View Full Version : What would you do with 1 or 2 THOUSAND trees

08-25-2005, 11:44 AM
Hello Everyone,

I would like to ask what to do with all the trees on my property. Last year my wife and I bought ten and one half acres. I was going to thin the land and build my dream house (stick) and then I started wondering if I could use all these trees to build the house. I have been looking on the net for info and came across this site.
The trees are Pontrosa pine and vary in size from 4" base to 24" base. I have recently been looking at the procut mill and think that's the way to go. I want to make timbers and siding out of the trees for my first project, the barn.
What would you do with all these trees?
Thanks for your input.


08-25-2005, 11:53 AM
First off... WHERE THE ARE YOU?! I WANT SOME! Second, i'd build a house, but that's just me. Take the golldang class, dude - you'll be very, very, very happy you did.

08-25-2005, 05:06 PM
Oh . . . . I don't know . . . maybe give them to all your buddies here at LHBA. :wink: :lol:

OK, seriously. I think I'd build a log home, and a pretty big one at that, first. Then I think I'd like to make a timberframe barn/garage/workshop. Then I think I'd cut a bunch more trees for more log homes, sub-divide the property into thirds, and build two more homes and sell them off. You could always sell off the first house to finance the construction of the next two homes if you don't mind spending a bit more time in a mobile home. Of course, I would make sure I really have enough timber to accomplish the goal first.

Sweet, I wish I had your problem. :wink:

08-25-2005, 07:55 PM
I'm with GAMMARAE..... Where are you located? :lol:
Sounds like you're in the position/location many of us would love to be in. That being "more trees than ideas"!
You still have time to make the Sept class if you hurry.....my wife and I will be there for the 14/15th.

good luck....roger

08-26-2005, 07:30 AM
Thanks guys,

I live in Flagstaff Arizona. And you have heard how people live in areas of the country that don't enforce building codes, well here is just the opposite. First I can not subdivide the property, and all the timber I use to build with needs to be stamped by an engineer.
So, I am checking on what it takes to get that done. I would like to take the class, but Sept. is just too soon.
Been checking aroud town to find an engineer and no one does it. Maybe I'' just give the trees to you guys...


08-26-2005, 07:47 AM
(please Lord, let this be for real)

08-26-2005, 12:40 PM
Usually the timber has to be graded and the building plans stamped by an engineer or a structural report made by an engineer showing that the design meets building requirements. Most engineers don't grade timber.

To have the timber graded, the best contact is Timber Products Inspection. They have one of the few services that grades raw logs for use in log homes. I have attached the information for the west coast offices. Contact them and they will get you in contact with certified TPI graders in your area.

Verify with the building officals that this is what they really want and be insistant that this is what the code requires.

P.S. We have another member currently building in Northern Arizona maybe he will read this post and share the name of his engineer with you (I don't remember it). I'm not licensed in Arizona but I'm building a referal database of engineers for LHBA members. If you find a good one let me know.

Good Luck. :lol:

TPI Grading Services http://www.tpinspection.com/

West Coast:
Casey Dean

08-26-2005, 03:27 PM
(please Lord, let this be for real)

LOL http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/titantornado/lol.gif

08-27-2005, 05:52 PM
Thanks Rock Engineer,
That's just what I'm looking for. I think this will get me back on track. Sorry GammaRae but it looks like I'll be building my own house now.

08-27-2005, 10:29 PM

wood bug
09-13-2005, 12:00 PM
Hey Hobbs, I just came back from a job in Showlow and my son lives in Scottsdale so I know your trees somewhat, while I was there I checked the prices on Log homes and a little on the reg's. The reg's are typical of a resort type area and the prices for log homes some reasonable some high, semed to depend on all the factors in the usual real estate market location, land type, ect tra I was kindof surprised that you can still buy some acreage for a decent price but usually out of town a little. I bet if you get a hold of a logging company there you may find a grader/ inspector to do your trees I saw several loggers driving through any way you have the hard problem solved having your own trees. 12months and your wood you might have a $200,000 - $400,000 place based on what I saw in the local real estate guide..TAKE THE CLASS...lol