09-02-2008, 02:55 PM
Well you are not going to be able to get this windmill alone would be more than $200-plus he talks about hooking up an inverter- that's an added cost.
I hope his pitch is not to good to be true. Wondering what I could of done for $8,000 to go solar and wind power? That is what my power cost me to bring to my property. The place where I am building has plenty of both wind and sun year round. Well I could go solar and tie into grid later and maybe pay zero or even earn something. Never went to the FAQ page. Hopefully someone needs power and ties into me so I can get some $$ back on my power cost!
09-03-2008, 04:53 AM
I didn't see that... maybe its worth 49.99$ im not sure.
There are videos on youtube showing how to build solar panels so maybe there is a way to go cheap.
can.t sit still
11-12-2008, 07:13 PM
A short time ago, The US Senate committee on the environment said that all 4 satellite weather systems agree that global warming stopped in 1998. We are now into global they say.
Curt Hicks
01-18-2009, 07:44 PM
hey i just found this site also and wanted to check here first...but, seems how no one has bought it mabey i will take the first leeeeeeeep^0^
after a little more research i'll let you know;)
01-22-2009, 09:57 AM
I was planning on buying it when spring comes , let us know what you find!
02-19-2009, 04:03 AM
I wouldn't buy this product. Just to give you a heads up, it's an affiliate product offered through ClickBank. From what I've read on many forums, it proves to be too challenging, and has a high return rate. Most of these products with flash sales pages are nothing more than non-sufficient info & clever marketing to get you to buy. I would recommend buying a book for $20 or less, and you'll get much more than 90 e-book pages that contain improper descriptions.
02-19-2009, 06:42 AM
If any of you a interested in any alternate power sources for homes way off the grid or just to be self sufficient. I would ask you to look at this site. These are your basic hicks living out in the sticks who build, experiment, sell and hold seminars to teach people to build their own electric generators. They live miles from any power source and run all their homes on the power generators they build themselves. One generator produces over 1 Kilo watts of power. They have anything you want to learn or know about alternate power sources. Al B.
Their homepage is here: <a href=""></a>
Here's their wind page, located at the bottom of the home page. <a href=""></a>
02-19-2009, 07:33 AM
Great information...Good read!
I'm not totally into that as far as actually doing it, but I am certainly interested in the technology of it and who knows later on after I get going....
02-20-2009, 03:44 PM
Hey Snip'p'er send me your email, or email me, ?I'd like to talk about that tack driver you have there------------+. Yes X does mark the spot. Heh Heh....
02-20-2009, 04:10 PM
Sorry, way off topic. :-)
02-20-2009, 04:47 PM
Wow! Rod, that is one cool looking Rod, all puns intended. Did you have the stock costom made for your cheek weld too! What is it, a 308 or 30-06. What kinda critters have said hellow to your little freinds commun out front door, when you let it do the talking for ya? Heh Heh...
02-20-2009, 05:23 PM
It started out as a Savage 12FV, but got refitted with a much more solid laminate from Richards Microfit Gunstocks, Inc. (the factory composite stock had too much flex in the floated forearm for me, as the pulse in my cheek would cause the crosshairs to drift with each beat!!!) It's 22-250, sending 55gr rounds downrange at 3700+fps. It's topped with a Burris 8-32x Black Diamond scope on Burris Signature Rings. The bipod is a Harris HBL.
To be perfectly honest, this gun has never been "fired in anger" so I guess it's a critter no gitter. I put it together for a prairie dog trip that never happened. But as for pennies, they fear me.
(pennies at 100 yds. consistently)
02-23-2009, 08:22 AM
I have an extensive collection of guns. A number of flat shooters. But what I enjoy more now than ever before is my .22 Air Rifle. Faster than a .22 powder rifle and will also repeatedly tag existing holes at 100 yards. No longer comfortable with the long reach guns with my old gimpy, surgically scarred shoulders. I have an Olympic, Match Grade .22 and I can shoot as well with my ultra modern air rifle. Predators fear it.
10-20-2009, 07:44 AM
I thought this might give me an alternative to powering a lightbulb in my chicken coup--that's my excuse.
This is not a total scam product--it is a few amateur videos of a guy building a wind generator and a solar panel out of junk. If you are looking for RELIABLE, LONG-LASTING power for your cabin, this is NOT the product for you. There are many similar web sites/products out there like this and I am definately correctly assuming that they are all one man's successful attempt--or others' attempts to piggy-back--to make money by video taping his successful exploits.
For the record, IF I HAD THE TIME I would try the wind power thing on my chicken coup, but, alas, I have no time for this monkey business. I'll stick with my 200' of extension cords running all over the place until I have time to trench and install power and water to my more perminent farm buildings over where I plan to build the log cabin.
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