View Full Version : Anthracite ???
10-10-2005, 04:15 AM
I was told a few days ago about a form of coal called anthracite. Was wondering if anyone has used this before? Apparently it isn't like the coal of olden times, very clean and very efficient. I have been told it is possiable to heat a home for a few hundered dollars a year, (cleaveland winters). I guess there is some sort of a retro fit unit that can be installed onto your exsisting furnace that allows this from of fuel to be burned. a link to the web sight that I was told about is below. It doesn't really get into to much detail about the actual ful just the units themselves.
10-13-2005, 07:58 PM
Anthracite is coal that has been compressed and heated by the earth into a metamorphic rock. Other types of coal have undergone less compression and are still considered sedimentary rocks. both types have always been available, however, bituminous coal is more common and therefore more widely available and less expensive.
Some things to note if you are planning to heat with coal. Due to the compression anthracite has fewer volitiles than bituminous coal. This means that anthracite will burn cleaner than bituminous coal, however, it also means that it will be more difficult to light.
In my part of the world (Alberta Canada) I know people that have had coal furnaces installed, cleaned, and loaded with fuel for considerably less than natural gas. Some have been using this system for more than thirty years.
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