View Full Version : Taking class in Las Vegas vs Wallace Falls Lodge in WA

01-06-2011, 02:16 PM
Hello everyone, was wanting to here from the members or instructors on taking the class in Las Vegas vs Wallace Falls Lodge...I really wanted to take the class in WA, so me and my wife could see the butt and pass log home in person. (I would think that the ability to see one in person would be inspirational for my wife to see how possible this could be) I don't want to take away from the experience from seeing first hand of a butt and pass log home, however, I don't see many classes being offered in WA anymore...What are the pros and cons of both places. We are really excited and I've been waiting patiently for a long time to take the class...This log home community is awesome and I've enjoyed reading yall's post...My hats off to all of you...

Keith & Renee

01-07-2011, 08:58 AM
Hiya! Last year I had the choice of taking the class in Boston or Wallace Falls Lodge. I lived in Boston so I signed up for that class but I always regretted it a little. You will walk away from either class with the ability to throw up a log home but I think it would have been really enjoyable staying at the lodge. I may end up taking a vacation up there sometime. The Lodge is among my very favorites of all the log homes that had been built on this site. Have fun at the class.

01-07-2011, 06:39 PM
I do not know about Vegas it seems to be the worst possible place to inspire someone to build a log home, does any one else know if they are scheduling anywhere else? I have reasons for not wanting to go to vegas and yes I do understand it is not for sightseeing. Any thoughts?

01-08-2011, 11:08 AM
Yes, I think I should wait out until they hold one in WA. I think it would be better for both me and my wife to see up close and personnel a log home that has been done. Just feel like it would be more beneficial for us. We won't be ready for another 6-11 yrs before we are ready to build. Plus WA or AK is a place that we may retire at or at least get stationed there before we retire. Thanks for the replies and input.

01-11-2011, 08:33 AM
I'm signed up for the February class and am looking forward to it A LOT. Never-the-less, I too am wishing it was going to be anywhere but Las Vegas, especially on a holiday weekend. I'm assuming most of us who want to build log houses are more into pristine lakes and wilderness than the glitz and phony excitement of Vegas. If the class was during the week, I could see the bargain aspect, but on a holiday weekend, it's top dollar only. But, hey, they keep scheduling classes there, so there must be a reason. I'm too curious and excited to wait for another location. Any insider scoops on where to stay there will be appreciated.

great scott
01-11-2011, 01:58 PM
i am in the same boat. i would much prefer to go to the class in washington and be able to see the real deal - a b&p log home built by skip! what more could you ask for! not only would this help me in understanding construction details, etc, but i believe it would be a "seal-the-deal" type thing for my wife, who is a skeptic of EVERYTHING!

does anyone know when the last class in washington was offered or how long ago it was? trying to get somewhat of a grip on how long i would have to wait if i hold out for a wa class. thanks!

01-11-2011, 03:08 PM
I don't know how long it has been since a class was held at wallace falls in Wa. it has been 3 years since a class was held at Skip's big house. I don't forsee another ever being held there. It is sad really, that house is a huge inspiration to the LH Builders. I think there may have been some legal issues with Skip's passing (Last Will and Testament, etc). Anyway, it is kindof a personal topic for the Heirs to work out.


01-11-2011, 03:43 PM
Is their possibly a Mod or someone connected that could answer the question about why Vegas, and if there is something being offered elsewhere in the future, thanks all.

01-11-2011, 04:20 PM
They hold the class in Vegas because it's convenient. Cheap flights and cheaper hotels. Even if it is a holiday weekend people will be able to find reasonably priced accomadations. Somehow this seems to have turned into an anti Vegas thread. Another plus for holding it there is people can combine the class with a little vacation, do a little gambling, catch a show. They bop the class around a little.

Last year they had one in Boston because they had a bunch of eastcoasters on the waiting list to take the class. Maybe there's a large group from the west coast on the current waiting list?

01-11-2011, 06:08 PM
[QUOTE=ccosborne3;56902] "They bop the class around a little."

What does that mean? Don't laugh; I really don't know.

01-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Too late, a giggle escaped :D. Just a figure of speech. The last 3 classes were held in 3 different locations, Vegas, WA, and Boston. Theoretically they could have a class anywhere.

Wa, isn't all that convenient, it's way up in the upper left hand corner of the country. If someone is driving there it's quite an ordeal. They have classes there but I'd bet that the majority of people that take the class at Wallace Falls Lodge are from Washington or Oregon. Conincidently, I was checking airfares to Seattle yesterday for my pops (wants to go see Sox/Mariners this summer) and it's cheaper by 40% to fly to Boston from Phoenix than it would be to fly to Seattle.

Vegas is a convenient location and from the LHBA point of view probably a concession. My impression is that they wanted to find a destination that is much easier to travel to. Anyone, anywhere can get to Vegas easily, it's a worldwide destination. Keep in mind that people from all over the world attend the classes, check out the "Roy from Africa" log home, one of the best there is.

