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About loghousenut

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About loghousenut
Took the class from Skip in 1981. Took it again with a buddy in the mid 1980's. Took it again with the love of my life in 1989 just before we married. That means that I first met Ellsworth when he was small enough to enjoy climbing into the rear seat of the Jeep.

In 1993, when we bought the property where we now live, I didn't need to see the inside of the ugly trailer because we were gonna start building the log house in a year or so. We still live in the ugly trailer and are FINALLY building the house 30 yards away, down by the creek and the pond. We are building slow enough to enjoy every minute.

Son Jake has committed to going to the local community college for his first two years while living in the motorhome (school bus conversion) to help get the project done. He is a straight A student with a heavy load of math and computer classes. His teachers have always suggested that he is that "one kid" who will go wherever he wants to. Did I mention that he is the first Eagle Scout in our family? I am so fortunate that his Mother found me. She is the driving force in my life.
Grants Pass, Oregon.
I am a log house nut. Like 50 mile hikes, dune buggies, street bikes, and blacksmithing. Family man.
Long time employee Costco Wholesale.... Blissfully retired since 10-9-17


Every time I have strayed from the teachings of Skip Ellsworth it has cost me money.

I love the mask mandate. I hardly ever have to bruh my teeth anymore.


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02-02-2025 02:55 PM
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Best Christmas Ever... Next Day

by loghousenut on 12-26-2012 at 03:30 PM
December 26, 2011...

Many thanks to those of you who read my recent family trivia post and sent your wellwishes. Throughout this ordeal I have sought no council. I have great confidence in our own inner strength and innate instincts. We know what's right and wrong and we should follow our nose.

My best friends have no idea what has been going on for the most part. I suppose that would indicate that my "normal" activities are abnormal enough that suspicions

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