View Full Version : Couple pics!

09-30-2009, 03:42 PM
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm in the process of reconstructing a small 100+ year old log cabin on my property. Last weekend I got the gables and ridgepole up, in a couple weeks the roof sections go on. Looks like I'm going to make it before the snow flies!

This cabin of course has nothing in common with Skip's B&P construction methods (yes, I took the class back in the 90's). The logs are hand carved with an adz or spokeshave or some such archaic device to fit log-to-log and to lock at the corners (No spikes!). After some sanding and staining the logs finished up real nice, only had to replicate a couple of them. This has been an interesting project, as there's not a right angle, plumb line, or level surface on this thing! But I figure if it's stood 100 years, it'll stand another 100!

Anyway, here's a couple pics I took last weekend. Thanks to all for answering my wierd questions about this thing elsewhere in these forums.



09-30-2009, 06:33 PM
That's going to be a terribly pretty view you'll be enjoying.

09-30-2009, 09:50 PM
Here's another pic of my hunk of dirt, pre-cabin


09-30-2009, 10:30 PM
Thats kinda strang that notch was used in farm shed for live stock. I read allot books on cabins i never seen used for home ever. Was this used as a home in the past?
Watch Segal fire down below i think there was like 2 ore 3 of them in that movie.
It was filmed in appalachian hill in Kentucky There sheds old that film with V notch and it has be spiked becuse the weak v notch corners. Was this spiked with nail ore with wood dowl pin. Here in va and ohio i come across allot hand hewn ones.
I got one down the street i was investgate thats falling apart its saddle notch home in hole off the side the road.
I put a big over hangs on that so dosent rot and i also use white morter on it.
Just my view what look nice on it.
cool nice to see a thing of history still standing

2 cents
10-06-2009, 09:45 AM
i like your little cabin, what size was it again?
i second what chad said, would be nice to give it big overhangs.
great view, what state are you in? it's great to see a nice little cabin like that in a place like that, it really belongs there. :)

10-06-2009, 12:27 PM
The land is in Washington State, in the hills above Leavenworth. We bought that chunk of dirt years ago as an investment to be used as a college fund for my girls. Well, we fell in love with our little investment and we ain't selling! Besides, the girls don't need college. They're pretty, they can just marry wealth!

Cabin is about 18' square. Not much in the way of overhangs. It's got a fairly new metal roof that I was able to remove and transport in two sections, so that same roof is going back on. However, I'm adding on a huge front porch.

Roofs going on this weekend, and I'll hopefully get door/windows in and my rope chinking done. You're all invited to the cabin warming party ... but you'll have to come just a few at a time 'cause it's kinda small!

NM bound
10-06-2009, 04:43 PM
Looks like a great place for little R & R.
Bet your 4 legged pals enjoy it as well!

2 cents
10-07-2009, 07:48 AM

I put myself through college. Builds character. (Only because it didn't kill me-- HA HA!!) :)
My frugal skills are beyond reproach-- hence my handle.

Wow, I knew I'd like Leavenworth-- have never visited but heard they have a Bavarian-themed downtown, which sounds nifty.

I'm also building in Washington but living in Oregon right now. Grew up in Michigan so haven't seen much of Washington except for going to our build site & a few Seattle visits.

Looking forward to seeing pics of your huge front porch! That sounds like a most excellent plan.


10-07-2009, 10:53 AM
Is beautiful, so it is expensive; it is rare, so it is expensive. Also, it is fairly close to Seattle, so demand is high, which makes it expensive.

I looked around and quickly realized I could not afford any nice piece of ground near there. That is why I am where I am. Once you get to wenatchee, the trees stop, and don't start again until you get past tonasket. There are lots of crazy dope growers outside Tonasket, so I kept looking...

Long story short, that is beautiful property, but WAY outside my price range (probably in excess of 50k/acre).

2 cents
10-07-2009, 12:05 PM
if I got a place like that at a cheap price, you can bet I'd never give it up either!