View Full Version : Lifting Logs into place

02-14-2010, 06:40 PM
I will be building my own log home when I have acquired all of the information I need. One thing that does bother me is how the logs can be lifted into place. Do you hire a crane or are there some tricks to this. I would love to attend a school with you but I have just missed it.

Are there any videos I can ourchase while I wait for a new class to start?

Thanks everybody.

02-14-2010, 08:09 PM
One of the tenants of the LHBA is that people with much less technology did it hundreds of years ago, we aught to be able to too... I don't want to give away any LHBA "secrets," but Paul Kahle demonstrates how logs can be lifted using "hand" power, Ok, maybe a truck might help. Check out his site.


scroll down to the step by step link, and follow his journey.

BTW, all aspects of this method are outlined in the class, and advice from members who have done it this way and with powered methods is available (primarily on the member's side).

Good luck, and (you will see this recommendation in almost every thread) Take the class, you will save many times the cost. Oh, and it is true that over one stretch where no classes were offered for years, this has not been the norm lately. Classes have been offered several times every year. I figure you have just the right amount of time to read the public forums prior to the next class.

Unfortunately no "official" LHBA videos for sale. Members have shown their progress on Blogs, personal websites, and even youtube.

See you 'round.
