View Full Version : Log driveway up and over

09-04-2010, 07:58 PM
Hello everyone..... hoping i could find someone who does, or has done a driveway arch and or gate with raw logs. I want a nice looking gate connected to it..... i'll start with that first, the log cabin will come later. Thanks for any response in this regard.


09-08-2010, 07:41 AM
Hello Aldo,
It seems that on this site most everybody does everything themselves.
I did one similar once and it was quite easy to make. I buried the vertical support logs in the ground and they lasted about 15 years before the signs of rot encouraged us to take them down. The supports were Doug Fir. I'm sure using Cedar or other more rot resistant wood would have helped that design last much longer.
To do it again, I would pour raised cement pads for the logs to sit on to help them last. Leave a piece of rebar sticking up out of the pad a foot or more to stick up in the pre-drilled support log ends. Use smaller log braces at about 45 degrees also off of concrete pads with rebar from front and back to keep it supported with a bit of flare making the entry seem wider, then use big allthread to tie those supports into the vertical (saw this in Colorado and it looked real nice) put the top log on there with pre-drilled holes the size of the rebar you are using to tie it together and pound the rebar at least a foot into the vertical support logs. Then hang your widest set of long horns up there, and the scrolled iron name of your ranch hanging from chains and you'll be set.
Those are two ideas to help you design your own. You can buy the gate parts wherever you get your gate to connect it to the verticals.

09-08-2010, 10:19 AM
I was thinking of doing something like this if I could find some decent black locust. I hadn't thought of using a triple pole arrangement, but I do like that look.

09-08-2010, 01:40 PM
Dig the hole. Put log in standing on end. Poor dry cement in the hole around the log. Add water like they do on the DIY channel.
Tomorrow come back and mound the cement up around the log a couple of inches so no water will pool around the log and will be shed away from same. Should last longer than I will.

09-08-2010, 03:21 PM
Mr. Kemper did you steal that avatar from LHN?

09-09-2010, 06:48 AM
Hey Panderson, You leave Ed alone about his avitar. He bought and paid for it and can do what he wants with it.... And it does kinda look like him. HHahahHA.

09-09-2010, 07:16 AM
OK, I'll stand down. just wanted to be sure it was all on the up-and-up. enough said:)

09-09-2010, 12:16 PM
It might also be a warning. I didn't have that avatar until after I was there working with them. I'm just saying . . ..
While it is a reference to muffins, it doesn't look like any of them at all. It was more of a self portrait. <smile>

09-09-2010, 03:35 PM
OK then. as long as the two of you worked it out. still, its hard for me to see your avatar and not think of LHN=muffin man.
too its hard for me to imagine YOU looking anything like that....:)

09-09-2010, 04:38 PM
We do look a bit alike. Same age group... Similar backgrounds... Trust me, you don't want either of us to use our real photo as our avitar. I wouldn't be proper. If it'd make it easier on you I could be a poppyseed muffin man.


09-10-2010, 04:52 AM
LHN, I sure appreciate your trying to make it easier on me. I need all the help I can get:)

09-12-2010, 11:45 AM
I'll return your muffin avatar if you'll stop using my picture. Deal?
PS: That's an old picture. I look better now. I trimmed my mustache and combed my hair, once.

09-12-2010, 12:53 PM
I love that idea, because I was called to a log home a few years back and it offered me a few days work ! Someone decided to have an exterior ridge support ! sooooo. They dug a hole big enough for a 55 gallon drum outside their house perimeter about ten feet, then , they stood up their ridge support pole in it, then they filled around it with concrete. Guess what my job was? Somehow supporting the ridge while and keeping the rpsl steady I cut the rpsl dug out the rotted base of the log , filled it with concrete added a sonotube and anchored the rpsl,,,,,, this was an interesting and challenging project but I sure had fun and made money at the same time. One project they built the arch over the drive too low to get their logs in, I sure love my stihl 065, thud :)
Mikey in cali, Skips journeyman class of 1987

09-12-2010, 01:20 PM
Just bought a 64 (20") and an 11 (14"?) if I remember correctly. New chaps, helmet/ear protection and files almost doubled the price. Now I'm ready to go.