View Full Version : solar panels - how to check them?
03-04-2007, 06:09 AM
There is someone in my area selling solar panels (65 watt) that he said were removed from a working system. He has several and I would like to check them out, but aside from the obvious (broken glass, etc.) how do I check these panels out? Do I use a multimeter and make sure they output 12V? What else do I need to look for?
Thanks in advance,
The Truth
03-04-2007, 07:00 AM
Yup. Take a multimeter with you. (one which can test amps) If they are 12 volt panels, you should get around 21 open circuit volts (Voc) in the sunlight, and around 4 short circuit amps, (Isc) or whatever the data tag says if it has one.
The tag should look a little like this:
Oh yea, and a really good deal on working panels would be $260 each ($4/watt), and $292 top end ($4.50/watt) for used panels, as long as they are monocrystalline or polycrystalline, and not amorphous. (thin film) I'd wouldn't pay more than $2.50~$3.00/watt for used ones of them.
03-04-2007, 09:08 AM
Thanks Rod, I was hoping you would reply. He is asking $250, but I was going to see if he would take $200 if I bought multiple panels. I will take my Fluke with me and check it out.
I will let you know how it goes. I am hopeful that they are ok. Also I think he said they were polycrystalline.
The Truth
03-05-2007, 11:04 AM
There is someone in my area selling solar panels (65 watt) that he said were removed from a working system.
Removed legally? I just had 2-102v and 2-110v evergreen's 'removed' from my place, along with 6 new 12v deep cycle batteries, a c-40 controller, and a Trace inverter. :x AND not to mention, my brand new AIR-X. So, be carefull, you may be recieving stolen goods. Look to see if the serial number is there and if it has been altered.
03-05-2007, 11:14 AM
Cripes!!!! I guess this enforces my ideas of counter-theft measures I intend on putting in place. (which will include early detection and recording, and non-lethal discouragement tactics) :twisted:
03-05-2007, 02:30 PM
dbtoo, Check e-bay, Craiglist and all the pawnshops and places that sell solar stuff in your area. It must be someone local. :(
03-06-2007, 05:46 AM
Cripes!!!! I guess this enforces my ideas of counter-theft measures I intend on putting in place. (which will include early detection and recording, and non-lethal discouragement tactics) :twisted:
Move to AZ, you can go with a lethal discouragement tactic!
13-405. Justification; use of deadly physical force
A person is justified in threatening or using deadly physical force against another:
1. If such person would be justified in threatening or using physical force against the other under section 13-404, and
2. When and to the degree a reasonable person would believe that deadly physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful deadly physical force.
03-06-2007, 05:59 AM
dbtoo, Check e-bay, Craiglist and all the pawnshops and places that sell solar stuff in your area. It must be someone local. :(
They're local for sure. They have robbed too many places. I was actually hit twice, in a two week period. When I met the sheriff, he was on multiple burglary calls in our area each time. It's tough on the deputy when they have about 200 sq miles or more to cover, and it's just one guy. He's taking it personal, though, I heard he arrested 3 people in 2 hours on outstanding warrants.
Like many areas of the country, we have a Meth problem. It's so remote where the cabin is, there are many places where people squat (not just to do the poop thing, poopheads that they are), and many places that are cooking their own, figuring they won't draw too much attention with the smell.
Over in the members section, nobleknight has a thread where he describe being burglarized. His place isn't too far from mine.
My place has bars on the windows and doors. They pulled the hot water heater out, from its outdoor access panel and kicked in the wall. I fixed the hole the first time, adding in 2x4 sleepers and screwing the access door down. They ripped the access door clean off, with crowbars and 2x4's, really made a mess, the 2nd time.
I don't think the thieves will use craigslist, if they're stealing for the money, they probably don't pay for internet access and probably don't know where the library is. I know that up there, they have storage units, keep the stuff for months, then, when the heat is off, pull the stuff out and sell it at flea markets. They did arrest an ex-police officer from St. Johns who had a housefull of stolen property. It took 6 flat bed trucks to haul the stuff off. None of my stuff though.
03-06-2007, 01:04 PM
Thieves are everywhere!! That is one of the biggest fears of my wife because our land is so remote. I do have 2 "equalizers" but like Rod's idea of "non-lethal discouragement tactics". I hope to utilize many deterants on my land.
The Truth
03-06-2007, 01:23 PM
Yup. Take a multimeter with you. (one which can test amps) If they are 12 volt panels, you should get around 21 open circuit volts (Voc) in the sunlight, and around 4 short circuit amps, (Isc) or whatever the data tag says if it has one.
Doesn't the voltage output depend on the orientation to the sun, strength of the sunlight on the panel and abiant temp? They produce more output in the winter, less in the summer. If they aren't at the correct angle, the output will vary. Find out who the manufacturer is. Then look up the panel on the web. Also, ask for those serial numbers, and call the local sheriff's department and see if they are listed in stolen goods. On the drive there, check out those solar powered call boxes on the side of the highway... are they missing panels? IMHO - people on solar never sell panels. They just add mounts. The only people selling panels are authorized distributors and dealers in stolen goods... do I sound bitter or is it just me?
03-06-2007, 02:39 PM
To bad the meth users don't stick to stealing copper wire from high voltage lines... :wink:
Well back to the subject... :D do the solar panels come with any charts that show how much the voltage decreases after 5-10-20 years?
I can't resist.
Sentry Gun
03-06-2007, 02:41 PM
Good advice!! No you don't sound bitter and it sounds like sound thinking. I know the addage "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is" or "if it sounds too good to be true it is probably stolen" fits this situation. I like the idea of contacting the sheriff and I didn't think of the solar powered signage. I will check further and ask the seller where he got them.
i know....he will not say, "Well, I stole them off my neighbor's house.." :!:
03-06-2007, 04:47 PM
dbtoo- Yea, voltages and currents will vary a bit with orientation, insolation, and temperature, but the numbers will be pretty close if you just point it fairly well towards the sun on a sunny day.
ponyboy- Mono and Poycrystaline panels run pretty stable throughout their entire lives. Amorphous (thin film) usually overperfom their ratings for a few months, then settle down to their rated outputs, with a little loss over their lifetime's. Most all crystaline panels are commonly guaranteed to operate within 5~10% of their rated outputs for 25 years. (note my lable shows 10%) That's usually a good sign that they will perform very close to those specs their entire lives. In fact, I think about the only thing that kills a quality panel would be either corrosion or breakage (hail?)
The_Truth- Yes, be sure to check with the local police/sheriff and DOT before purchasing. The price is really good, and if he really were to come down to $200, I strongly suspect they are stolen. Look for any state applied stampings or grinding marks. (from someone removing evidence) Like dbtoo says, those who got them, don't usually give them up. I know mine were a different case. The guy installed them, got the Gov't rebates, and then sold them for a profit (even though I got them for a great price of $4/watt) In fact, I even helped him remove a few still mounted on his roof. Plus, I learned a lot about the guy, even saw his business. Definitely not a suspicious transaction.
03-07-2007, 04:34 AM
To bad the meth users don't stick to stealing copper wire from high voltage lines... :wink:
They've taken to stealing the copper wire in the deep wells out here. I guess 750 ft of copper can be profitable to them. They didn't take mine, yet, least not that I know of, since I don't have the power to run the well pump.
They also steal the copper pipes from new contruction sites. Go in and cut it right out, not just what's laying on the ground.
They also stole the copper wiring from the newly built local parks in Chandler AZ!
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