It could be that every Jury summons in my City, County, State is invalid -- and have been for a long time. Here is the explanation: I saw a Jury Summons a while back. I looked at it carefully. I read it top to bottom, side to side, front to back, and upside down. <- Humor I read it carefully. Reading it carefully was difficult, very, very difficult. Of course I had to research why. I had to wear glasses and use ...
Updated Yesterday at 09:44 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, approx 20 edits)
Thomas Paine, Common Sense. Thomas Sense, Common Paine. The original works of Thomas Paine are worth reading. I am a single issue voter, Second Amendment. I voted for Bush, because I wanted to see a beautiful sunset. Then I de-registered. At the very start of Covid-19 I went to renew my lapsed Concealed Pistol Permit. ...
Updated Yesterday at 08:40 AM by Ellsworth (No warm up, aprox 15 edits)