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Thread: Deep treating sill logs

  1. #1
    Administrator Ellsworth's Avatar
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    Deep treating sill logs

    Here's an idea for deep treating sill logs.

    Before laying the 2nd course, drill extra 1/2" diameter holes that go to the center of the sill log.
    Space them every 3' to 4', located between where any rebar is going.
    Angle the holes slightly, so you're drilling off set from dead center top -- angle from inside the home.

    That will yield about 10 holes, marching down your sill log.

    Then gravity feed glycol based borate into the holes from a suspended bucket.
    Use some plastic flexi-tubing and plumbers putty to seal around the drill holes (or silicone caulk).
    Feed the 10 holes from 1 bucket, let the wood soak up preservative for days, refill the bucket if/as needed.

    Then cap the holes with a dowel. It'll all be hidden behind the chinking.

    This method should allow borate preservative to saturate the heartwood.
    And help preserve the log that is usually the most susceptible to rot.

    It's an idea.
    A winner of an idea?
    IDK, but it's hard to think of a downside other than the extra work.
    I've seen cases where the heartwood rotted while the sapwood didn't.
    Last edited by Ellsworth; 09-30-2024 at 02:41 PM. Reason: No warm up, 4 edit

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