I just checked out Matthew Polly's new 500 page biography on Bruce Lee from my local library's new non-fiction section. I thought some might be interested to learn that a man named Skip Ellsworth is mentioned on pages 95, 96, 98-102, 108, 109, 114.
Pretty soon several students at the Seattle Judo Club, where Jesse was an assistant instructor, began inquiring if they could learn from Bruce. One of them was Skip Ellsworth, who grew up as the only white kid on an Indian reservation, fighting Native American youths on a daily basis amid dismal poverty. "During Bruce's very brief first demonstration of his kung fu, he hit me in the chest with both palms so hard that my feet left the ground and I flew backwards for what seemed like ten feet before I slammed into a wall," Skip remembers. "Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. It only took Bruce Lee approximately two seconds to make a true believer out of me.""
Bruce's street-tough students introduced him to another crucial aspect of American culture - guns. Leroy Garcia and Skip Ellsworth taught Bruce how to shoot pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. The gave him his first gun, a Colt .25 caliber semiautomatic pistol with black handle grips. "Bruce totally loved it," says Skip."