The instructors, Ellsworth & Steve, spend alot of time in the Phillipines. Now that would be a cool place to attend the class!

01-11-2011, 09:05 PM
Yes, I spent at least an hour looking at the photos of that eucalyptus log home in Africa when I first signed up. It's definitely worth a second visit.

Are you in the Phoenix area, too? There are some pretty cheap fares to the Seattle area on Allegiant Air. They fly out of the old Williams AFB to somewhere a little north of Seattle, I think.

Your explanation of Vegas being an easy destination for everyone rings very true. Now I'm just really glad it's there and NOT in the Phillipines. Whew!

Question: Do you know if the class truly end at 8 p.m. on Sunday night, or is that when people start shopping for building plans, etc.? I don't want to miss anything but I don't want to hang around if nothing's happening and there's a 9:35 pm flight I'm thinking about booking. What do you think?

01-11-2011, 09:35 PM
I don't have anything against vegas or any other city for that matter...it is more a show and tell for me, although, it might take away from classroom time which may be more important than getting lost in the moment of dreaming. I can look at the students log home pics for hours, I can't imagine if I was in there in person, I don't know if I would be able to stay focused on the instructors. Lol. I want to take the class within the next 2yrs so if nothing comes open in WA, then Vegas or wherever, here i come. Good luck to those going to Vegas.

01-12-2011, 05:12 AM
Question: Do you know if the class truly end at 8 p.m. on Sunday night, or is that when people start shopping for building plans, etc.? I don't want to miss anything but I don't want to hang around if nothing's happening and there's a 9:35 pm flight I'm thinking about booking. What do you think?

My class ran a little late the last day, I'd look for a later flight. Even if you got out of there at 8PM sharp it would be pretty tight. People ask a lot of questions in the class and it takes up time, makes it hard to predict how long the class takes.

01-12-2011, 05:16 AM
Are you in the Phoenix area, too? There are some pretty cheap fares to the Seattle area on Allegiant Air. They fly out of the old Williams AFB to somewhere a little north of Seattle, I think.

Cool, thanks for the tip. I have family that live in the Phoenix area and I'll pass that along.

01-12-2011, 11:37 AM
I live on the east coast in Pa, so I was hoping to not have to travel that far, again does any one know if their will be another location offered in the near future? thanks

01-12-2011, 12:16 PM
We're doing classes in Vegas because we asked people where they actually wanted to take the class, and the most common answer was Vegas.

After thinking about it, we decided that location made a lot of sense.

It's usually very cheap to fly there
You don't need to rent a car, due to free hotel shuttles and public transportation
Off strip hotels are very inexpensive
There are tons of tourist type things to do

The Vegas and WA class are identical. WA is in a B&P home, but Vegas is much cheaper. You'll leave either class knowing how to build a real log home the right way.

We haven't heard anything negative from members who attended in Vegas. You might want to read the typical feedback we get about the Vegas class (http://www.loghomebuilders.org/log-home-class-hotel-student-feedback-and-testimonials).

I'm fairly certain that any class we offer in 2011 will be in Vegas. We'll might do a WA class in 2012 -- if the world still exists ;) But Vegas has been working very well, and people have been so satisfied, that most classes will probably be in Vegas for a while.

Regarding when the class lets out, we aim for 8:30. As ccosborne3 points out, it's sometimes hard to meet that deadline exactly. Occasionally it might run an hour or so late.

FYI, the fastest way to get get info about our schedule or class locations is to contact staff directly via email or phone (http://www.loghomebuilders.org/contact-us).

01-12-2011, 01:58 PM
I attended your first class May 2004 in the big big log home. No camera's were allowed. When I went back for a members meeting, I started drawing several things that I just missed. I also vividly remember seeing the log home that is chinkless that your dad built (I presume). Being an extremely visual person, I knew that I was going to build. I had confidence just from what I saw. I knew could do it. Even my first post in this forum, I had doubts about lots of stuff, but no doubt about building.
If and when the classes return to Washington, I would like to offer a small tour of log homes on Camano Island for those that need a more visual picture. Note; I am only there from May to Oct.

01-12-2011, 09:04 PM
thanks for clearing up my questions about locations of the class. I've read nothing but great reviews from both locations and I'm open to either location, but my preference would be in WA. (i'm a visual person) but I'm sure after taking the class and becoming a card carrying member, I will have plenty of opportunity to visit and help other members with there homes.

I've spent the last hour looking at pics of your well built log home. Very impressive. Is that the log home you mentioned in Camaron Island? Was that your first home, and how long did it take you to complete? Anyhow, you have a very nice log home (garden too).

Thanks, Keith

01-12-2011, 09:08 PM
Sorry Rocklock, i meant Camano Island.

