View Full Version : I'm attending the September seminar . . . but . . .

05-06-2011, 07:59 AM
Should my wife also attend?

That's our question.

For those who will be bringing their wives to Las Vegas, is she attending? Why or why not? For those who attended in the past, did it make sense to have your wive attend also? if she didn't, do you wish she had? Why or why not?

Four months to go and I'm getting excited (and I don't get excited about anything). :D

I'm already developing a list of books to read before i attend. Any comments on that also greatly appreciated.

I'm also looking forward to meeting those of you who, like us, are just getting started on their vision of a log home. I hope we have some time to mingle and trade emails and phone numbers. We'd love to hear other's stories.

If we can get together for dinner, first drink is on me.


05-06-2011, 08:10 AM
Hi, John--

Bring the wife, if you can. My husband actually attended the seminar twice. Once alone when I had another family responsibility at the same time, and again with me. It's SO important that you both understand the process, so that as you make plans you can be working in concert toward the same set of goals and objectives. Also, if you'll be working together on the project, you want to start together, I think.

It's quite a journey, and teamwork makes things much easier and more fun. : )

Good luck to you. Sara :)

05-06-2011, 08:49 AM
Go to class together or wait a few years and go to the divorce lawyers separately... Your choice.

05-06-2011, 03:02 PM
Were in the Sept. class>> I think My wife believed she would have to drag me kicking and screaming all the way there...but alas, I laced up them boots and I am on board. I do believe they are spot on- seems now like a no-brainer to have the both of us there to soak it all in~


05-06-2011, 04:34 PM
I wish my wife would have come along to the class....would have saved a bunch of extra effort on many projects :)

"I want it this way"
"But that's not how the class teaches it"
"But I want it this way"
"Yes dear"

05-06-2011, 07:29 PM
I wish my wife would have come along to the class....would have saved a bunch of extra effort on many projects :)

"I want it this way"
"But that's not how the class teaches it"
"But I want it this way"
"Yes dear"

We were rolling on the floor laughing at these responses. Susan and I will both attend. Thanks

05-06-2011, 08:33 PM
Hi there, John! Looking forward to meeting you....BOTH in Sept! Absolutely I have to say (since I'm the wife) you both need to attend. It makes sense financially, not only will you save $200.00 on the class, but also save time and frustration. Unless your wife plans to have no say in almost everything pertaining to the log home (and if she's like most women, I doubt it) then she needs to be there. For me personally, I plan to be very involved in the actual building & site management, and I plan on handling most of the research on county planning/regulations, a good portion of the online material/supply purchasing, and personally applying for & obtaining permits. All in all, your wife CAN be a big part of this process and I think it can be a very good opportunity for bonding & growing the marriage/family. I understand that some women may be caring for young ones, but that doesn't mean she can't be a part of the process. Once you both attend, it will probably be much easier to know how much she can be involved, depending on your situation. Well, my 3 cents worth....I just think it will be plain fun! Two heads are better than one, you know!

05-06-2011, 09:06 PM
Hi there, John! Looking forward to meeting you....BOTH in Sept! Absolutely I have to say (since I'm the wife) you both need to attend. It makes sense financially, not only will you save $200.00 on the class, but also save time and frustration. Unless your wife plans to have no say in almost everything pertaining to the log home (and if she's like most women, I doubt it) then she needs to be there. For me personally, I plan to be very involved in the actual building & site management, and I plan on handling most of the research on county planning/regulations, a good portion of the online material/supply purchasing, and personally applying for & obtaining permits. All in all, your wife CAN be a big part of this process and I think it can be a very good opportunity for bonding & growing the marriage/family. I understand that some women may be caring for young ones, but that doesn't mean she can't be a part of the process. Once you both attend, it will probably be much easier to know how much she can be involved, depending on your situation. Well, my 3 cents worth....I just think it will be plain fun! Two heads are better than one, you know!

Yep, we've come to that conclusion - better if we're both in it together.

We've decided to drive to Las Vegas (we live north of Austin, TX) and do some sight-seeing on the way. We'll check in at Harrah's on Thursday night (1 September) then spend Friday relaxing and doing a little sight-seeing. We've decided to stay about a week after the seminar to take in some tours, helicopter rides and shows. it will be the first vacation we've had since I retired so we're both looking forward to it.

No kids - one is married and the other just graduated college - hence - we're on our own for the first time in a long time!

Oh yeah . . . we're also getting re-married at some cheesy chapel if we can. LOL

05-07-2011, 09:48 AM

> I think My wife believed she would have to drag me kicking and screaming all the way there

She'll likely be dragged back home after the class by you. Either that or you'll be jogging along behind her trying to catch up. It's amazing how excited you get with your new understanding, and can't wait to get home and start your new journey. You think your journey started when you found this site?

05-08-2011, 07:50 AM
HA! You may just be right there EK! A long days journey into night...Copy Paste/ Rinse Repeat