View Full Version : I love lotsa things but I REALLY love this forum...

03-12-2011, 01:12 PM
Recently a perfectly good thread about "building for resale" had run its course and turned into a squabble about different ways of building a log home. We all knew it would eventually deteriorate into a bloodbath that makes us all look like idiots. Most forums on the net are chock full of distractions like the mentioned thread was becoming. Most forums on the web don't hold my attention for long. This one is different. I really like the LHBA forum and am proud to be a LHBA member.

The Webmasters on this forum allow our free interactions, and rarely do they personally post. Without acting like a bunch of tyrannical bullies, they seem to keep this thing rolling along with a high level of decorum and class. They (the Webmasters) know that we gain as much from answering questions as we learn from getting our own questions answered.

This forum is about the LHBA way of building log homes and changing the lives of it's members. Call us a cult if you want, but I am a 20 year veteran and a full believer. This system works and it works in a way that is becoming rarer and rarer in our modern society. It works by showing a person or a family that they can grab their own bootstraps and pull themselves out of whatever mess they are aimed at. They can make their own dream come true. They can build that log home they have always dreamed of. They can do it legally and regardless of religious belief or creed. Race or country of birth are not a constraint.

The Moderators locked out a non-member who was posting ideas that were confusing the issue. By all measures he was intelligent, knowledgeable, and personable. Perhaps he could have come up with a system that could do the same as the LHBA has... But I doubt it.

It was fun while it lasted but I'm ready to get on with the task at hand. My family is building a Skip Ellsworth (LHBA) style log home and when we are done, it'll belong to us and the tax collector. Our great Grandkids will romp on the stairs and eventually it'll get sold to pay some deadbeat heir's debts. We don't care... we are doing this for us and our Son.

We're lucky. We took the class from Skip back in the days before the internet. In those days we were able to meet, once a month at Skip's place near Seattle, with other LHBA members and discuss problems and setbacks and generally push each other along toward completion of a log home.

You folks nowadays are luckier. You now have this forum that allows folks from all over the WORLD to get together at all hours of the day or night and keep each other on the straight and narrow. Heck, we even have a place to tell our corny jokes!

Dear Moderators, Please accept, from a longtime LHBA, my heartfelt thanks for making and keeping this forum what it is today. Skip got me started but without this forum, the home that we are building would have been made out of lumber. Perish the thought!

Thank You, Ellsworth and Steve (and anyone who is faceless and behind the scene).


03-12-2011, 02:09 PM
My family is building a Skip Ellsworth (LHBA) style log home and when we are done, it'll belong to us...
I rarely say I agree... but I entirely agree.
Great looking logs (not "dark/rough log heavy", I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.) and home LHN. Do you have a photo site... If you have mentioned it, I have lost it.

03-13-2011, 07:14 AM
and I agree with BOTH of you!
this place/these forums/the LHBA way is helping us realize the dream of building our own home without a mortgag (and because of that we'll be able to retire some day).
Cheers's to Ellsworth and Steve, Cheer's to Skip, Cheers to these forums, Cheers to the LHBA way!

03-13-2011, 10:10 PM
As usual, great post LHN!

03-14-2011, 06:11 AM
I gotta concur 100% LHN - great post!
I also admire the manner in which you made comments on the referenced thread that's locked. You kept your cool, responded with an open mind and ..... aaah heck dude, well done. ;)

03-14-2011, 09:08 AM

Great post...it could not have been said any better. As a matter of fact, thanks for all your posts, they are always entertaining AND enlightening...and to the rest of the LHBA family thanks for your guidance & encouragement as well. Skip started with a dream and it has obviously been left in great hands to carry on. Ellsworth, Steve and anyone else behind the scenes...great job & keep up the good work.