01-12-2011, 11:23 PM
Yes, it is my first log home. I started in 2005 - permits took 18 months to get. 2006 we cleared the land, and did the did the foundation (cut and stacked about 6,000 board feet of lumber. 2007 got the logs and stacked them - with a partial roof. 2008 Did a bunch of small stuff like floors and the big thing was the metal roof. 2009 was windows, doors and gable ends. 2010 was septic, green house, lots of finish stuff, rough pluming and electrical. This next year will be finish plumbing, electrical, main floor, kitchen, cleaning up the well water, and a cement floor in the basement with radiant heat. I hope to have my final inspection in May 2012.
We have practiced almost everything on the well shed... There are lots of pictures...
I would like to build several more, but we'll see...

01-13-2011, 08:45 AM
Wa vs Vegas,
I took the class in Wa., and very glad I did. The wallace falls lodge was amazing, and SLEEPING in a real log home was great. I got lucky on airfare from upstate NY (400 rd.trip!) and met Keith from La. and carpooled up. Really cool.
Now all that being said, I WOULD do vegas- for one I haven't been there yet, and the cost of everything Mr. E. said would be great. MOST IMPORTANTLY- there ARE LHBA'ers everywhere! Once you're a member, you get access to the members side of the forum. Chances are there's either a finished B&P log home or one being built within a reasonable distance to you.
I was happy to meet Jeff, Stargazer, and go see his HUGE 40x40. I learned a lot from him, got to 'kick the tires' and I've helped a few times out there. I broke ground in April '10, and since then I've met about 6 other LHBA'ers that are a reasonable drive from me. The friendship, wisdom, tool-sharing, help and brotherhood we've shared is immeasurable.
SO take it in Vegas (you may have no choice this year perhaps?) and then find your local LHBA'ers. Go get covered in pine sap at a peeling party. The class is amazing, worth 10 times the cost, to me. Helping work on a friends log home is where the log fever really kicks in...

01-14-2011, 12:56 PM
Wow, it seems to be a journey for you. I'm noticing that it takes most people yrs to complete. Is that because of finding the time and making sure to do everything with cash so as to not have a 30 yr note? I hope u meet your deadline of 2012. I travel through WA every now and then, It would be nice to swing by and take a tour, that is after becoming a member.


Thanks for the input, as much as I would like to go to WA, I think I'm gonna go to the next one when I have the finances. I was trying to plan on this May class, however I just found out yesterday that my transmission went out on my truck.  and the worst thing about it is "it was my fault"... so maybe late 2011 or sometime in 2012. I'm sure it will workout wherever I attend the class.

01-14-2011, 04:49 PM
I'm in CA and took the class in Washington. But I wish Vegas was an option at the time. It would have saved me a bunch as we get really cheap flights to Vegas. That said, it doesn't matter what the cost is. It's always expensive. But whatever the cost, it's cheap once you find out all you get for the price. Besides, we rented a motorhome and enjoyed the trip. Dropped the kids off in Seattle with family. It was a beautiful trip. Much more so than flying to Vegas.

01-17-2011, 09:10 AM
I just finished the class in Vegas. It was outstanding!! I'm not sure how much benefit you'd get from taking it in one location as opposed to another. There is no time for a hands on portion in the class. We went from 0900 to after 2100hrs (that is 9am to 9pm) for you non 24hr time people both days. There was hardly time for breaks let alone having every person actually try the techniques.

Honestly Ellworth and Steve do such a great job explaining the process I think hands on would have bogged things down as you would have had to wait for each person to complete a task...

If you get the chance to take the class, DO IT!!! I can't recommend it enough

01-17-2011, 12:18 PM
grimjack, don't forget to email someone (or maybe PM would work now?) to get your "junior member" upgraded to "LHBA Member" and We'll see you on the other side.

01-17-2011, 12:58 PM
My wife & I also just got back from the Vegas class. What a great class. I can promise that you will be exhausted at the end of both days! A LOT of info. Ellsworth & Steve do a great job. We have already sent our request for access to the other side and can't wait to see all that is over there. To all that haven't been yet, save up your money and go, it is worth it.

01-17-2011, 01:06 PM
grimjack, don't forget to email someone (or maybe PM would work now?) to get your "junior member" upgraded to "LHBA Member" and We'll see you on the other side.

Already sent it off....just waiting for Steve or Mr. E to do their magic!

01-17-2011, 05:24 PM
My wife took the class in Vegas, I took the class in Washington. I don't really think I would let one place or the other hold you up. You will be in class 12-13 hours a day. IMO, there is not a lot to
do, other than listen and take a lot of notes. I would look at the big picture: Try and learn as much as you can while you are there. The stories and information will be enough to "inspire" you.

The faster you get in the class, the faster you can start the process. Good Luck!!

01-18-2011, 06:43 AM
Thanks all for the input, I'm sure it has helped a lot of people out with their decisions on where to take the class. I know it has helped me make my decision on taking the next class available (wherever that may be).